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-   -   Will Nopalea by Trivita,cause side effects with(Rx) Plavix,Hydrocodone,Niaspan ER.. (

  • Jul 7, 2010, 04:37 AM
    Will Nopalea by Trivita,cause side effects with(Rx) Plavix,Hydrocodone,Niaspan ER..
    -,I*d Like to know if this Nopalea Juice would have side effects if I`m taking {Rx} Enalapril Maleate/Lisinopril,/Ibuprofen 600 Mg/ Metformin HCL 500 Mg & One Depression [Rx]. These are the majority of the (Rx*s) my Father & I Are taking . Back in mid May,10 my father broke his arm. When I heard of -nopalea- it looked like something I might want to try. If this is not too involved the first set of doctors missed the fact that my fathers upper arm bone was broken;the 2nd set of (Dr.`s) found the bone brake 25 May 10 ,surgery was done 2 Jun,10/so,Nopalea;`deal or no deal`? JES
  • Jul 7, 2010, 02:16 PM

    Your pharmacist is your best resource for this question. They deal with these products daily including the naturals or supplements. You should be commended for asking before using.
  • Oct 18, 2010, 09:07 AM
    Don't know if you ever got your answer, but there have been a lot of studies and are more currently underway by the CDC and NIH in regards to the positive effects of Opuntia/Nopal Cactus which is the main ingredient in Nopalea. There has also been a study in regards to Nopal and any negative interactions with medications. The studies state there are no known negative interactions. I will say that the previous answer is correct though, always, ALWAYS check with your Doctor for any concerns.
    I will say if your Doctor would like some information if he is not familiar with the studies, I am more than happy to help by sending you some specific studies and links within the NIH.
    I can tell you I do know of someone who uses Nopalea, is on anti rejection medicines for a kidney transplant, is a diabetic and had a stroke and uses Nopalea. Imagine the drug cocktail he takes every day! LOL. His Dr. at Columbia Pres. Has no issues with him using Nopalea.
    Nopalea does indeed help reduce inflammation thus reducing pain. Inflammation, chronic inflammation and silent inflammation can be a precursor to many of the ailments we suffer from today.


    -Corie Wallace

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