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  • Jul 26, 2010, 11:12 AM
    Is unemployment garnnishable for credit card judgements against me?
    Can they garnish unemployment benefits for a judgement on a credit card debt in the state of Wisconsin? The attorney for the credit card company also wants me to fill out a financial disclosure statement that the court said I have to do. Should I do this? Or if I don't fill it out could I be held in contempt of court? I do not have a job just a lot of bills so I think I am judgement proof. I am thinking of filing bankruptcy. Thanks for your help.
  • Jul 26, 2010, 11:19 AM

    Yes, they sure can.
  • Jul 26, 2010, 12:33 PM

    You are Judgment proof if you have no assets, not if you have no job.

    Judgments are good for approximately 20 years - so your creditors are hoping you gain some financial stability in the next 20 years.
  • Jul 26, 2010, 12:43 PM

    I worked for 50 years paying the politicians salaries. My job was illiminated and sent to India for pigmeys to do. I am now retired and I demand all my money be paid back to me for all the years I paid into the system, without any of it going to scumbuckest because I had to take all of my money out of savings and pay important bills. So by your answer I must file bankruptcy in order to keep my unemployment money that I might get in the future. Thanks for your input but it does not count due to your sarcastic remarks which I do not need nor will I accept!!
    I am looking for someone that can help not someone that will dehumanize me!!
    Did george bush jr find time to exercise or just start wars and then get on a jet and wave his stupid hand to people to show what a coward he really is? Think about that one. At least with the current president we will move forward. SO DO NOT CUT THIS OLD MAN DOWN AGAIN I WORKED ALL MY LIFE AND ITS TIME FOR ME TO ENJOY MY JUST REWARDS.
  • Jul 26, 2010, 12:53 PM

    You asked a question and it was answered, in the most clear and concise way possible. Who is dehumanizing you? You are not judgment proof - you have income. Which can and will be attacked by creditors if you fail to make other arrangements.

    Sorry if you don't like the answer, but its true nonetheless.
  • Jul 26, 2010, 01:15 PM

    Another person who can't pay his bills so it's everyone else's fault.

    Wonder why he's unemployed? Retired people can't collect, anyway.

    Although I have learned something - I was not aware of the large "pigmey" population in India.

    Also, in answer to the question, "Did george bush jr find time to exercise or just start wars and then get on a jet and wave his stupid hand to people to show what a coward he really is??" Yes, George Bush, Jr. (I thought the first was George Herbert Walker and the second was George Walker with no "Junior"- go figure) DID have find time to exercise. I've seen photos.

    This must be some sort of survey because same OP has asked the same question before -
  • Aug 2, 2010, 06:30 AM

    Originally Posted by wgreince View Post
    Can they garnish unemployment benefits for a judgement on a credit card debt in the state of Wisconsin? The attorney for the credit card company also wants me to fill out a financial disclosure statment that the court said I have to do. Should I do this? or if I dont fill it out could I be held in contempt of court? I do not have a job just a lot of bills so I think I am judgement proof. I am thinking of filing bankruptcy. Thanks for your help.

    If a judgment was placed against you in the state of Wisconsin, then yes, you are required to fill out a financial disclosure. Failure to do so can lead to you being held in contempt of court.


    Originally Posted by wgreince
    I worked for 50 years paying the politicians salaries. My job was illiminated and sent to India for pigmeys to do. I am now retired and I demand all my money be paid back to me for all the years I paid into the system, without any of it going to scumbuckest because I had to take all of my money out of savings and pay important bills. So by your answer I must file bankruptcy in order to keep my unemployment money that I might get in the future. Thanks for your input but it does not count due to your sarcastic remarks which I do not need nor will I accept!!!!!!!!!!!
    I am looking for someone that can help not someone that will dehumanize me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Did george bush jr find time to exercise or just start wars and then get on a jet and wave his stupid hand to people to show what a coward he really is?? Think about that one. At least with the current president we will move forward. SO DO NOT CUT THIS OLD MAN DOWN AGAIN I WORKED ALL MY LIFE AND ITS TIME FOR ME TO ENJOY MY JUST REWARDS.

