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  • May 28, 2003, 07:00 PM
    Boyfriend critical of way I dress...
    Okay, I have this boyfriend, and he and I have been going out for 7 months. I like to dress in baggy clothes, because they're comfortable. He, on the other hand, has a problem with them. We had this big fight about a month or two ago and he told me that looks don't matter, so we were okay (with that issue, we fight a lot) until today. He just pointed out my clothes, and I somewhat ignored it, for he tends to be critical of fashion, but he brought it up again later today and we are in the middle of a huge argument now. He knows that I like the way I look and feel in them and he swears he is not being shallow... he just doesn't like the clothes. I really love him, but we dissagree on so many things, it's getting ridiculous. My friends are tired of me asking them for advice because we fight so often, and I'm seriously getting tired of this all. I don't want to lose him because I love him, with all my heart. But I feel like he doesn't accept me for the way I am. He knows all of my feelings but he argues that that just isn't the type of style he likes. He even said that I look "sloppy" like that. Please help. I don't want to break up with him.
  • May 30, 2003, 10:18 AM
    boyfriend critical of way I dress...
    As yourself, "Why do I love him?" Think about it. If even a small part of the answer is that you do not feel accepted or like you have a life without a boyfriend then you do not love hin, you love the fact that you are a part of a couple which is the accepted norm. If he does not accept you for who you are now, IT WILL NOT GET BETTER. Only you can decide but I would vote for moving on.

    Best wishes,
  • Sep 3, 2003, 02:41 PM
    boyfriend critical of way I dress...
    People either love you for the way you are, or not... people who really love you will not harp on your dress or anything else. How someone dresses is a very personal issue, and oje which only you decide for yourself; right now, you are comfortable in baggy clothes; someday you might change and decide to wear antoher style, but for now, that is what you want. Period. If he doesn't like it, then he can find someone who dresses the way he feels is correct. Of course, you could compromise; for instance, if you were going to a party or out to dinner, then you could dress up a bit; otherwise, just for haning out, you get to dress any way you want...

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