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  • Jun 8, 2010, 02:00 PM
    She's doesn't want to talk to me over something I did when I didn't even know her.
    The girl I love has found dirty emails which I really am ashamed of and should not have happened but they did because I was getting to desperate for female attention as I never had any.

    She found my emails and is so mad. Ive tried everything. Ive tried talking and making up with her. Ive tried to make her understand how much I love her and how those emails should never have hap pend.

    If I known she was going to come in to my life it would never have hap pend. Now I'm paying the price of her walking out my life over something I done when she wasn't even in my life.

    Im so heartbroken. I've given her space and then tried to talk to her but nothing is working. I don't want to give her space anymore,. I just can't go on like this.

    Now every time that I try she says I'm being pathetic and clingy. She said we can be friends but yet yet ain't even talking to me.

    She doesn't even love me back as she's told me. She's still in love with her ex. So why is she acting like this? What am I meant to do? I keep breaking down.

    IM so heartbroken. Its just so unfair. I can't change the past.
  • Jun 8, 2010, 02:11 PM

    The emails were just an excuse for her to get away. She shouldn't have been snooping in the first place.

    Get on with your life.
  • Jun 8, 2010, 02:15 PM


    Who really cares what she thinks. It was the past you say, it sounds like maybe she was just looking for an excuse to go back to the ex anyway. Sounds like she did not really like you anyway.

    Time to move on and realize that this was not the person for you. There are other ones out there that will treat you right.
  • Jun 8, 2010, 02:19 PM

    Originally Posted by Jesushelper1976 View Post

    Who really cares what she thinks. It was the past you say, it sounds like maybe she was just looking for an excuse to go back to the ex anyway. Sounds like she did not really like you anyway.

    Time to move on and realize that this was not the person for you. There are other ones out there that will treat you right.

    True but I feel like I've done something wrong. I really love her and she's everything to me. I can't help just regretting writing those emails.. why could I be paitent? Why did I give my password to her?

    I can't breathe, eat, sleep or talk to anyone else knowing she's made
  • Jun 8, 2010, 02:27 PM


    You gave your password to her because you had nothing to hide.

    Sorry but she does not truly love you. She is mad, that is her problem not yours.
  • Jun 8, 2010, 02:42 PM

    I agree. She was just looking for an excuse to break up with you. It wasn't anything you did wrong, it's just that she wasn't over the ex.

    I know it's hard, but you really just have to move on.
  • Jun 8, 2010, 03:26 PM

    Dude, a female who doesn't accept your apology, doesn't deserve any more of your time. And consider, YOU gave her a password without considering what she might find. Not too smart. So get over it and keep your dignity and self respect.

    In case you didn't notice there are a lot more females who aren't in love with their ex, and don't need your password to like you.
  • Jun 8, 2010, 06:18 PM

    Originally Posted by samsung90 View Post
    True but i feel like ive done something wrong. I really love her and shes everything to me. i can't help just regretting writing those emails..why could i be paitent? why did i give my password to her?

    I can't breathe, eat, sleep or talk to anyone else knowing shes made

    Let it go... what was so bad about the emails that would make her leave.
    In my opinion. You need to... stop feeling sorry for yourself, forget her... she's not worth it anyway... and find someone who will love you the way you deserve... Stop Wallowing.. . Kit
  • Jun 8, 2010, 06:24 PM

    I agree with everyone. Get over her. But I will say maybe before you give your email address to another girl. DELETE the emailes!
  • Jun 21, 2010, 09:54 AM
    I think I finally know why I'm so depressed. Its because I'm not her type!
    I think I finally know why I'm so depressed. Its because I'm not her type! What an earth am I mean to do?
    The love of my life who does not want to be in a relationship with me has told me some time ago that I am not her type. And her ex is the life of her life and she is still in love with him after a coupe of years even though she says would never again be in a relationship with him again.

    Now I believe this is the reason why I'm so down and depressed all the time. Im always on the internet looking for answers as I don't have much friends to talk to..

    After monthd of thinking I finally know why. I am defiantly not her type. From height, to skin Colour. Although I do have the body build.

