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  • Feb 5, 2010, 05:28 PM
    /how do I stop my 2 year old waking for milk in the night
    My daughter wakes about 2-3 times every night wanting a bottle of milk and I need to stop it
  • Feb 5, 2010, 05:36 PM

    This is a hard one. I went through the same thing and I'm going to tell you right now, it's going to involve sleepless nights and determination.

    First, she's waking because that's what she's used to. Instead of milk, give water. It's especially important because most children will fall asleep while drinking the milk and that can cause tooth decay.

    So, water, in a sippy cup or a regular cup. That's how you start. After a while she'll get frustrated that she's only getting water and she'll either demand milk or give up.

    After a few days of only offering water, offer nothing. I know it sounds harsh and you'll be torn. I cried! But, if you're going to get her to sleep through the night this is the way it has to be. In my opinion.

    At first, when she wakes up, let her know that she won't get milk or water that it's sleeping time, not drinking time. Then say nothing. Just sit with her, let her cry, put her back in her bed if she gets up. Not a word. Just your presence.

    After a few days of this, move yourself to the floor. No longer sit beside her. Let her cry it out (the hardest thing to do) and just continue to be silent, putting her back in the bed if she gets up and returning to your spot on the floor.

    Then, after a few days of this, just go into her room when and if she awakens, tell her it's time to sleep and then leave. If she comes out of her room put her back in her bed without a word and then leave again.

    It can take time but soon she'll realize that her demands won't be met and her crying or leaving her bed will only lead to silence and being placed back in her bed. She'll give up.

    It's hard. You have to be consistent. Give in once and you start from scratch.

    Some kids catch on quickly. My son did. Others take weeks, like my daughter.

    I wish you all the best. :)
  • Feb 5, 2010, 05:38 PM

    Will your child accept water instead of milk? The other thing is why? It could be that their mouth is getting dry. You could try a humidifier. When have they eaten last in their routine? That's another thing to look at because at 2 their bodies are on overdrive developing along. Maybe not getting enough to eat in the day?
  • Mar 13, 2011, 12:35 PM
    The sippy cup before bed I mix up yougurt frozen berries and milk (mix to a little thicker then milk. Fills my 2yr old up and she didn't wake up at all.

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