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  • Jul 24, 2010, 01:34 PM
    Is anal sex allowed in islam between husband and wife?
    As salamualaikum sir,

    I am a sunni muslim from imam hanafi group. I got married 2 months back and have been sharing bed with my husband quite comfortably. But recently my husband has asked me to practice anal intercourse... to which I showed complete reluctance by saying that its not allowed in islam. But my husband says that couple can share their bodies in every way after getting married. Is it true? Please can I have convincing answer to my question in light of qura'an and sunnah.
  • Jul 24, 2010, 02:32 PM

    Perhaps this will help

    Islamic views on anal sex - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  • Jul 24, 2010, 07:41 PM

    It is not allowed in islam becoz of many reasons, one being that it causes diseases,
  • Oct 18, 2010, 12:07 PM
    It is not allowed in Islam. But if your husband wants to have anal sex with you and you don't have any problem, then just enjoy yourself.
  • May 26, 2011, 04:08 AM
    As I have read on internet almost all sunni scholar say that anal intercourse (insertion of penis into anus) is haram.
  • Dec 11, 2011, 05:52 AM
    Salam! My name is Ahmad Tamim, and I'm sunni. So please plesae please be aware of that, that in any group of islam hasband and wife are not allowed to have anal sex it completely haram, first you won't be able to have HAYA from your hasband after have anal sex. 2nd it is KABIRA SIN. 3rd after having anal sex couples are no more wife and hasband if they keep life in process they will be haram for each other like someone unknown in your life.4th I have heard in many places after have anal sex you and your hasband can do Ghusl it means in any any case its haram even if you hasband makes any story for this please stay away from doing that. He will understand slowly
  • Feb 22, 2012, 12:44 AM
    As far as I read it quotes the only one verse of Quran and thing is that how u understand,by the way there is nothing like "nikkah toot jata " Its not allowed in some fiqah of sunni and sin in some fiqa of sunni.but in shia its allowed if wife is permitted her husband to do it.
    so don't get confused , read out by yourself in surah baqra

    "" Your wives are as a tilth unto you; so approach your tilth when or how ye will; but do some good act for your souls beforehand; and fear God. And know that ye are to meet Him (in the Hereafter), and give (these) good tidings to those who believe. (The Noble Quran, 2:223)"

    so what I understand is if any thing is not clear u should avoid , and if some one did than ask for mafi and not worried a lot.and please please concerned to fiqqah imam or maulvi , because I am not alim, I share what I understand.
  • Feb 22, 2012, 06:07 PM
    of course you can have anal sex with your partner and it's makruh in some stage and I would recommend to have some precautions for that.
    The Bukhari Sharif Hadith 4170 states that anal sex is permissible (halal). It also refers towhatal-Bukhaaritells of Naafi'telling of Ibn Umar analysing the passage "so go to your tilth when or how you will". Umar's interpretation was that "he may approach her from …" (Volume 6, Book 60, Number 50 = #4253).[5]Umar's interpretation however has been questioned
  • Apr 19, 2012, 03:49 PM
    I'm not a Muslim but I can safely say that anal sex is not a holy or pure thing to do. It is displeasing to God. It also puts you at much greater risk of AIDS due to the increased chance of foreign protein entering the bloodstream. Check out this video on hiv/aids

    Back to the question at hand. Every natural desire that God gives us can be satisfied by natural things. God designed the world with meaning. It would be meaningless if God gave us the desire to eat but failed to create food. So if we hunger we have food, we have friends and company if feeling lonely. So in Gods meaningful creation, there is purpose. We know what the purpose of normal sex is; its ultimate meaning is procreation but what is the purpose of anal sex- it serves no meaningful purpose so its not designed by Allah. When anal sex is practiced you fail to share in the same purpose or design of Allah, in other words you fail to do his will.

    I don't know if that is of help, but like I said I'm not a Muslim

    Take care.
  • Jul 14, 2012, 02:33 PM
    Thanks man I was always asking my wife to try it but now I don't want after knowing anal sex is haram I took islam as my religion in 2008 thanks again
  • Jul 28, 2012, 10:53 AM
    Shut up you non muslim, why are causing people to go astray?
  • Jul 28, 2012, 10:58 AM

    Originally Posted by ascaacas View Post
    of course you can hace anal sex with your partner and and it's makruh in some stage and i would recommend to have some precautions for that.
    The Bukhari Sharif Hadith 4170 states that anal sex is permissible (halal). It also refers towhatal-Bukhaaritells of Naafi'telling of Ibn Umar analysing the passage "so go to your tilth when or how you will". Umar's interpretation was that "he may approach her from …" (Volume 6, Book 60, Number 50 = #4253).[5]Umar's interpretation however has been questioned

    Idiot if you are not a aalim then don't try and interpertate by enter any way it is talking about sex positions and I have confirmed this with my dad (aalim) and a couple of the greatest muftis in england.
  • Oct 5, 2012, 11:20 AM
    That is BS I'm not sure were is this guy is getting his information from! They can do whatever they please in their own bedroom as long as they are married and they both agree on it.
  • Oct 20, 2012, 09:47 AM
    For god's sake don't interpret ayaat as u want... anal sex is haram and nikah becomes "makrooh". N above all there is a saying of prophet PBUH stating that the person who performs anal sex is "Malo'on" .
  • Nov 22, 2012, 09:46 AM
    Salams to brother shariqss and all of you just want to clear the tafseer of ayat of bakrah brother shariqss has narrated, this ayat about "wife as your tilth and enter your tilth as you want" has nothing to do with ANAL sex... as brother ascaacas & non muslim brother boblos said it is unholy and makruh... there is not a single hadith (qudsi) which support ANAL SEX is permissible or halal... getting back to Surah baqrah Ayat... it was revealed because JEWS have this orthodox ideology upon doing sex at that time was that if they enter their women from behind while their woman is in DOGGIE position and they perform full intercourse while they remain on the top of woman and INSIDE their woman while she remains in DOGGIE position... the pregnancy (if occur) in the result of that intercourse (vaginal not anal) will result a CHILD with SQIUNT... that was believe of jews in those times... so it became debate on that time that don't do intercourse from behind which people interpret as ANAL sex... because they considered "behind" as ANUS not as "POSITION" entering VAGINA from BEHIND, Anal sex is makroh and unholy in islam

