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  • Jan 2, 2007, 03:10 PM
    Monitor reading 'no signal'
    I've had my Aurora 7500 PC for just about a year. Never had many problems with it.. but just recently, I got two nasty blue screens with Hexes that I wrote down somewhere, and then one day I woke up to a boot that said my system.config (or something like that) was corrupted/deleted and windows cannot startup. SO! I used the system recovery CD on my PC and it was back to good ol' factory condition.

    But the problems persisted! Firstly, I only had one piece of hardware that wasn't stock -
    X-FI Fatal1ty soundcard. When I first used my Alienware PC after the system recovery, most 'noises' were subsituted with a beep from the PC tower. The same kind of beep that it makes once every time I booted it up for as long as I can remember. Seeing as how I couldn't find my software installation for creative, I just unplugged my soundcard and hoped that it would revert to my mobo soundcard (AC'97). It didn't, and when I looked at the control panel's sound and audio devices, everything was gray and unclickable! It didn't trouble me much, I just had to find the software, then all would be better! But then, I was greeted with a nasty memory of a power flop that annihilated my former PC. I began to occasionally lose signal to my PC when it was left on for an hour or two. I told myself it was just because I had my (new) Xbox360 running in the same power outlet, so I moved my Xbox to another outlet, and never ran it while the PC was on. Instead of recovering, my PC went to hell! Just yesterday, I tried to boot it up, saw the Alienware title screen, heard the cute beep from the tower, passed through the Windows loading screen, then... flop! The screen flickers twice, then changes to a different shade of black, and the monitor reads 'no signal'

    Things I have done!

    -moved whole PC to outlet far away
    -checked inside PC (everything seems to be running, all the fans spinning at top notch speed!)
    -checked to see if BIOS would run (it does)
    -unplugged and replugged my X-FI card (doesn't seem to influence the power flop)
    -cried (nahhhhh)

    ATI 1900XTX 512MB GPU
    Dual core processor 2x2200 AMD (something.. )
    2GIGs RAM
    X-FI Fatal1ty (formerly AC'97)
    Averages 40-49 Degrees Celsius
    I can't check to see my hard drive, I just know that it's ty @ ~140Gigs of space and I have to (had to) spam-press the open button

    AAAAAAAAAAAND now I have to go. Help!
  • Jan 2, 2007, 03:18 PM
    You added something to your PC motherboard that made this problem check every thing is pluged in its place no wires out because some small wires popup from its place when you move something
  • Jan 2, 2007, 05:28 PM
    Hmm.. when I looked in my PC just now, I noticed an unplugged plug thing that I haven't noticed before, so I looked on the mobo for a slot, and sure enough, it was ideal for that plug. Unfortunately, the PC didn't start any differently, still said 'no signal' after the load..

    Also, when I was looking at the fans running, during two of the boot-ups, the fan on the mobo stopped spinning a couple seconds into the boot up. On another boot-up, it stopped spinning, then started again, and on the latest boot-up, it never stopped.


    P.S. I read all the related threads, nothing helped me
    P.S.S. my bum is sore
  • Jan 2, 2007, 05:45 PM
    Make sure the plug that you just pluged in is in the right place

    And if your using external pci or pcix-16, or agp card make sure that in the bois you select to start it from that card and make sure its plugged in right
  • Jan 3, 2007, 10:52 AM
    What's pci or pcix-16? :)

    Also - how do I know where all the plugs go, I don't have a layout or anything..
  • Jan 3, 2007, 01:46 PM
    Woohoo! Just for the hell of it, I connected my dad's monitor to my PC and it works fine. Guess I'm finally going to use that warranty on my monitor.
  • Jan 3, 2007, 05:53 PM

    Originally Posted by doop
    what's pci or pcix-16? :)

    also - how do I know where all the plugs go, I don't have a layout or anything..

    Old pc's use pci it's a white slot on your motherboard its for anycard you add to it

    New pc's got pcie-16 it's a new slot that's for new good graphics card thing is different its better that it does not make your PC laggy with graphics because it uses something named GPU that enters your PC prosessor.
  • Jan 7, 2007, 08:26 AM
    People who give alienware good money to get a gamin' rig PC are nuts in my opinion

    Its amazing how much you can learn on the net today so instead of throwing your hard earned cash at some over-charging company

    At least try and build your own

    Then if you successfully build your own PC (by the way this is what I have done)

    When things go wrong generally you can sort the problem out yourself

    And without voiding the expensive yet completely useless warranties that alienware and the such impart upon you


    If you build a really good gaming PC you can take a step back and think to yourelf "i did that"
    Not to mention the money you would have saved

    D.I.Y it's the way forward

    And if you don't know what that stands for then Google it

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