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  • Jan 6, 2010, 08:41 AM
    How to go from outside training to potty pad training for our puppy?
    I have a two month old shih zui puppy and she is very well trained in using the bathroom outdoors. In this cold weather I find that she shivers a lot while outside and I always make sure she has a coat/sweater on. How can I get her to at least during the colder months or during rainy days to use the potty pads in a litter box? I don't want to confuse her since she is very good at not having any accidents and always lets me know when she has to go. Has anyone been through this or does anyone have any advice? Thanks in advance for any comments or assistance. Have a great day/night.
  • Jan 6, 2010, 11:35 AM

    Don't baby your dog. Having a dog go inside the house is a bad habit to form. Just because you think it will work during the winter time, your dog will think its OK to go inside the house at any time. My dogs go outside to go potty regardless of the weather.. and my dogs are all shorthaired. Colder weather will just mean their business will be done quicker.

    But if you do want to train the dog to go inside.. Try the Potty Pod... Its simulated grass with easy clean up. So far, I haven't seen any sold in stores... I think you're going to have to order offline. They potty pod doesn't require you to pick up any icky pee soaked papers or look at a dirty litter box...

    But, like I said... I'm not one for having dogs potty inside... When I use to own a cat, that cat went outside for potty.
  • Jan 6, 2010, 10:16 PM
    Thanks Lucky, I really think that might be the best thing to do since she is already so well trained. It's always best to be consistent.
  • Jan 7, 2010, 03:51 PM

    I think you should let your dog keep it's habits if its been trained so well.

    Good Luck

  • Jan 7, 2010, 05:30 PM

    I agree with Lucky, when it's cold or raining it just makes my dogs go potty faster!

    It's funny to watch... they get all excited when I say "wee wee time" they dance all the way to the back door and then when I open it and they see it is raining their heads slink down and they slink outside.
    Once they are out there though it's a very quick potty trip and they race back inside.

    It doesn't hurt them and it's best not to confuse inside from outside with potty training or you could end up with wee all over your house where you don't want it!
  • Jan 8, 2010, 05:36 AM
    Well, I think your right everyone... I took Chichi out for her morning walk and the ground was frozen and I have never seen her wee so fast!! LOL!! Thanks again for your support.

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