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  • Mar 21, 2010, 05:10 PM
    How to not like someone anymore
    Me and this guy went out in 6th grade, & we LOVED each otherr. I liked himm and he liked mee, A LOT. I broke up with him chusz he was cheatinq on me with this other girl. Ever since I broke up with him, he tells me that he still loves me, and that he reqrets cheatinq on me, and that he wants me backk really bad. He says he will do anything to get back with me. I still love himm since 6th gradee. And he broke up with his girlfriend for mee. He asked me out like 5 times and I said no to all of themm even though I still liked mee, the reason I said no was because I was scared he was going to hurt me aqainn. I toldd him to give me timee & to wait for mee and he promised me he would waitt. But he broke his promise. :( he had another girlfriend but he still tells me he loves me. He tells mee he LOVES me but he onlyy likes her a little. Noww these daysz I call him and he hangs up on me all the timee. I text him and he won't replyy. I tried callinq him aqain but he won't answerr. I want to be with him but idkk. He still wants to qo out with mee thoo, but I don't trustt himm. I don't knww whyy. What do I do??
  • Mar 21, 2010, 08:46 PM
    Hi, Danielaa!

    Difficult situation. If he really liked you as much as he says that he does, then he would be doing things to try to get together with you.

    Broken promises? I would suggest seeking out someone else who you know will keep their promises.

  • Mar 21, 2010, 08:48 PM

    How old are the two of you?
  • Mar 22, 2010, 12:37 AM

    Young love is very blind. This guy is breaking promises. He needs to grow up and you need to find someone you can trust. Take a little time though and make sure you are concentrating on your studies. Don't let love affect your learning. Like I said, he is lying and now is ignoring you, time for him to grow up and time for you to date someone a little more mature and responsible.
  • Mar 22, 2010, 03:17 PM

    Dnt kall or text him again.. I can boldly tell you he doesn't love you anymore.. trust me.. av done that before

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