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  • Sep 19, 2010, 03:15 PM
    Is our house haunted
    Is my house haunted we moved in a year and a half ago. When me and my husband went for a shower we would get the feeling that someone was waching us. It would happen every time. It still happens but not as much.But now it seems to be getting worse. Our oldest son when he gos up the stairs he looks down the hall and runs into our room. My husbands had the feeling someone is waching him when he's doing the dishes and now he is starting to get the feeling that he is not welcome up the stairs he went into our bedroom the other day and something was telling him not to look up he did but he didn't see anything. Then last night I took our boys up to bed we were waching a dvd and the roomdoor opened it creect and opened a wee bit. Then when my husband came up to bed he said he heard a noise like someone was walking up the stairs and stopped at our roomdoor. Then the day we went out and when we came back in the boyses room light was on and the canvice was down on my wardrope and I had it rolled up at the tope with things on tope of it.Can anyone help us.
  • Sep 19, 2010, 03:53 PM
    Although a lot of people don't believe in this stuff your house could very well be haunted, your family could also be scaring themselves into thinking it is haunted.
    When I was young we believed we had a ghost in our house. We experiened weird animals behaviour from our cats and an unexplainable smell when certain visitors came around and at certain times of the day. The Tv in the room would start and turn off or would just turn grey (no signal). We to also had the feeling someone was watching us. It only ever happened in one room.
    My parents eventually got a preist or the person who deals with this sort of thing around to bless the room my mother passed out as the spirit left the room.
    I would suggest to you that you get a preist around or other person such as someone from your culture specialized in this. It may very well help and it sound like you need it.
  • Sep 21, 2010, 08:01 PM

    Linda and Ian
    Obviously the both of you are quite sensitive to these energies. These are classic signs of a spirits presents. They cannot hurt you immediately but over time they continue to install fear in our minds which does produce long term problems. Also with children in the home they should be removed ASAP. DO you have any pets?? If so watch your cat or dogs as they sit with you in the evenings. Animals can see spirits and you will notice your pets following them around the rooms with their eyes. Bad dreams are also a way they install fear


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