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  • Feb 23, 2010, 07:57 PM
    How does the Constitution address policy making vs. policy implementation? Thnxs<3:)
    I'm thinking it has something to do with Congress versus the President. Like one does the policy making and the other engages in policy implementation. But I don't know which one is which :/ Any feedback is appreciated! Thnxs:)<3
  • Feb 23, 2010, 08:53 PM

    It's a tricky situation. If it passes as a bill before it can be signed into law the president has to sign it. If the president does not sign it and creates a veto it can be over ridden by congress and passed anyway. There are checks and balances along the way. Like simple majority verses super majority 2/3 vote. Another thing is that they can create bills and not pay for them. Those are called unfunded mandates. It's a giant ball of wax and that's why they all have hot air is to melt it.
  • Mar 1, 2010, 08:57 AM

    Hello live:

    Congress MAKES law. The president ENFORCES law.


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