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  • Dec 20, 2006, 04:49 PM
    Retail Theft $700
    I recently took aroun $700 from a retail store where I was working. I loaded it onto gift cards that I was going to give out. I did have the intention of repaying the money, but was caught before I had a chance (not that it would have made a difference). I know that it was incredibly wrong and in hind sight can't even believe that I did it. I have never been in any trouble before, short of maybe a speeding ticket once. I am 24 years old with an education and feel that I am a good person who made a really bad choice. I am also 6 months pregnant right now. The retail store is cancelling the gift cards that I purchased with the larger gift card, so really all that I ended up "getting away with", for lack of a better term, is maybe around $300 or $400. I was extremely cooperative with the officials and the executives during the entire situation. My question is, what is going to happen? I am going to court in a few days and don't know if I should get an attorney or not. Will I go to jail? Will I just be made to pay back the money with restitution? Will I have community service? Will this prohibit me from getting a job in the future? (I used to be a teacher, but took a year off to have a baby.) My family and friends do not know what is going on as of now, and I really want to keep it that way if possible. But my main concern is, will I be locked up in this situation? Please help! I deeply regret it all and just want to start over!
  • Dec 20, 2006, 05:02 PM
    Yes you needed the attorney before you admitted anything and talked to anyone or worked with "those nice people"

    And yes you need an attorney now but it is not going to do as much good.
    From a purely legal stand point, not a moral one, just getting caught does not mean you will ever be convicted if you have a good attorney, due to the rules of evidence.

    If you have admitted it all and confessed to it all, I am not sure much can be done from that standpoint.

    Depending on where you are from, what county ( Canada, US, Iraq) the laws differ and in the US the laws differ as to what is a felony and what is a misdemenaor.

    Yes you can and could do jail time for this, if you get the wrong judge on a wrong day. Most likely you will get probation, have to repay all the money taken plus normally a large fine and court costs and sometimes an additional punitive damges . This will be public knowledge and at least in our area all court dockets are published in the news paper for everyone to read.

    Esp if this is a felony you will have a hard time getting some jobs, and even a misdemeanor can stop you from being a teacher in many schools, ( at least for several years) So I would say don't expect to go back to teaching at least for a while. ( would your school want to hire you back if you are on probation, or have a felony conviction? )

    But while it is doubtful you will be locked up, it is possible, and no one will know for sure till the trial is over ( of if no trial if you plead guilty till the judge rules on the sentence)
  • Dec 20, 2006, 05:51 PM
    As for your family and friends? You made a mistake, you learned from your mistake and you will pay for your mistake.. . They can suck lemons. "The truth shall set you free" don't stare at the ceiling at night worrying just tackle the situation and move on there will be plenty more drama in your young life.

    I am sure everything will turn out O.K. and I wish you the best,
  • Dec 22, 2006, 06:10 PM
    I now have a lawyer and my actual court date (apparently that was just a preliminary?? ) is in January. I remembered that the people who first confronted me (the execs. At the store) told me that I would end up receiving a bill from a collections agency that included what I took plus restitution. They never said anything about convicting me. Is this something that can be settled? Or is that only when someone has been sued by another individual? I am willing to pay restitution, do community service, be on probation, anything... I just want to spare my family and stay out of jail. What do you think my chances are?

    By the way, thanks for your info earlier... it helped calm my nerves.

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