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  • Nov 19, 2006, 07:33 PM
    Marijuana Test!
    Ok my mother is forcing me to go for a medicals check up cause I haven't had one in like years and for some reason she thinks I could have diebeties cause she sees me eating too many sweets (rolls eyes) I know its rediculose but now I'm freaking out cause I just realized there going to check my urine, blood, etc.. And... I'm just wondering if they can see that I have marijuana in my system. I don't smoke it all the time just once in a while last time was like Friday nov 17 my check up is on Tuesday can find anything if there not looking for it? Help anyone who knows cause if they can I'm just going to stale until maybe another month if I can :(

    Any advice will be greatly appreciated

  • Nov 19, 2006, 07:40 PM
    Well, unless they are looking for drugs they probably will not find them. But, so you know, it can take up to 3 months for drugs to leave your system enitrely, and with the sophisticated tests and equipment they have these days they can detect trace elements of drugs, that is if they are looking for them.

    As a mother myself, I do not think it is ridiculous, I would rather my child be drug free than in jail or the morgue.

    This may sound harsh, and it is, but I hope your mother finds the drugs in your system so that you can be set straight rather than be laid out in a funeral home.

    I know, your going to roll your eyes again, but I have seen too much tragedy to know these are the cold hard facts. So roll your eyes if you want to, but if your not careful it could be the last time you do!!
  • Nov 19, 2006, 07:51 PM
    Thanks for the reply but your right that was hash. Im sorry if the post I made earlier made me sound like a pothead but trust me I'm anything but. I'm actually 20 years old and take care of my slef very well thank you very much. Marijuna is the only drug I use and not that much either maybe once or twice a month at most just to relax I'm one of those people who don't find it that big a deal. As for my mother she's still thinks of me as her little girl she needs to take of ( love her to death 4 that). She just wouldn't understand if she found she those old fashion types. But either way thanks for replying.

    p.s. I agree with you idea that drugs kill that's why I've never tried any other drug besides marijuana
  • Nov 20, 2006, 04:57 AM
    If there is any chance that you are developing diabetes, that's a much bigger concern than occasional pot use. Go take the physical. Don't worry about the marijuana (they probably won't test for it), but find out ASAP whether you are at risk for diabetes, and if so, do whatever it takes--diet changes, exercise, drugs--to nip it in the bud. Our son developed type I diabetes at the age of 18, and if it had gone undetected for very much longer, would have caused permanent damage to eyes, kidneys, and other vital organs. It's very insidious because by the time you can notice much in the way of symptoms, a lot of damage has already been done.
  • Nov 20, 2006, 05:41 AM
    Brownsugar, maybe I'm "reading into" this too much... but since you posted this in Addictions, I have to ask: Is there a part of you that worries that the pot smoking is a problem?
  • Nov 20, 2006, 10:34 AM

    Originally Posted by Brownsugar
    Ok my mother is forcing me to go for a medicals check up cause i havent had one in like years and for some reason she thinks i could have diebeties cause she sees me eating too many sweets (rolls eyes) i know its rediculose but now im freaking out cause i just relized there gonna check my urine, blood, ect.. and... im just wondering if they can see that i have marijuana in my system. I dont smoke it all the time just once in a while last time was like friday nov 17 my check up is on tuesday can find anything if there not looking for it? help anyone who knows cause if they can im just gonna stale untill maybe another month if i can :(

    any advice will be greatly appreciated


    Some of our advice or what we have to say here may be harsh or too blunt for some people's taste, but I don't think you would have posted here if you didn't want rock solid truth, right? Not smoking it is better for you, period; withdrawal symptoms and getting your health in order may seem like a pain in the , but its way better than being caught, fined or possibly jailed for possession, I'll bet if your mother turned you in you wouldn't be too happy of a camper. She obviously hasn't (unless you decline to mention that) and DOES love you, because she cares and shows that by taking the time, on you. Not many can say that. Not many mothers (or fathers, at that) do, especially at your age.

    They will find it if they look for it, if they do just accept that it was found. I sincerely hope that you do not have diabetes, it isn't great. It runs in my family along with high blood pressure, cancers and alcoholism. If a simple blood check for health problems is causing you to worry like this, it may be time to put an end to the 'once in a while', and turn that into 'never again, don't need it'. I wish you luck and best wishes.
  • Nov 20, 2006, 11:02 AM
    Generally speaking A check up at your age is a very good idea especially if you have a family history of one disease or another. Early detection brings the best results. A routine check or physical does not include drug screening unless it is specifically requested. Take the tests. If your so worried about your drug use being discovered, maybe you should rethink using it at all. If you are ashamed of being a pot head then you shouldn't do it. At 20 you either should be in school or working anyway so know tat today's test will find THC in your system for 90 days and the hair follicle test can go back much further, so be aware, that joint every now and then will keep you UNEMPLOYED.
  • Nov 20, 2006, 11:10 AM
    Quit smoking pot and inviting trouble into your life that way. You don't want to have health and legal troubles at the same time. Take care of yourself.
  • Nov 20, 2006, 01:06 PM
    In most (if not all) states, you are considered an adult and they can't test your urine for drugs without your permission. On the other hand, as an adult, if you want to make your own rules, you should be thinking about getting out on your own and stop mooching off your Mother. If she provides you room and board (and all those 'sweets' you're scarfing down), she can make the rules as she sees fit. Also, if you're keeping drugs in her house - you are opening up the chance she could be held legally accountable if you are caught. That is the ultimate disrespect... grow up!
  • Nov 20, 2006, 02:42 PM

