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  • Jul 13, 2010, 03:47 AM
    Is there a Bad or Evil Spirit in my Grandaughter's Room?
    My Grandaughter is 21 months and every night in the middle of the night she wakes up screaming scared really bad. I'm really worried about her this has become an every night thing for her. This only happens in the Bedroom that her my daughter and my son- in law share. If my Grandaughter falls asleep in my room with me she sleeps peacful all night or when this happens and I get her from her room and bring her to mine after a few min she will stop crying and go back to sleep the rest of the night. What do you think is happening to her or what do you think is scaring her so bad at night, This doesn't happened when she naps during the day only when she goes to bed at night. Very Worried NaNa in California
  • Jul 13, 2010, 05:05 AM

    I can see what the problem is right now; she gets more attention from you then she does her mother; and possibly your daughter wants to be alone with her husband. You are enabling her and developing a very bad habit. She needs to realize that you are not going to 'rescue' her every time she screams in the night.

    Nope, no evil spirit in your grand-daughter's room. Where did you get that idea ?

  • Dec 25, 2010, 08:42 PM
    It could be night terrors. Kind of like sleep walking. Only if she is having a bad dream she would act out (screaming) as if she is awake but really alseep. My daughter was 2 years old when this started happening to her. No demons or bad spirits. Her Physician called it night terrors. Google night terrors for more information. Hope this helps.

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