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  • Jan 1, 2010, 07:31 PM
    Lying Exhausted.
    Just to give you a metal picture to start off, I am 17 years old. A male, White of race with no known medical conditions other then ADHD.

    I am in a point in my life that my day to day life is structured around lies. I face numerous problems ranging from unemployment to recreational drug use, academic failure, socially inadequacy, and Lying. I have hit a breaking point and all these problems I believe might endanger my future mental health. Looking back how I grew up in the past six years makes me sick. I don't believe I grew up right and I wonder how I can change this before it too late.

    I have recently recognized I lie out of fear, but all the lies in my past haunt with a iron fist and force me to continue "the story"; the story referring to the long strand of lies that spew out from my mouth over the past six years. I feel that lying is the main cause of my problems and just stopping lying won't fix what my past has brought me.

    How can I over come this?
  • Jan 1, 2010, 07:37 PM
    Hi, WCQBTV!

    Number one, just stop lying.

    Is there a particular reason that you lie, please?

    It's best to take things one thing at a time here. It would also appear that you have a number of issues with which you need to deal.

    You will get compassion and good advice here!

  • Jan 1, 2010, 07:45 PM
    Are you still there, WCQBTV?
  • Jan 1, 2010, 08:30 PM

    Yea I got no idea why I lie it started gradually over the years, mostly to cover stuff I do wrong and now it has turned into lying so I can do things I want to do, which tend to be wrong.
  • Jan 1, 2010, 08:32 PM
    What sort of things do you want to do?
  • Jan 1, 2010, 08:42 PM

    Here is one instance...

    I am in a band and we got a show Monday, Friday and Saturday next week, but a few months ago I told my parents I had a project due 1/5/2010, but it wasn't, I already turned it in and passed but they still think I haven't done it so they want me to stay home and work on it instead of practicing for my upcoming shows so I lie about how much I got done on top of lying about when its due.

    I need to pass this class to graduate on time, and if I don't, my parent's won't let me live there if I don't graduate on time. So I have been remaking the project for some reason.
  • Jan 1, 2010, 09:22 PM
    Okay, so you've got a gig with your band.

    That would appear to be verifiable information.

    If you've already turned in your project as well as passed, that would also be something that's verifiable.

    So, I'm not sure what the problem is here...

  • Jan 1, 2010, 09:45 PM
    Okay, I can see that you're now not logged onto this site.

    If you want help, you will get it here. But, you do need to remain on the site.

    Depending on how things go, and what is needed, I do know just the right people to call on to come to this thread.


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