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  • Mar 21, 2010, 12:22 AM
    Will I ever be with the guy I like tyler or is he a waste of time
    I really like this guy and I think I still do will I ever be with him I think he has a girlfriend though does he really want to be with me or some else p.s we never dated just stared at each other fr a really long time
  • Mar 21, 2010, 12:37 AM

    The only way to ever find out is to let him know... only you can decide if he is a waste of time based on the info (or lack thereof) given... good luck
  • Mar 21, 2010, 02:10 AM

    If he has a girlfriend he is off limits.

    I suggest you start by finding out if he does.
  • Mar 21, 2010, 04:28 AM

    If he is really interested in you & des not have girlfriend, he will ask you out.
    You need to ask him if he has a girlfriend. If he does not, then you have hope. Keep being with him.

    If he has girlfriend, he is flirting with you to have some fun and fill gaps for spare time. It means nothing, and it only proves he is player and lousy boyfriend. Don't fall for it, and don't waste your mind and time. Go out and meet more people instead of wasting your time to this guy. There are so many single guys looking for girls.
  • Mar 21, 2010, 04:42 AM
    I wish

    First of all, how old are you?

    If he has a girlfriend, then he's off limits.

    If he's single, then why not ask him on a date yourself? Why sit around waiting for him?
  • Mar 24, 2010, 11:08 AM

    It really depends, but I believe that NOBODY can make you what they want you to do. Unless YOU are okay with it.(Except specific circumstances)
    If you want to go after him, GO FOR IT. Just keep this thought in the back of your mind,

    "Is he REALLY, honestly going to make me happy?"

    If you can't/don't HONESTLY believe that he can/will. Only you will know, so if you don't really feel he can/will, & you do choose to go after him anyway, then really the person you may end up hurting worse is going to be YOURSELF.
    Niether I nor anybody else can tell you how to feel, what to do, who to be. UNLESS YOU ALLOW US TO....
  • Mar 24, 2010, 12:54 PM

    How old are you?

    Well; if you NEVER talked, to each other . Just stared, how do you know you like him?(or do you think he is cute)
    Either way, You should get to know him, better, be friends. And if he has a girlfriend (theres no rule that says you can't talk and be friends with a guy who is in a realtionship) just don't be flirty with him (it will look (hoe-ish) being friends for a long while, will let him get to know you better, and he MIGHT break up with his girlfriend, to be with you...
    Hope it all goes well
  • Mar 24, 2010, 01:45 PM
    Lil Suicide

    What's up? Let me tell you something... I chill with the guys normally and you'd be surprised at how they talk and think about girls. Their all different but the attitude is similar.
    Guys want someone who they can chill with who won't trip over anything they do. If your young then finding a serious relationship is harder to do cause everybody just wants to have fun.
    If this dude has a girlfriend then that might be why he hasn't made a move yet. If he's a player he would have already said something to you cause if a dude is checking you out, chances are he's going to say something.
    That one movie "He's Just Not That Into You" is really true. What I mean by that is that if a guy wants to be with you then he'll make it happen. Drop him some hints so that he's motivated to spit some game at you and get some conversation going. If he's not interested don't even trip cause you can find another boy that will make you happier that you have more in common with.

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