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  • Apr 24, 2010, 08:04 PM
    Itchy throat and ears and stuffy nose and constant sneezing
    I've ben in heck for the last three days. My ears have been so itchy its come to the point were I've started sticking my fingers in my ears. Also I have ben sneezing lik crazy. Every hour three times in a row. My throat is painful its itchy but it feels like its bleeding from the inside. This has never happened before and my dad says I'm not allergic to anything. Any at home remedies?? So far orange juice helps me for five minutes.
  • Apr 24, 2010, 08:11 PM

    It sure sounds like allergies. And they can come and go and vary year by year as to how severe they can be. You might get some relief from decongestants and steamy hot baths. Soak for awhile and that should help with any dry irritation your sinuses may have. As with any medications follow the directions so if you're a child or young adult talk to your parents before taking any and never take more or longer then recommended.
  • May 23, 2010, 09:32 AM
    Sounds like me! I take Ractine (2 extra strength/day) and use a netty pot on my bad days.
  • May 23, 2010, 09:44 AM

    This sounds like allergies. I would try to figure out what you are allergic to. Ideally, you go to the doctor and ask for an allergy panel. They expose you to a bunch of different things and see which ones you react to. Allergy sensitivity can change over time.

    Nobody (even your dad) can just look at you and say you don't have allergies. I got two kittens in 2001 and in 2009, I found out I was allergic to cats! I was so immersed in it, I honestly had no idea. But knowing what I was allergic to really helped me control my allergies. Mainly, I keep the cats out of my bedroom.

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