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  • Nov 1, 2009, 01:33 PM
    How long do the packages take?
    My boyfriend and I are both Marines, and we met during our MOS school (lol- go figure.)
    After our schooling, I got sent to CA, and he went back home (reservist). He said he's talking to his unit to send in an active duty package so he can come out to CA with me. He says it can take anywhere from 1month and 1/2 to three months. So far its been two months. Im curious about what the process is, and how long it actually does take. I'd like to see him, but who knows when that could be!

  • Nov 2, 2009, 12:11 PM

    Wow, I'm in nearly the same situation! I'm engaged to a Marine (we met over a year before bootcamp) and right now he is in the process of going active as well. For the record, he put his package in to go active, OVER A YEAR AGO. The first time he sent it in, they told him it would only be a few months- it took much longer and by the time the paper work came back all of it was expired so he had to re-do it. Now, he sent a package in and has not heard from his recruiter in 2 months. We are doubting that it will even go through this time. It is supposed to only take a few months, but we've been waiting a year, so I would hang on, hurry and wait, and get on his recruiter to get that paper work done!

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