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  • Dec 10, 2006, 10:30 PM
    Iranian Muslims
    These Iranian Muslims tell us that their savior fell down a well many, many years ago. They say that to allow their savior to come up out of the well, they must kill all of us infidels, or at least start the apocalypse. OK, fine, but, the thought occurred to me that GOD cast Satan and his demons into the abyss, (well), and Revelation tells us Satan will be out for armageddon (apocalypse). Could it be that their lord and savior is Satan? One and the same as the guy that fell into the well many, many years ago?
  • Dec 11, 2006, 11:48 AM

    Originally Posted by magprob
    These Iranian Muslims tell us that their savior fell down a well many, many years ago. They say that to allow their savior to come up out of the well, they must kill all of us infidels, or at least start the apocalypse. OK, fine, but, the thought occured to me that GOD cast Satan and his demons into the abyss, (well), and Revelation tells us Satan will be out for armageddon (apocalypse). Could it be that their lord and savior is Satan? One and the same as the guy that fell into the well many, many years ago?

    Wow. That is very interesting. I think I am with you on that.

    Here is another dog joke... two actually... enjoy...

    Why did the Cowboy buy a Daschund?

    Someone told him to get a long little doggie!

    Next... What do dogs do that people step in?

  • Dec 11, 2006, 02:42 PM
    LOL! Thanks :)
  • Dec 16, 2006, 05:36 PM

    Originally Posted by magprob
    These Iranian Muslims tell us that their savior fell down a well many, many years ago. They say that to allow their savior to come up out of the well, they must kill all of us infidels, or at least start the apocalypse. OK, fine, but, the thought occured to me that GOD cast Satan and his demons into the abyss, (well), and Revelation tells us Satan will be out for armageddon (apocalypse). Could it be that their lord and savior is Satan? One and the same as the guy that fell into the well many, many years ago?

    Then this interpretation is THEIR version of the end times. In the Christian bible remember that Satan is roaming the earth NOW, to & fro--- then comes to influence many people---& then they get the mark of the beast. Then comes armegeddon(Jesus' return & the Rapture 1st) At last we see (looking at the text) Satan & his demons being thrown into the abyss.
    So, it's all in who's side your on but "killing infidels" & such radicalism is pure evil. So, if their savior is Satan, I wouldn't be surprised.

    PS- Are you sure Muslims have a savior? Just checking because I read somewhere they don't.?
  • Dec 16, 2006, 07:47 PM
    Yes, the one that comes out of the well is their long awaited Messiah. I wonder what the heck he's been doing down there all this time? Peace be unto him!
  • Dec 28, 2006, 08:55 PM
    [So rigth Pumpkin. Just read the first chapter of Job and you will see God ask Satan where he came from. Go ahead guys it is interesting. Job 1st chapter
  • Dec 29, 2006, 12:06 PM

    What you are referring to is the 12th Imam ;the Mahdi . There is a cult in Iran that is devoted to the Mahdi and the idiot President of Iran ;Mahmoud Ahamadjihad is a Mahdaviat .Mahdaviat - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    The 12th Imam supposedly hid in a well or fell down or well in the city of Qom .Truth be told ;no one is really sure he ever existed .

    People like the 'Mahdi-hatter' Ahamadjihad believes that the Mahdi will emerge from the well in a period of great chaos and turmoil . He is the self appointed person who will usher in this period of turmoil. That is what makes him so dangerous . When he says that he is setting the stage for the Mahdi's return ;and when he says that he intends to wipe Israel off the map;then he should be believed . Just as Hitler laid out his plans in his book and public comments ,so does he .

    Waiting for the rapture in Iran |
  • Dec 29, 2006, 02:47 PM
    Well thank you. My point exactly.
    "Mahdi Hatter." I really like that!
    So, do you think it can somehow be aligned with the book of revelation?
  • Dec 31, 2006, 03:23 AM
    I see your point .

    What I find intersting is that the Mahdi-Hatter constantly uses messianic rhetoric and the MSM rarely points it out ;but President Bush has the audacity to acknowledge that he finds strength in his personal relationship with the Lord and the press considers that dangerous. Showdown with Nuclear Iran: Radical Islam's Messianic Mission to Destroy Israel and Cripple the United States: Books: Michael D. Evans,Jerome R. Corsi
    Showdown with Nuclear Iran: Radical Islam's Messianic Mission to Destroy Israel and Cripple the United States (Hardcover)
    by Michael D. Evans, Jerome R. Corsi
    covers the issue in greater detail.

    The Book of Revelation is prophecy .There is nothing that anyone can do to usher in the end times ,or to prevent them.
    I think it is included in the Bible to reassure believers that when they see the signs that they can be reassured that God is still in control, and that all of this is part of His plan.
  • Dec 31, 2006, 01:38 PM
    I think Islam is giving us some real clues here. Symbolic as it may be, (the well) this is the emergence of the antichrist and they are telling us he is soon to arrive. It all fits too well to ignore! Satan is loose on the earth now. His son, in human form, is yet to arrive.

    Here in 2 Thessalonians, Paul indicates that the power of lawlessness (Satan) is already at work. Paul also tells us that the work of Satan will continue until the Lord Jesus Christ returns.

    For the secret power of lawlessness is already at work; but the one who now holds it back will continue to do so till he is taken out of the way. And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus will overthrow with the breath of his mouth and destroy by the splendor of his coming. The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with the work of Satan those who are perishing. They perish because they refused to love the truth and so bedisplayed in all kinds of counterfeit miracles, signs and wonders, and in every sort of evil that deceives saved (2 Thessalonians 2:7-10).
    John makes it clear that the work of Satan has continued from the beginning and remains the same even after the Cross of Jesus Christ. Therefore, while Satan's defeat is assured, he was still at work years after the New Covenant was established.

    He who does what is sinful is of the devil, because the devil has been sinning from the beginning … This is how we know who the children of God are and who the children of the devil are: Anyone who does not do what is right is not a child of God; nor is anyone who does not love his brother (1 John 3:8).
    If Satan has been operating the same way from the beginning until, does that mean Satan still has access to the throne of God in heaven today? As we examine Scripture we will see that Satan still has access to the heavenly throne accusing the saints as he has from the beginning. We see that Satan's access to heaven will remain until his is cast out of heaven as described in Revelation chapter 12 which will view shortly.

    By the way, I love Jerome Corsi, thanks for that!
  • Dec 31, 2006, 01:49 PM
    Ah, the Mahdi-Hatter. So that's what it's called.
    I heard former Israeli P.M. Netanyahu on Glenn Beck Show. He referred to the Islamic radicalists as a "cult" also. The good news is that the majority of the people of Iran do not like Ahmadinejad, they want democracy. Too bad he is in his position till 2009.
    I especially liked this statement from the link tomder55 provide:waiting for the rapture in Iran-
    And while rule by clerics might suggest joy over a leader who believes he is divinely guided, Shiite religious texts ban all claims of such revelations and warn against "false prophets." The punishment for "fooling" people is so great, notes one, that "hell's fire and its occupants are crying." :cool:

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