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  • Oct 25, 2009, 04:46 PM
    Crying After I ? Why?
    After a full blown orgasum I sometimes starting bawling? Does anyone know why this happens to me? I curl up into a ball and just cry until I feel like I'm mellow again. :confused:
  • Oct 25, 2009, 04:55 PM

    I have experienced this and while my experience was pleasurable,it sounds as if your was not.
    I cried from the deep intense feelings of love that were overwhelming me emotionally.
    Have you ever had a bad sexual experience that you were perhaps reliving,causing you emotional pain?
  • Oct 25, 2009, 04:58 PM

    I had a bad sexual past when I was 12 to 14 but I didn't have a real orgasum intil I was 17 and the first time it happened I cried. I don't mind it... well its werid... I hate crying? But yea it doesn't make me like ahhh that felt good I just cry? I ball up so sesitve I don't want to be touch sometimes...
  • Oct 25, 2009, 05:00 PM

    I don't feel as if I'm reliving something.. its only happened with partners who really get me off a top level orgasum and I don't bring the past into it..
  • Oct 25, 2009, 06:03 PM

    This may or may not be the case, but often the past cuases issues without even knowing it. There can be issues from past sexual practice that will cause seroius issues years earlier
  • Oct 25, 2009, 06:06 PM

    I hope I get more reaspones to this. It bothers me a lot more now knowing its from the past never would have thought that before. :(
  • Oct 25, 2009, 06:06 PM
    Hello M,

    You mentioned that you were 17 when you first cried after having an orgasm, How old are you now? Also, are you in a relationship at the time?

  • Oct 25, 2009, 06:09 PM

    I was sexually active at the age of 12. I'm almost 21 :) 3 months! And yea the first time I had an orgasm was in a releationship I was in for a while partners that have made me cry after I get off are always werided out. I have a boyfriend now of about 9 months... Its like I get off and my heart races and it feels really good it happens and then as I'm like catching my breath I start bawling sometimes I curl right up other time I just cover my face but sometimes I cry really hard..
  • Oct 25, 2009, 06:33 PM

    Originally Posted by MamaLette View Post
    I was sexually active at the age of 12. im almost 21 :) 3 months! and yea the first time i had an orgasim was in a releationship i was in for a while partners that have made me cry after i get off are always werided out. I have a boyfriend now of about 9 months... Its like i get off and my heart races and it feels really good it happens and then as im like catching my breath i start bawling sometimes i curl right up other time i just cover my face but sometimes i cry really hard..

    What are you thinking when you are crying? What thoughts are in your head?
    Do you question what it is all about?
    Perhaps being active so young you feel some sense of guilt or you feel used like you may have felt when you were younger.
    If you were promiscuous at 12 it could have some bearing on what you are feeling now.
    Just throwing things out there.
    Sound possible?
  • Oct 25, 2009, 06:51 PM

    I have never known what to think when its happening. It just happens. I didn't know who I was sexually at 12 now being an adult I'm not really sure. These answers have taken me for a loop my boyfriend comferts me and lets me know he's here for me sometimes he holds me sometimes he lets me have my space. But the emotional part of it is what confuses me. I don't know why it happens maybe its because of my past, that seems reasponable. :(
  • Oct 25, 2009, 07:04 PM

    Originally Posted by MamaLette View Post
    I have never known what to think when its happening. It just happens. I didnt know who i was sexually at 12 now being an adult im not really sure. these answers have taken me for a loop my boyfriend comferts me and lets me know hes here for me sometimes he holds me sometimes he lets me have my space. But the emotional part of it is what confuses me. I dont know why it happens maybe its because of my past, that seems reasponable. :(

    Honey ,you're the only one who understand why you feel this way.
    You have to dig deep and try to ask yourself "why do I feel this way"?
    Loving is meant to make you feel whole and complete and safe from the world.
    Its great you have a guy who understands but he must feel like an abuser after the fact.
    Talk it out with him if it ever happens again.
    Talk and more talk.
    If this continues to affect your life in a negative way ,I think some counseling would be of benefit to you.
    Everyone can benefit from a good therapist!
  • Oct 25, 2009, 07:25 PM

    I just don't understand what I'm feeling?? It just happens ugh :( thanks.
  • Oct 25, 2009, 07:31 PM

    Originally Posted by MamaLette View Post
    I just dont understand what im feeling??????????? it just happens ugh :( thanks.

    I'm sorry I could not answer your question but that does not mean others won't have some ideas.
    Dig deep and try to get in touch with the feelings as they are happening.
    Am I feeling:
    Dig down and try to place a name to the feeling.
  • Oct 25, 2009, 07:34 PM

    All right. I will, but now I'm nervous about getting off. But I will for sure talk to my boyfriend about it when its going on. It upsets me to know I don't have the answer for myself. Thank you for your effort.
  • Oct 25, 2009, 07:36 PM

    Originally Posted by MamaLette View Post
    Alright. i will, but now im nervous about getting off. But i will for sure talk to my boyfriend about it when its going on. It upsets me to know i dont have the answer for myself. thank you for your effort.

    Find some solace in the fact that you can orgasm through intercourse,many of us women find it very difficult ,if not impossible.
  • Oct 25, 2009, 07:39 PM

    I'm guessing it's just hormones that are telling you to let loose emotionally. The young teen girl might cry and emote a lot, as does a pregnant woman, as does the menopausal woman. Hormones out of control. Think PMS too -- hormones. We women are made that way. Females in certain cultures let loose easily, and others hold it in, but the emotion then gets channeled elsewhere, into anger or sarcasm or even into wild happiness.
  • Oct 25, 2009, 07:58 PM

    That's a really good point. Thank you.

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