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  • Apr 30, 2010, 12:45 PM
    My monobenzone experience with pictures
    I have said it a lot but I can't emphasise this enough, monobenzone is depigmenting agent not a lightener. Yes it will give you patches no matter what strength you start or where you apply.

    Anyway I first touched mono 2 years ago then I stopped but that brief period I have sections of white patches in my body, so I am finally trying to finish off the journey, so I restarted 2 months ago

    My neck got very light now, notice the dark patch that was my original colour
    Yfrog Image :

    I applied too much retin a, before the peel

    After few weeks and the retin a peel with mono my thigh became so light
    My arm very patchy
    Worse of all lol my under arm, that depiged the first month I touched mono 2 years ago
    Although mono is systematic if you don't apply in certain area it will take it long to catch up
    I have not been applying to my hand, just been lazy, and I don't want to risk touching my family, so I always say will apply before I sleep but I haven't, so now you can see how much lighter my whole body is compared to my hand and face.
  • Apr 30, 2010, 01:09 PM

    Wow... how do you deal with the emotions,that come with it.
    I'm sure you must have emtional lows and highs at times.

    How much longer until your done?
    What are regrets,if any?
    Do you regret ever touching the stuff? Or are you. Mentally set for what's already happening
    Sara_uk,why didn't you use a streriod instead why did you choose the monobenzone route?

    I'd like to know,if you don't mind me asking what do you go through on a day to day basis.
    Emotionaly,do you have a Boyfriend,does he ask are you afriad of dating until your done depigmenting. What are thoughts on this journey,what would you suggest to a person wanting to go this route as well?
    Gods speed woman and may it work out well for you.may he help you depigment faster may it be a more than natral process faster that is
    Your in my prays.
  • Apr 30, 2010, 02:16 PM

    Thanks for sharing saraUK!!

    I know it must be hard for u.

    SouthAfricaCute ask all the quest that I want to know.

    B how long did you use mono and after how many month you restart wit mono (2 years.. 2month restart )

    I want to use mono ,I'm not that dark.. like peanut butter a bit lighter . But I need more information and I'm not sure :confused:.. so again thanks for sharing ,help me and others a lot!

    Take patient hun xx:)
  • Apr 30, 2010, 05:31 PM
    Although I started mono 2 years ago it was not more than 6 weeks use in total, the whole of last year I didn't touch it but during that time I had patches under arm, and other areas but all hiden so easily can be covered but I stopped my use, for so many issues.
    I did reseearch mono very well, if you look at my first thread here it goes back to September 2006, I don't have regerts my only regert maybe I should have finished that depig then, I should not have stopped.

    In daily basis no emotions problem, I am very positive and I take each day as it comes so far nothing is noticeable, yes there is irrtation, peeling, itching but it is part of the process, my best frined have not noticed anything yet as I am always covered up, and face does not have patches only a lot of dry skin from peeling.

    If anyone want to take this route my advice, don't rush it, the whole thing will take months if not years so learn as much and think hard as if you start there is no turning back, repigmentation is much harder. Be emtionlly perpared if you taking that route, it not very rosy road.

    Why I chose mono, because I don't have to apply in every spot to get lightening, the results can be permanent, although there is a risk of repigemntation spots but that is risk I am willing to take
    Thanks for your kind words and prayers :)
  • Apr 30, 2010, 05:36 PM

    Originally Posted by laBELLAmafia34 View Post
    thanx for sharin saraUK !!!!

    i kno it must b hard for u.

    southAfricaCute ask all the quest that i want to kno.

    b how long did u use mono and after how many month u restart wit mono (2 years .. 2month restart )

    i want to use mono ,im not that dark peanut butter a bit lighter . but i need more information and im not sure :confused:.. so again thanx for sharin ,help me n others a lot !!

    take patient hun xx:)

    Yes I restarted 2 months ago, applying daily no stop.
  • May 1, 2010, 07:22 AM

    Your Journey is an intresting one,I'm sure it will work and is.
    You're a bold person to do what your doing.
    I know I couldn't ,but only a few can take this journey and be successful at it as you are. I am personally waiting anxiously to see you. Results once all done Miss Sara_Uk
    Can't wait too see the before,in progress,after pictures.

    I think by placing it on the forum you've shown a lot of people who are thinking about using it and some who will regardless of what others may say about it,what happens that its not your average skin Regimen.

    Hope all the others who are thinking and know at the back of there minds that they will,will keep up with your story so they know what there in for

    This is the think about humanbeings others may say that product X is dangerous,product be is lethal,but the human mind will always try and rationalise it."I Know I won't use it for that long." "Its dangerous but works that won't happen to me"
    "This product takes its toll atleast ill be lighter"

    So thank God for a forum like this where people can dispel myths,legends,and fact proof,before changing there lives because honestly Sara_Uk that's what's happening and that's what will happen your changining your life.

    My guess is from the above pictures.and the milk white patches,you'll look like a white woman.and that is life changing.
    You'll live on the other side of a different race. How will family members relate to you,or people that once knew you relate,where will you date changes everything,the sort of man you'll marry,everything.
    May Jehovah see you through.
  • May 1, 2010, 04:32 PM

    Wow Sarah, you are really brave to do this. It is a drastic step for someone with your natural color to take. Good luck with the rest of your journey.
  • May 2, 2010, 04:24 AM
    Super Shallow

    My life didn't change at all..
    All my upper body is very pale like light light yellow.. my lower body skin is black with a lot of patches
    How I feel? Sick and weird and above all.. fu**ing tired of it..
    Emotionaly I feel the worst
    Mentally I'm all messed up
    No I didn't know I'd feel like that..
    I was very happy at the begaining..
    But now I don't.. the ironic thing is that I don't regrat it and don't want to change back to my original color.. messed up like I said..
    And just tired.. there is places that just don't depig.. I getting to 2 years now.. I look good.. very good but feel ugly as hell and sick.. I can't have relationship looking like that

    SARA K
    Did your body hair get depig too?
    Because I found a few hairs totly white
    In my head.. beard.. eyebrows.. eyelishs..
    I guss it because my pillow.. when I sleep its all on it..

