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  • Jan 3, 2010, 05:33 PM
    Been using bio clair oil cream and 4% hq 16 days
    When will it start to work,I've been using 4% hq with ra for 2 months with no progress,so I've added my oil cream mixed with hq but its just not doing anything.
  • Jan 4, 2010, 03:21 PM

    Biocclair is ussless waste of time it doesn't do jack just like every other lightner I've tried

    So many good reviews on here saying it works in a week etc its crap doesn't lighten
  • Jan 4, 2010, 04:45 PM

    I've always heard good things about it here so, I thought for certain it would lighten anyone. Sorry it didn't work for you though, what are you going to try next?
  • Jan 4, 2010, 05:37 PM

    No idea what would be strong enough to work
  • Jan 4, 2010, 10:16 PM
    Bio claire does work... I started using bio claire 2 years ago and when I first started using.. it took a long time for the result to come in.. I got unpatience and said this is crap... until someone on this board said it will work just give it time.. just keep using it as instructed... and they was right it took me two month to see the result and when it did come my skin was ligtening like crazy... it made too light... that I had to stop using it... now when I use it bio claire my result are very quick... but people are complaining about bio claire giving them great light skin but after too long use use break out in acne... and it happen to me too... I stop using the bio claire creams on my face but I still use the oil cause I get less break out with the oil.. I want to stop using bio claire all together I just need to find something else that work so I can leave bio claire alone... I used to get HQ 10% it did wonders on my skin... but they no longer sell it here in USA.
  • Jan 5, 2010, 05:52 AM

    I'm only using it on my face 2 months u say ill carry on
  • Jan 5, 2010, 10:37 AM
    Yep it took me about two month to finally see some result with bio claire.. cause my skin was resisting than my skin finally let go and lighting.. than I got back on here to thank the person who told me to be patience cause it will work just wait a little bit longer... just keep following the instructions it will work...
  • Jan 5, 2010, 07:09 PM

    Live1, perhaps hq is not as effective for you as other lighteners may be. Hq doesn't work great for everyone. If you do get any results from bio claire it will be from high levels of steroid lightening only (clobetasol propionate), as it only contains 0.06% hq and less than 1% of "natural" lighteners, which are not an effective amount. Yes, bio claire did work for me as well as many others.

    But if you use it long enough, especially on the body, how would you hide the stretch marks and contact dermatitis, thinned skin?
  • Jan 6, 2010, 07:29 AM

    I'm continuing with 4% hq bio mix I'm sure it will work it probably takes time
  • Jan 7, 2010, 01:02 PM

    Gg is right HQ may not be very effective on your skin, yyou may need to try another lightening agent, i.e sefi white
  • Jan 7, 2010, 01:18 PM
    Hq will work mixed with bio clair ,well it betta ,sepi white suck for me.hq is the best it just takes about 6 months to work I think
  • Jan 12, 2010, 01:13 PM
    Not every skin lightener work 4 everyone.but to be sure you need to use them a little bit longer about 6 months.then you can say if it works or not on your claire did work for me and quickly.but it doesn't work anymore.and hydroquinone gives me a nice glow but never really lightens my skin and a high percentage
  • Jan 14, 2010, 03:15 PM

    I've pretty much came to understand that with any lightening product you need to use some type of aha soap. I don't know the science behind why it works, but it does! I'm using the fair and white aha exfoliating soap. It works great but I wish there was some kind of liquid soap that did the same thing because it's too rough for my face. I have to be very careful because my face will turn red if I rub it too hard.
  • Jan 16, 2010, 01:12 AM

    Bioclaire works!! People react to things differently... I actually had to try many options b/4 finding what work... some were over active on my skin , and some where under.. I do not use them alone I always mix them... and yea always got to add my johnson baby oil for smoothness.. I hate bumps from reaction.
  • Jan 29, 2010, 12:31 AM

    How long is too long with Bio Claire? A month... two months... 6 months? I just want to lighten 2 shades. I have bra strap marks and my feet and arms are darker from the sun. Will I have to use it a long time? Thanks
  • Jan 29, 2010, 03:25 AM

    Bioclaire doesn't work as fast on every area. If you use it on the face it works so fast it took me 2 weeks to lighten 1.5 shade.but on the rest of the body you have to be more patient I would say 3 weeks but it will work. Also try bioclaire maxi tone.It works faster on the body.BTW bioclaire will give you bumps if you use it too more than a contains steroids.
  • Jan 30, 2010, 02:34 AM

    Originally Posted by bonchic View Post
    bioclaire works!!! people react to things differently... i actually had to try many options b/4 finding what work...some were over active on my skin , and some where under.. i do not use them alone i always mix them...and yea always gotta add my johnson baby oil for smoothness..i hate bumps from reaction.

    Bio claire isn't about skin reacting differently or not, that would be like saying some will survive from drinking poison and some will not. It is an artificial cosmetic sold in the cosmetic area of the store. The only right way to use bio claire is to dump it in the trash, not buying it, and never look back, look forward only. It isn't meant for the body or the face, it's meant to be dumped and not used.

    And just looking at the packaging and shadiness of it all, and the wretched smell are reasons enough to avoid crap, smells like pesticides and cyanide in a jar/bottle seriously. Even their oil and soap has a wretched stench. But, our common senses at times tend to overlook the warning red signs that wave in front of us, in hopes for lightening and reaching our goals.. especially when we read positive results from others, regardless what happened to them afterwords.

    And the damage done internally remains the same and many will never come to the conclusion that the health problems they had or they will experience with continued use was/is a result from cheap industrial chemicals poured into cosmetic packaging and then used to quickly lighten skin. Using stuff like that is like selling your soul for the devil for a moment of bliss and achievement then goes down hill from there.
  • Feb 22, 2011, 03:46 PM
    Bio Claire lightend my skin within four days. But it made me very very sleepy and tired during that period.

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