    Is worthless drivel. Your job was not "illiminated" - it was outsourced. If you're retired, then you receive Social Security benefits - not unemployment.

    I am at a complete loss as to how you managed to tie filing bankruptcy into receiving unemployment benefits.

    And it doesn't matter who the President is. When people skip out on paying their bills, our economy suffers as a whole. It really saddens me that you think you're "getting yours" by screwing over someone else. Very tragic, Wayne.
  • Aug 2, 2010, 08:12 AM

    Originally Posted by JudyKayTee View Post
    Another person who can't pay his bills so it's everyone else's fault.

    Wonder why he's unemployed? Retired people can't collect, anyway.

    In Ohio you CAN collect unemployment even if you collect Social Security Retirement benefits. They changed the law a few years ago and allow the old farts to collect double. Just a little "perk" in Ohio for working when you're old. My educated guess is that this double dipping is allowed in other states other than Ohio.
    Just a heads up on the UE laws that were passed in the last few years.
  • Aug 2, 2010, 08:14 AM

    And to the original OP - You'll just have to face the facts that a creditor got a judgment and now wants to collect. Your Social Security Retirement checks (if you DO get SSR) are not garnishable - BUT your unemployment checks ARE. You did receive the benefit of the money you charged and the goods or services you received from the creditor. Why are you so upset that they now want to collect from you now?
  • Aug 2, 2010, 08:41 AM

    Originally Posted by twinkiedooter View Post
    And to the original OP - You'll just have to face the facts that a creditor got a judgment and now wants to collect. Your Social Security Retirement checks (if you DO get SSR) are not garnishable - BUT your unemployment checks ARE. You did receive the benefit of the money you charged and the goods or services you received from the creditor. Why are you so upset that they now want to collect from you now?

    It's Bush's fault - duh :rolleyes:

    I didn't realize Ohio had laws like that and just looked into it now; apparently Wisconsin also allows this. Which I find even more absurd because that means that the OP has TWO forms of income, yet "has no money." This judgment is for less than $3,000 which means that originally, it was probably half of that but they tacked on interest and late fees.
  • Aug 5, 2010, 10:28 AM

    Originally Posted by this8384 View Post
    It's Bush's fault - duh :rolleyes:

    I didn't realize Ohio had laws like that and just looked into it now; apparently Wisconsin also allows this. Which I find even more absurd because that means that the OP has TWO forms of income, yet "has no money." This judgment is for less than $3,000 which means that originally, it was probably half of that but they tacked on interest and late fees.

    I get the impression that the OP has a bad case of "oh gee, now I've gotten caught legally and now I have to pay what I owe. Oh woe is me".

    If the OP does collect double then I also agree what's the problem, bub?
  • Aug 5, 2010, 11:27 AM

    Originally Posted by twinkiedooter View Post
    I get the impression that the OP has a bad case of "oh gee, now I've gotten caught legally and now I have to pay what I owe. Oh woe is me".

    If the OP does collect double then I also agree what's the problem, bub?

    Uh, the problem is that he worked a job. Clearly, none of us here have done that... or paid taxes... and managed to pay our debts... so we cannot relate to what he's going through.

    I'm curious as to how he's going to manage to file bankruptcy with dual income. Should be interesting.
  • Aug 5, 2010, 11:30 AM

    Originally Posted by this8384 View Post
    Uh, the problem is that he worked a job. Clearly, none of us here have done that...or paid taxes...and managed to pay our we cannot relate to what he's going through.

    I'm curious as to how he's going to manage to file bankruptcy with dual income. Should be interesting.

    Even if he filed the bankruptcy case himself he'd still have to come up with the mandatory filing fee of $350 or so. What does this guy hope to gain unless he's going to lump every debt he has into this judgment/bankruptcy matter. He can file the bankruptcy paperwork himself but he's going to have to know what he's doing otherwise it will be dismissed.

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