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  • Feb 20, 2003, 03:01 PM
    My boyfriend (62 why.o male with 27 why.o. Female)
    One day my boyfriend of 2 years invited a guy that we work with and his girlfriend over to go riding in the mountains in my boyfriends jeep... My boyfriend is 62... I am 39 and this guys girlfried is 27... Anyway, my boyfriend was drinking quite a bit and so was the girl (who looked 17) anyway she ended up taking her shirt off and just wearing her bikini top and shorts... I absolutely did not think anything about this... I thought she was cute, no big deal... I guess my 62 year old boyfriend thought different any way later the girl said something flirty to my boyfriend and he looked kind of scared and looked at me and after they left acted all innocent... Saying "I can't believe that said that" and "she's nothing but a whore"... anyway to make a long story short I had to work the next day so I had to go home and my boyfriend told me he was going to bed then 3 days later I found out (by listening to a conversation that the girl and my boyfriend were having and not knowing I was listening) that he snuck out and went to the guys apartment where the girl was at and tried everyway he could to get her to come back home with him and have sex... I found out that the girls boyfriend was high and that my boyfriend tried everyway he could to get her to sneak out with him saying that her boyfriend wouldn't know where she was going and telling her that she turned him on... My boyfriend has had a record of screwing around on everywomen that he has ever been with but he has told me that he learned his lesson and swore to me that he would never do it to me again... He cried and cried and begged me to forgive him and I have tried and tried but can't seem to get over it... In my mind I think he's a creep but I feel sorry for him when he cries... HELP!
  • Mar 5, 2003, 06:08 PM
    My boyfriend (62 why.o male with 27 why.o. Female)
    I believe once a dog always a dog. You know his history and nomatter how old they get sometimes they get worse with time, especially men who have a strong sexual desire as your boyfriend. She flirted and he got turned on and took her actions as a calling. I would get rid of him only because if she did get together with him when he wanted her too he would have cheated. Well she didn't go but he his intentions were to cheat and you don't need a man like that.
  • Mar 6, 2003, 12:11 PM
    My boyfriend (62 why.o male with 27 why.o. Female)
    This one is easy. Leave him. End of discussion
  • May 16, 2003, 02:18 AM
    My boyfriend (62 why.o male with 27 why.o. Female)
    You know maybe he sees you differently than what you see him, respect his beliefs as he should yours... best of luck

    Chaz :)
  • Sep 3, 2003, 02:57 PM
    My boyfriend (62 why.o male with 27 why.o. Female)
    Once a cheater... you can forgive him and take him back, but know that there are never any guarantees with anyone. People are only human, as they say, and temptation can come along at any time from any source, and no matter what he says, there is always the possibility that there will be a next time. You either accept that or not, but nothing is completely solid and no one is imune from cheating.
  • Sep 4, 2003, 10:12 PM
    My boyfriend (62 why.o male with 27 why.o. Female)
    It doesn't bug you he was legally drinking before you were born?

    ~ Jon
  • Sep 14, 2003, 07:31 PM
    My boyfriend (62 why.o male with 27 why.o. Female)
    I can't say once a cheater always a cheater because that simply isn't so.. I myself used to be bad but finally found a woman whom I truly love and respect with all my heart and soul but from experience I can tell you he is more sorry he got caught that the actual deed of trying to proposistion her you caught him in the act of trying to set up a rendezvous... And his reaction to her flirtyness was shame and guilt he was trying to cover his behind for what he actually thought for the most part don't feel sorry for him he is only saddened that he got caught not for what he did given opportunity he would do it again... If you stay with him just keep a sharp eye and ear out for signs my persoal opinion is he isn't the man for you but that is my opinion just be aware

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