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  • Mar 29, 2010, 01:55 AM
    Should I move away from everything to follow my dream?
    I want to be a writer, but I live in a big city, and have a crappy job, and can find no time to write. When I get home I just don't have the energy to sit at my laptop and write anything, so I feel like my dreams are slipping away.
    I have a good social life though, some good friends, but I always feel like they're ahead of me in life, they've got good jobs and relationships and they seem happy. I know the grass is always greener etc, but I feel like I'm just going through the motions in my life, and I'm not doing what I want to do.
    Here's my question... should I move back in with my parents for a year? That will give me the time and space to write without distractions of work and friends etc... and if my writing doesn't work out, I can always say that well at least I tried. The only trouble is that my parents live in the middle of nowhere, and I would have no social life whatsoever because I don't know anyone there. I think I would miss my friends etc but I know that I'm not happy living in the city and working at a dead-end job. My parents are OK with whatever decision I make, I would give them some money out of my savings if I were to move back home, they're fine with it.
    So what should I do? Should I move away or should I just get over myself and try to write something when I get home from work?
  • Mar 29, 2010, 06:56 AM
    I wish

    Sounds like you've already listed out the pros and cons.

    Now you've got to decide what you want to do.

    Think about it this way, 10 years later, what decision would you regret more?

    Decisions like these is better when you think where you will be or where you want to be down the line had you made certain decisions in life.
  • Mar 30, 2010, 02:46 PM

    I think you should definitely follow your dream. If you don't, you may regret it for the rest of your life.

    Who knows, maybe you'll become a successful writer. :) :) :)
  • Mar 30, 2010, 02:57 PM

    My opinion and thoughts from this.

    In order to write, and have the peace of mind to do it is to go out in the middle of no where.

    If it means doing something you really enjoy doing? Does it really matter if you have a social life right now? Or for a while?

    Now when you do all this writing? What steps are you going to take to make it work and what are you willing to do, to advertise your product?

    Take the risk by going back home for a year, but do not get yourself in another rut by staying there too long.

    I was in a job I did not like for 11 years. I lost it last year. Best thing that happened to me. Finally made a move four day drive away in another part of the country with a family for that matter. With the help of relatives and many things are working out and in a job that I enjoy. Makes the world of a difference.

    Go ahead, try and take the risk or you will not go anywhere else. It is up to you to make that change for yourself.

    Many artists and writers picks spots that inspire them. Cottage by the water. Or just a place out in no where to be able to let their talent flow.


    I lost many precious years. Lost myself in the process. I guess though that eventually we do and can make it to where we want to be if we make those decisions to change and also take risks.

    Good luck with everything and know that taking the chance like this is the best thing you can do in your life no matter where it leads you to.
  • Mar 30, 2010, 03:09 PM

    What do you hope to accomplish with your writing? Do you have ideas for a book, fiction or non-fiction?

    I hate to rain on your parade, but print publishing right now is not real healthy. There are ways to make money with online publishing, but that will take more work and skill than just writing.

    As for actually doing the work of writing, staying where you are doesn't seem to be working. Moving in with your parents will put a big hole in your life. Will you really buckle down and write, write, write then?

    What is your long-range plan for writing?
  • Mar 31, 2010, 02:16 AM

    My long range plan for writing is to become a successful fiction writer. I know that it's a longshot, but I do have a contingency plan if it doesn't work out, which is to become a teacher - how clichéd I hear you say! - but it could be something I would enjoy, I've had experience of it before and I enjoyed it then, but writing is my first love obviously.
    I would knuckle down and write my a$$ off in the year, for I would need to have a finished work of fiction by the end of my time at home, otherwise it wouldn't be worth it.
    But part of me knows that what I need to do is just suck it up and write! So many writers write their first works at night after their jobs, and maybe I just need to do that. It'll be hard, but then everything is that's worth it.
  • Mar 31, 2010, 06:42 AM
    I wish

    If that's the case, then you won't know until you try. Now's your chance to commit 100% to your dream.

    If you succeed, then great!

    If you don't succeed, at least you know you tried. Besides, for me, I think that it's the journey that counts. Even if you don't become super successful, at least you pursued your dream and had a shot.

    I would say, go for it!
  • Apr 4, 2010, 04:14 PM
    Homegirl 50

    If you have the opportunity to pursue your dream, take it, what do you have to loose. Just don't become complacent, sooner or later you will have to get back to the real world.
  • Apr 6, 2010, 09:31 AM

    I envy you because you have the perfect opportunity to pursue your dreams.

    Don't let your dreams fade away! GO FOR IT!

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