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  • Aug 25, 2010, 08:49 PM
    Please Read Before Posting in the Dogs Forum!
    When posting in the pet forums.

    Lately we have been getting a lot more pet questions, which sadly has led to a lot of people giving very unhelpful or even harmful advice, so I felt that it's time to write a sticky that explains the criteria people should follow when posting in the pet forums (cats, dogs, other pets and animals).

    First and foremost, we do not support backyard breeders or puppy mills. If someone is asking for advice about breeding, most likely they aren't breeders but backyard breeders. A real breeder doesn't have to ask. If someone comes online asking about their already pregnant animal, than of course we're here to help and do our best, but all the pets experts on this site agree that we do not and will not advocate irresponsible breeding. There are far too many animals euthanized every year, we will not be part of the problem.

    No one, not even a vet, can give an accurate medical diagnosis on the Internet. Do not diagnose. If you had an animal that went through something similar, by all means, share your story, share the outcome, but do not suggest any form of treatment other than going to a vet. Also, if you're sharing a similar story, try to remember that the person posting is most likely very upset, stressed, and concerned about their pet. They do not need to hear “It's most likely a stroke and we had to put our cat down when that happened”. The OP is most likely not thinking rationally, so hearing that is not helpful, especially when the problem could be something easily fixed.

    The pet's experts on this site pride themselves on their compassion and their accuracy. We may not always agree completely about everything, food, training techniques, toys, declawing, tail cropping, but when it comes to the health and welfare of the animals in this world, we all want what's best for them, therefore we will not tolerate harmful, inaccurate or hurtful advice.

    You are not being discouraged to post just because you have a difference in opinion, in fact with training techniques etc we encourage it to give the asker a wide range of option to read and choose from... as we know, not every dog reacts the same, but please bare in mind that just because someone's opinion is different from yours it doesn't make it wrong.

    We welcome all opinions, and all advice, but please, keep the above guidelines in mind when posting so that the people coming here for answers get the most helpful advice we can offer.

    Thank you,

    The pet's team, Shazzy (dogs), Aurora Bell (dogs), Hheath (cats) and Altenweg (other pets & animals)
  • Aug 25, 2010, 09:02 PM

    Shazzy, I'm also going to stick this in Cats and other pets and animals, just to cover all the bases. :)
  • Aug 25, 2010, 09:29 PM

    Great Sticky! Good job guys! :)
  • Aug 25, 2010, 09:40 PM

    Thank you, thank you, don't throw flowers, just throw money, or chocolate. Heck, throw both. ;)

    I fixed your name Bella.

    All is right with the world. ;)
  • Aug 26, 2010, 09:07 AM

    LOL!! :p
  • Aug 30, 2010, 04:54 PM

    Ooooh I completely forgot to edit the first bit when I added this!! I didn't mean to take the credit, this was all Altys idea and her post I just added made some bits bolded!
  • Aug 30, 2010, 05:02 PM

    Originally Posted by shazamataz View Post
    Ooooh I completely forgot to edit the first bit when I added this!!! I didn't mean to take the credit, this was all Altys idea and her post I just added made some bits bolded!

    No worries Shazzy. Your added bits and bolds made it better. It was a combined effort, no credit needed.

    Sadly, like all sticky's, it seems to be ignored, but at least we have a link to post now when people get out of hand. Feel like using the link in two particular threads already. ;)
  • Aug 30, 2010, 05:04 PM

    LMAO, that's actually what I came in here to check! And yep, this sticky does include some rather relevant information doesn't it?
  • Sep 28, 2010, 03:27 AM
    Comment on Altenweg's post
    Your phrasing took me a bit by surprise. I was worried about the poor Cat for a split second .
  • Sep 28, 2010, 03:29 AM
    Comment on Aurora_Bell's post
    And you too AB. I heard a similar phrase in one of "those" movies.
  • Sep 28, 2010, 03:34 AM
    Comment on Altenweg's post
    With Allty, AB, Shazzy, and Hheath on the job ,
    How could the world be anything else than right... and beautiful ? ( last part stolen from Gordon Lightfoot)
  • Sep 28, 2010, 03:36 AM
    Comment on shazamataz's post
    Belated greenies for exceptional effort on the job
    And for being attractive all the time. Well done ladies.

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