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  • Apr 2, 2010, 05:44 PM
    Leidenschaftlich für Wahr
    Can I just water down powerade instead of expensive pedialite?
    My baby is 11 months old, and I really like pedialite for its long shelf life and I can give it to her whenever, w/o overdoing the calorie intake... but its expensive! I know powerade has a bit high sodium, so can I add water to it and go with that instead?
  • Apr 2, 2010, 05:51 PM

    All of those drinks are full of sugar which is so bad for babies, anyone really so why not give her coconut water instead. There is no added sugar or colouring or anything artificial,, just pure coconut water. Check it out at our health food store or area in your grocery store. Google and read "how bad is sugar for you".
  • Apr 2, 2010, 05:56 PM
    Leidenschaftlich für Wahr

    Eeesh well I'm kind of fighting the TMI's right now so coconut juice may not be that good of an idea. Apple juice does it to her too
  • Apr 2, 2010, 06:08 PM

    Why do you want to give her juice?

    Why can she not have water?

    Does she need juice for a certain reason?
  • Apr 2, 2010, 08:13 PM

    Originally Posted by Leidenschaftlich für Wahr View Post
    My baby is 11 months old, and I really like pedialite for its long shelf life and I can give it to her whenever, w/o overdoing the calorie intake... but its expensive! I know powerade has a bit high sodium, so can i add water to it and go with that instead?

    Oh, heavens no! Poweraid is made for adults not the fragile system of infants. It is very high in sodium (salt) that can cause blood pressure issues and kidney issues in young children. Pedialite should only be used for dehydration, not as a daily staple in the diet.

    Pedialyte has a fine balance of electrolytes and should only be used in cases of high fever, diarrhea and/or vomiting. By giving pedialyte too often you upset the natural balance of electrolytes and can cause excess of certain electrolytes that can be dangerous.

    Try diluting cherry/pear/grape juices if apple juice causes tummy problems.
  • Apr 2, 2010, 11:26 PM
    Leidenschaftlich für Wahr

    Originally Posted by mudweiser View Post
    Why do you want to give her juice?

    Why can she not have water?

    Does she need juice for a certain reason?

    Is it some kind of sin to give her juice? She drinks water too.
  • Apr 3, 2010, 12:35 AM
    It's definitely not a sin to give juice!
  • Apr 3, 2010, 12:40 AM

    Originally Posted by Leidenschaftlich für Wahr View Post
    Is it some kind of sin to give her juice? She drinks water too.

    Of course it's not a sin!?

    But why give a child juice when now is the time that you actually control what gets in her mouth.

    Personally I think homemade juices are better than store bought. If you really want to make juice then make some carrot juice, make so veggie juice... make some fruit juice and dilute it as J9 said.

    I just think juice shouldn't be introduced to children at such a young age. My daughter is 3 and prefers water over juice.

    What is it 1/2 a cup a day of juice is the daily serving. Imagine your child drinking more than that a day as she grows up.

    When it comes to children and health I'm very picky.

    .. but then again that's my opinion.
  • Apr 3, 2010, 09:27 AM
    Leidenschaftlich für Wahr

    Well of course homemade is better, but so are the vegan diet and home cooked meals. I'm 9 months pregnant and ready to pop right now, so all that good stuff is kind of pushed off onto the backburner for a couple of months. Shoot... I'm feeling winded after typing this! Jk...

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