    She says I have a great personality but it is not enough. She is my best friend and will always be my best friend regardless but I just want her so much. No one can take her place. I can't even think of being with someone else cause I'm so in love with her.

    Is it wrong to wait till she finds someone which will then allow me to move on?(hopefully) I just can't move on while she is still single. Im so hopeful. And even is she doesn't become my partner but if she is single that good enough for me I guess.

    She has got me so weak and I'm trapped falling for her. My world revolves around her. Ive tried talking to her. But I know there's no chance for me and her as she is way way better than me and is in a much better league. She's classy and so beautiful where as I'm just a wreck.

    She's taking my virginty for everything. She's my first proper best friend, she's taken me to places where I've never been, she teaches me new things, she makes me so happy, before she came in to my life I used to be so lonely and wished for some one like her and somehow by LUCK she entered my life. I thank god everyday. But now it feels like I'm losing her because of my strong feelings for her.

    She's all I've ever wanted. Im a young 20 year old man and I'm so in love with the one person I just can't have.

    She's the nicest person I've ever met sometimes I'm so horrible to her and she will still be nice to me after she has had her goes at me. I just can't win. There's nothing I can do.
  • Jun 21, 2010, 01:40 PM

    Some women genuinely feel sorry for the guy that they are breaking up with, and they feel like it is an easier let down if they offer to remain friends. You may think that she's being nice, but she's actually only giving you false hope by doing this. Staying friends with her will only prevent you from moving on. It's better for you to make a clean break rather than offering a friendship option.

    No matter how great it sounds to be friends with her - it will be filled with problems. At best, it is not realistic, and at worst, it is emotionally unhealthy.

    This is not to say that you should go out of your way to be mean and bitter towards her, but even a period of bitterness is preferable to hanging on to the false hope that a friendship with her will develop into something more.

    Let her go completely and go NC!
  • Jun 21, 2010, 06:01 PM
    I think I finally know why I'm so depressed. Its because I'm not her type!
    I think I finally know why I'm so depressed. Its because I'm not her type! What an earth am I meant to do?
    The love of my life who does not want to be in a relationship with me has told me some time ago that I am not her type. And her ex is the life of her life and she is still in love with him after a coupe of years even though she says would never again be in a relationship with him again.

    Now I believe this is the reason why I'm so down and depressed all the time. Im always on the internet looking for answers as I don't have much friends to talk to..

    After monthd of thinking I finally know why. I am defiantly not her type. From height, to skin Colour. Although I do have the body build.

    She says I have a great personality but it is not enough. She is my best friend and will always be my best friend regardless but I just want her so much. No one can take her place. I can't even think of being with someone else cause I'm so in love with her.

    Is it wrong to wait till she finds someone which will then allow me to move on?(hopefully) I just can't move on while she is still single. Im so hopeful. And even is she doesn't become my partner but if she is single that good enough for me I guess.

    She has got me so weak and I'm trapped falling for her. My world revolves around her. Ive tried talking to her. But I know there's no chance for me and her as she is way way better than me and is in a much better league. She's classy and so beautiful where as I'm just a wreck.

    She's taking my virginty for everything. She's my first proper best friend, she's taken me to places where I've never been, she teaches me new things, she makes me so happy, before she came in to my life I used to be so lonely and wished for some one like her and somehow by LUCK she entered my life. I thank god everyday. But now it feels like I'm losing her because of my strong feelings for her.

    She's all I've ever wanted. Im a young 20 year old man and I'm so in love with the one person I just can't have.

    She's the nicest person I've ever met sometimes I'm so horrible to her and she will still be nice to me after she has had her goes at me. I just can't win. There's nothing I can do.
  • Jun 21, 2010, 06:06 PM

    Stop feeling sorry for yourself and move on. If you want her as a friend fine... When she starts a relationship with someone else what are you going to do?