    So regarding woman as your tilth and approach them how ever you want is actually... approach woman VAGINA not ANUS (obviously one's wife not any woman) as husband wish to... from top , on top, from bottom, on bottom, side ways , inwardly , upwardly, from behind , from front etc etc etc...

    Hope now it help everyone ANAL sex is NOT allowed and looked upon Makruh in ISALM this is also not true that "NIKKAH TOOT JATA HAY" its baloney if someone has done ask for forgiveness and now don't do it again, that is all

    Waslam and
  • Nov 29, 2012, 02:52 AM
    What can be the practical pose fit for anal sex
  • Dec 5, 2012, 11:19 PM
    I am a Muslim and believe in contextual Islam. Generally, it is referred that anal sex is haram I Islam because fundamental product or aim of sex is reproduction. If so sex desire among human should be cyclic as in animals. In humanity, sex is a please and one can perform it 100 times. As regard anal sex, my personal view point is, probably it is not harm, may be restricted. Every sin punishable in Islam has a define reason. Say killing, robbery, Interest, what and what not. I am not a cleric but I think if husband and wife enjoy anal sex, there should be no reason to critics them.
  • Dec 26, 2012, 11:41 PM
    Arnaab Bugti
    Yes it is haram..
    Because God has given that hole to not to be ed.. and He has given vagina to be ed then why you get interest to where your wife s..
    You will be haram, your wife will be haram, your children will be harab, your relation will be haram, so please don't do this..
    If you still have any question than ask me..
  • Jan 8, 2013, 06:37 AM
    Abdul Rahman99
    As-salaam Alaikum, my question is regarding Anal Sex. I know clearly that anal sex is forbidden in Islam. However my husband is not a well practicing Muslim. I try to practrice Islam as closely as possible and try to remove things in my life that may be sinful. My Husband is overall an understand person and does not create any obstacle in me trying to follow Islam. However, when it comes to Sex, he does not like it at all when I put restrictions on him. He likes to have full freedom in this aspect. He reallys wants to do anal sex and I stop him but then he gets very upset and mad at me. Due to this he is even fading away his understanding for me in other areas of life. He is frustrated, and some times even if I don't like it, he has still performed anal sex with me. My question is, am I going to be punishable for this? In my heart, I know its wrong and I also try to stop him, but sometimes he just does not listen, will Allah hold me responsible for this? Am I sinful?


    In the Name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful.

    Dear Sister,

    I pray this message reaches you in good health and spirits.

    First, I would like to thank you for your question.

    Many sisters believe that their husbands can demand anything and everything when it comes to the bedroom. However, this is not the case.

    Sexual relations, even within a marriage, are subject to the rulings of Sacred Law. Islam is a complete way of life and there is an etiquette for every situation and every relationship.

    For a healthy view of marital intimacy, we must consult the Sunna of our Beloved Prophet, Allah bless him and give him peace, who was the "best of you to his family."

    Anal sex is prohibited in clear texts from the Prophet, Allah bless him and give him peace. A man who forces anal sex on his wife has sinned an enormity and is liable to being cursed by Allah, and we seek refuge in that!

    This is not an area Muslim couples should play around with. Anal sex is repulsive and simply has no place in a Muslim's sex life. It runs counter to the spirit of Islamic marriage, which is premised on love and mercy. Not only is anal sex physically injurious, it also violates the rights of the wife, who is entitled to vaginal intercourse and the right to have progeny through this intercourse if she wishes.

    Furthermore, anal sex is reminiscent of the way homosexual males approach each other. So why would a Muslim man wish to engage in this action with his wife when there are so many other permissible ways of experiencing sexual pleasure?

    Remember, each soul is accountable to Allah Ta'ala for what they have earned. Therefore, you are responsible before Allah Ta'ala according to the hadith of the Prophet, Allah bless him and give him peace, "No obedience to creation in disobedience to the Creator."

    Help your husband to obey Allah by not consenting to this reprehensible action. Please suggest other alternatives to your husband. There are many options to explore that are conducive to a healthy, halal sex life.

    If your husband still keeps forcing anal sex, then you need to seek counseling. If you say no, and your husband keeps on going, then this is considered marital rape, and no woman should tolerate this.

    So please see what can be done about creating a healthy, happy sexual relationship wherein each spouse is respected and given the Islamic courtesy they deserve.

    May Allah Ta'ala guide your husband to what is right.

    And Allah Ta'ala knows best.

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  • Jan 20, 2013, 03:44 PM
    The very important question I want to know. In Islam, if a husband force his wife for anal sex and perform anal sex with wife then what about Nikah? Does it Makru or Break Islamically? More Importantly I have heard from someone that a husband do anal sex with his wife even wife does not allow him to do but he bound his wife with rope on bed and did anal sex and still he is doing. Meanwhile one Masjid Amam told him that he can do Nikah again 2nd time with his wife and later again he did anal sex and again he did Nikah 3rd time with his wife.
    Can you please explain in details what I asked above. Hope you understand what I want to know.
    Specially Nikah will be Makru or break?
    Does it allow again and again nikah with a same wife after doing anal sex?

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