    Originally Posted by jgj6331
    In most (if not all) states, you are considered an adult and they can't test your urine for drugs without your permission. On the other hand, as an adult, if you want to make your own rules, you should be thinking about getting out on your own and stop mooching off your Mother. If she provides you room and board (and all those 'sweets' you're scarfing down), she can make the rules as she sees fit. Also, if you're keeping drugs in her house - you are opening up the chance she could be held legally accountable if you are caught. That is the ultimate disrespect ..... grow up!

    OK? I don't rember saying anything about mooching on my mom, you just assumed that . Im actually very independent and pay for my own things including rent so you, as for keeping drugs in my house like I said before I maybe smoke like once or twice a month, sometimes not for months even, because and let me say this clearly IM NOT A POTHEAD! I'm never in possestion of it, only some people I know do it cause they just do and if I'm there ill have a bit. Anyway that's besides that point I was trying to make. I just wanted to know if it could be found and thank you to all who actually answerd the question.

    p.s. don't tell me to grow up, you made an assumption and basically went all out for no reason if anything you should grow rather then making a conflict
  • Nov 20, 2006, 02:51 PM
    As for the rest who answerd thanks for your advices and to answer some of your questions.

    -no I'm not addicted I don't smoke enough to become addicted and
    -i don't think have diebetes/ no history in my family of it
    -yes I do truly want to get a check up myself just to see everythings OK
    - lastly I am obvioulsy going to quit soon enough I'm going to graduated in 3 years as a registred nurse and I know ill be tested then so ill know ill quit for that reason.

    Thanks again
  • Nov 21, 2006, 04:29 AM
    I wouldn't worry about it too much.
    Because you are an adult. The doctor has no right to tell your mother anything without your permission.
    If he does he is in vialoation of HIPPA regulations and you have grounds for a law suit.
    This is the practical side of it.

    But I agree with a lot of the other posts.
    If you are not addicted I would say then don't use it any more.
    There has to be something in your subconcesion that says to smoke it.
    That is known as addiction.
  • Nov 21, 2006, 05:59 AM

    Originally Posted by Brownsugar
    no im not addicted... i dont smoke enough to become addicted

    I am sincerely curious to know how much one has to smoke for it to become an addiction? Is it like if you only smoke so much you'll never develop an addiction since that only developes with heavy use? Or is it that this light weight use can't be labeled an addiction because addicts use daily?

    The reason I ask is it seems to me that for many people it does not appear as an addiction until they attempt to quit, and fail repeatedly. And I have heard those people say some stuff very similar to what you are saying here...

    They also say things like "Oh I can quit anytime, I just don't want to" or "An addiction is what my friend is doing....see how much worse xxx is - I am not that bad."
  • Nov 21, 2006, 07:35 AM
    There is something called "binge" addiction. People don't have to do it everyday.. people don't have to do it every month.. but as long as they "do it" they are considered an addict.
    Most people can not stop on their own. I am not saying that it has never been done, but it is unlikely that it can be done alone. This person may be able to take advantage of "out patient detox" and no one would ever have to know about it. The OP is an adult and no one can see his files. Even going to NA meetings may be a help.
    But any one that does any drug more than one time is considered an addict.
  • Nov 21, 2006, 07:39 AM

    Originally Posted by isabelle
    But any one that does any drug more than one time is considered an addict.

    An addict is someone who is physiologically dependent on a substance.

    If you have tried a drug once or twice or even 3 times that does NOT mean you are an addict.
  • Nov 21, 2006, 08:28 AM
    It does not matter how much, or what you use, to be an addict is when your use creates problems and interfers in your life. Denial of that problem is the reason most addicts cannot seek help on their own, and must be desperate before they seek change.
  • Nov 21, 2006, 08:31 AM
    Originally Posted by isabelle
    But any one that does any drug more than one time is considered an addict.

    Maybe that was too harsh. What I am trying to say that if, back in the day, you took a few drugs and stopped, then of course you are not an addict,. But if a person is in the process of doing a drug once in a while and haven't stopped then medically they are considered an addict.
    The words you used "tried" vs "trying" is the difference, I guess.
    Thank you for pointing that out to me. It was too harsh and I did not explain binge" addiction" well.
    Maybe some one else could help me out and do a better job of explaining it.
  • Nov 21, 2006, 08:32 AM
    I think isabelle is trying to say that if doing a drug over and over again shows dependency, no matter the timeframe between uses? Not sure if I said that right.
  • Nov 21, 2006, 11:55 AM
    Thanks Sentra.. sometimes it is hard to explain things when we can not see an affect or a tone of voice. Typing is kinnda flat and sometimes things don't come out as I mean them.
  • Nov 22, 2006, 04:55 AM
    No problem:) I think everyone here has made a few good points! Brownsugar, it would be great if you came back and gave us an update on your situation, here if you need us!

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