    She won't be the first and certainly won't be the last. Stop making yourself miserable and move on.
  • Jun 21, 2010, 06:43 PM
    Homegirl 50

    Why are you whining over someone you have said is too good for you, your are not in her league, you are not her type...
    How about getting yourself together and start seeing girls who are not attached to someone else.
    It's like you are going through a revolving door and never leaving the door and then whining because you're not getting any where. Walk through another door, you may find something nice on the other side.
    You said she has you trapped. You have yourself trapped. You keep trying to hand her your balls and she is giving them back to you. Take them and walk away.
  • Jun 21, 2010, 07:04 PM

    Might be time to tell her you need a break from the friendship for a while , otherwise you'll just be stuck in depression if you can't control your feelings for her.

    She's clearly stated that a relationship more than friendship isn't going to work as far as she's concerned , whereas your probably hanging on with false hope that she may change her mind.
  • Jun 21, 2010, 09:00 PM

    I can understand you feel hurt, but she's told you there's no hope for you and her, if you aren't already in NC then do so now, you'll get over her, in time these things take time but while you're hanging around her like a love sick puppy all you'll feel is hurt.

    Get on with your life, go out meet other people, the internet is ruining the once fine art of relationships.

    Really you need to go NC, and stick to it, you will not begin to recover until you do.

    You're chasing a lost cause.

    She's not going to miraculously change her mind she's made it clear she doesn't want to...

    Be good to yourself. Go NC. NOW!
  • Jun 21, 2010, 09:19 PM

    Sorry homegirl have to spread the rep, again! Love your comment about giving back his balls, so true.

    OP you really have got to get yourself together and go NC, and now is a good time.

    Also don't sell yourself short with negative self talk such as you're not good enough for her she's out of your league, you'll never get anywhere in the love stakes by doing that.

    You need to tell yourself you are good enough, you are in anothers league, but however in this case she doesn't want a relationship with you, and you've put yourself out of her league, Never Need anyone, want them by all means but need never.

    However you might need a kick up the behind to make you see sense.

    She's probably thinking you're some kind of creep, so let it go. And regain some self respect...
  • Jun 21, 2010, 09:20 PM

    Man O Man are you love sick.

    Reality check -- SHE DUMPED YOU FOR HER EX!

    She dug into your past.. and dumped you for it. She wasn't in love with you. You were her back up plan. Maybe it didn't work out with her Ex after you, but you were still her back up plan.

    Stop following her around like a love sick puppy. You need to gain confidence. Confidence in a man is the key ingredient to a healthy dating lifestyle. Mopping around and longing for the girl who got away just isn't going to cut it. How do you think you're going to find someone who you are compatible with your shrine of her in your bedroom?

    You need to stop talking to that girl. Go NC -- Yea, its going to suck for a good couple of months. But then one day you're going to wake up.. and see someone new in your life who is BETTER then her.

    Girls like her are cruel... exploiting you for your soft spot.. Constantly teasing you and making you run on the treadmil with a carrot dangling in front of you.

    Cheer up! And keep moving forward!
  • Jun 21, 2010, 09:30 PM

    Originally Posted by Lucky098 View Post
    Man O Man are you love sick.

    Reality check -- SHE DUMPED YOU FOR HER EX!

    She dug into your past.. and dumped you for it. She wasnt in love with you. You were her back up plan. Maybe it didnt work out with her Ex after you, but you were still her back up plan.

    Stop following her around like a love sick puppy. You need to gain confidence. Confidence in a man is the key ingredient to a healthy dating lifestyle. Mopping around and longing for the girl who got away just isnt going to cut it. How do you think you're going to find someone who you are compatible with your shrine of her in your bedroom??

    You need to stop talking to that girl. Go NC -- Yea, its going to suck for a good couple of months. But then one day you're going to wake up.. and see someone new in your life who is BETTER then her.

    Girls like her are cruel... exploiting you for your soft spot.. Constantly teasing you and making you run on the treadmil with a carrot dangling in front of you.

    Cheer up! And keep moving forward!

    I agree Lucky!
  • Jun 21, 2010, 09:33 PM

    Stop being a whiner... Get yourself together. Women do not like weak men. Harsh words... but you need to wake up!

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