    And sara please send me a pic of your powder to my mail
    I want to compre to mine
  • May 2, 2010, 05:40 AM

    Attention: supershallow

    Wow you story is quite sad,but kind happy at least your pale where people,notice the most.what would you say your shade is compare it against a celebrities,and what was your shade,again if you don't mind please compare to a celebrities

    Why did you start using it,you sau your emotionally messed up,yet you say in the same breath you don't regret it,why is that.
    What emotions do you go through.
    What emotions do you go through.
    What's the worst,the fact that your still not there after two years? Or the side effects? How do you think you'll feel,when your done?
    Where you a black man? Or mixed?

    Why Monobenzone? Why not product x or b.. why this...
    I'm sorry I'm asking a lot of questions,just curious.
  • May 2, 2010, 08:53 AM

    Originally Posted by SouthAfricacute View Post
    Your Journey is an intresting one,I'm sure it will work and is.
    Your a bold person to do what your doing.
    I know I couldn't ,but only a few can take this journey and be successful at it as you are. I am personally waiting anxiously to see you. Results once all done Miss Sara_Uk
    Can't wait too see the before,in progress,after pictures.

    I think by placing it on the forum you've shown a lot of people who are thinking about using it and some who will regardless of what others may say about it,what happens that its not your average skin Regimen.

    Hope all the others who are thinking and know at the back of there minds that they will,will keep up with your story so they know what there in for

    This is the think about humanbeings others may say that product X is dangerous,product be is lethal,but the human mind will always try and rationalise it."I Know I won't use it for that long." "Its dangerous but works that won't happen to me"
    "This product takes its toll atleast ill be lighter"

    So thank God for a forum like this where people can dispell myths,legends,and fact proof,before changing there lives because honestly Sara_Uk that's what's happening and that's what will happen your changining your life.

    My guess is from the above pictures.and the milk white patches,you'll look like a white woman.and that is life changing.
    You'll live on the other side of a diffrent race. How will family members relate to you,or people that once knew you relate,where will you date changes everything,the sort of man you'll marry,everything.
    May Jehovah see you through.

    My main reasons for posting this to make others aware of what mono can do. It is one thing to know something but pictures speak thousands words:D

    A lot of people who posted results of mono, they post the final great result, and people get shocked when they try monobenzone and oh get patches lol

    I mean that post been taking and posted in other forum, where they are feeling sorry for me lol, yes my skin is patchy:rolleyes: that what monobenzone meant to do.

    My life will be not any different, I still be the same person, as for guys, I have amazing person in my life who can see byond my patches, he wishs that I stop using mono as he loves my dark skin, I am not in a point of stopping now, he understands, it is my choice.
  • May 2, 2010, 08:55 AM

    Originally Posted by Super Shallow View Post
    SARA K
    did your body hair get depig too?
    cuz i found a few hairs totly white
    in my head..beard..eyebrows..eyelishs..
    i guss it becuse my pillow.. when i sleep its all on it..

    and sara please send me a pic of your powder to my mail
    i want to compre to mine

    No, nothing I noticed, will speak soon. Eyelashes? Is your face depiged?
  • May 2, 2010, 09:05 AM

    Originally Posted by SouthAfricacute View Post
    Attention: supershallow

    what would you say your shade is compare it against a celebrities,and what was your shade,again if you don't mind please compare to a celebrities


    He answered this a while back
  • May 2, 2010, 09:56 AM

    Attention: Sara_uk
    Thank you question answered.
    Thanks for the link
  • May 2, 2010, 11:03 AM
    Super Shallow

    Originally Posted by sara_uk View Post
    No, nothing I noticed, will speak soon. eyelashes?? is your face depiged?

    By the way.. around the eyes and ears are harder..

    **** edited FC*** I am sure you mean have her post the photos here, since I don't believe you were asking for off board contact??
  • May 2, 2010, 02:42 PM

    Hey supershallow have you completely depigged?
  • May 3, 2010, 08:23 PM

    Hello Sara_uk you are coming along very well with your monobenzone journey I can see you are going to have flawless skin, Can you please provide me with your email address I would like to know who you order from, and if I can order from you to make it, thanks so much
  • Jun 28, 2010, 10:37 AM

    Mono user are you sure you want to use mono?

    Have you researched well?

    Do you know the risks? Repigging?

    What's your skin colour? And what 's your goal colour..

    Please make sure you are fully aware of the dangers and would you regret it?
  • Jun 28, 2010, 12:32 PM

    Originally Posted by Dizzellz112 View Post
    mono user are you sure you want to use mono?

    have you researched well?

    do you know the risks? repigging?

    what's your skin colour? and what 's your goal colour..

    please make sure you are fully aware of the dangers and would you regret it?

    Dizzellez... talking about mono and the goal colour... I mean... if anyone uses mono,isn't it to become white?What other shade can mono give you?It depigs and the only shade one can have after depig is no colour at all- White.Except you are implying that mono can be used to lighten skin and not necessarily depig.If so,then do you know what percentage of mono could be used as a lightener and what percentage to depig?
    Oh... yes.The question of regret is the one they should be asking and the dangers.
    Hmm... this mono thing. It is only for the brave-hearted.I am so not one.But to those of you who are,I admire your courage and wish you luck!
  • Jun 28, 2010, 01:06 PM
    Lol it depends on how dark you are...
  • Jun 28, 2010, 01:06 PM

    You could come out a pasty grey?.

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