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  • Dec 8, 2009, 01:32 AM
    My girlfriend told me that she need some time.
    My girlfriend doesn't call me like she used to.
    then when i text her, it took a while to get her reply back. that's why
    i'm so confused:confused:. so then i went to her work to talk to her.
    i asked her what is her problem and why she just changed suddenly then she told me that she just need some time.
    then i'm like " oh you want some space?" but she didn't answer yes. she just say that she need time to spend time with her family cause almost her time just goes to me...what does she mean?what should i do?
  • Dec 8, 2009, 01:58 AM
    Unless you have a proper discussion with her you can't know,so ask her. Usually needing time,or space means a person is having doubts about the relationship and their feelings are changing. Me,if someone were to say they need time,and weren't willing to have a mature discussion about it, I'd be doing my own thing and leave them to do theirs.
  • Dec 8, 2009, 07:24 AM
    I wish
    Actions speak louder than words.

    By not responding to your messages, it means that she doesn't want to talk to you yet.

    You already took additional initiative by going to her work place and confronting her. So now the ball is on her side of the court. When she's ready, she will contact you.

    Go do your own thing so that you don't have to wait by the phone for her call.

    But when she is ready to talk, you're going to have to establish a better communication system. Because she could have at least had the courtesy to let you know that she wanted time and space, as opposde to ignoring you without warning.
  • Dec 8, 2009, 07:40 AM
    What part of your smothering her with your constant need for attention are you not getting. Geez, let the girl do things besides tend to you will you, or she will get tired of seeing you, and kick you to the curb, so she can do other things beside being with you.

    She is obviously thinking that way now.
  • Dec 8, 2009, 05:58 PM

    This is where you have done what you needed to do. Give her time and space and she will come talk to you in time, if its too long then try contacting her and see what's happening.

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