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  • Sep 10, 2010, 09:51 PM
    Is it safe to spray butane on firewood for the use of having a solid fire going?
    I have a lot of land with a lot of trees, was thinking of going into the firewood business but don't use firewood myself. I heard Butane starts fires instantly and keeps them going longer (as I know from the lighter fluid briquettes you can buy), Is it safe to lace the firewood I am going to sell with butane? Or is it to dangerous? I am just thinking it would be more convenient to the buyer to have the logs start a flame instantly and never go out as I heard the butane makes things burn longer and more thouroughly. Also is there a bad odor this will bring when burning the wood in say a fireplace?
  • Sep 11, 2010, 07:10 AM
    I don't think butane is what you want, butane is a gas at atmospheric pressure and room temperature.
  • Sep 11, 2010, 12:05 PM

    Yeah... I don't think butane is the answer here. I think you are thin king about something similar to lighter fluid... maybe?

    I'm not even sure you can soak the wood in anything that increases the flammability of the wood. I can almost see the wood catching fire as someone transports the wood home or as it is sitting outside their homes... HUGE LIABILITY for you!

    I might suggest that you sell ignition fluids, wood starter chips, kindling, etc... that kind of stuff along next to your wood. They also sell these neat crystals with metals in them to make the flames change color as the crystals burn... now that is great stuff for the kids around a small fire or even bigger bon fire... :)

    Anyway, that's my thoughts...


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