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  • Aug 27, 2010, 02:39 AM
    Weekly check ups?
    Hi, I'm 33 weeks pregnant and yestarday just had my visit to the clinic and now I have to go again on the 9 of September, I thin its now the start of the weekly check ups or something but am wondering, do I really have to go to all these check ups considering they will be charging at every visit and also the fact that at my work we only have one day and a half days leave per month and so would like to know whether I can skip some of these weekly visits as I am due on the 15 of October. Thank you in advance.
  • Aug 27, 2010, 03:22 AM

    You can, since there is no law stating that you have to go to every visit, but I really wouldn't recommend it. These last few weeks are when your doc will test you for GBS, which can cause menengitis in a baby. They'll also start performing cervical exams and keep an eye on how much you're dilating, and whether your baby has turned into the birthing position. Its also a good time to start discussing your birthing plan with your doctor if you haven't already.
  • Aug 27, 2010, 04:27 AM

    As Cameleon has said (welcome back Cameleon), the last few visits are very important. GBS, which is Group Beta Strep and is found in the vaginal canal of some women, is tested during these last few weeks. It is very harmful to the baby if a mother has it, but can be treated with antibiotics during labor.

    This is also the time when the doc will check your dilation and effacement. As well as when they will schedule an induction or C-Section if you need it.

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