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  • Sep 24, 2009, 12:01 PM
    2 missed periods sore nipples negative pregnancy tests?
    Ok so I'll start from the beginning.

    My last period was on the 7th of July and only lasted for a couple of days with only spotting. I haven't had anything since.

    I was having nausea and headaches and feeling dizzy which my doctor put down to labyrinthitis but they didn't do any tests to check whether it was that or not.

    And now as of yesterday my nipples have been really sore but only really to touch my boyfriend and I where having a bit of fore play and he was playing with my nipples and they really hurt I never get sore nipples around or on my period so I don't think it's that.

    Now every pregnancy test I've taken has come back negative so I can't be pregnant or can I? I stopped thinking I might be as it can stop you coming on and I'm not really stressed.

    Also I am 23 years old I have got a little bit too much weight on me and I have got PCOS. But I do eat healthy and drink plenty of water. But I have been eating A lot more recently and putting on weight. I do as much walking as poss and go on my bike for 30mins at least 3 times a week.

    Any answers would be helpful?
  • Sep 24, 2009, 12:53 PM

    It does sound like you could be pregnant, especially after 2 months of no monthly cycle.

    I know you've said that you've taken pregnancy tests and they have shown negative, sometimes these tests can be done too early for anything to show correctly.

    Go and see your GP I am sure he will after 2 months be able to tell you for certain if you are pregnant.
  • Sep 24, 2009, 03:23 PM
    sana riaz

    It sound you are most likely to be pregnant in some cases test are not really correct I know some of my friends they know about their pregnancy in second trimestar so don't worry see your gp they probably took blood to find out so all the best
  • Sep 24, 2009, 04:42 PM

    Originally Posted by 0rphan View Post
    It does sound like you could be pregnant, especially after 2 months of no monthly cycle.

    I know you've said that you've taken pregnancy tests and they have shown negative, sometimes these tests can be done too early for anything to show correctly.

    Go and see your GP i am sure he will after 2 months be able to tell you for certain if you are pregnant.

    Yes. See your doctor about getting a pregnancy test with them. There has been many stories on amhd about having many negative tests and being pregnant. Some women seem to have lower harmone levels when it comes to home pregnancy test.
  • Oct 4, 2009, 05:53 AM
    I am going through the sam ehting I have also missed 2 periods an sore nipple tired all the time but no nausea but was throwing up for a few days but seems to have eased I have also had 4 negative pregnancy test even by the doc but haven't had a blood test as of yet an I have no spottin of ny sort I haven't had no stress
  • Oct 20, 2009, 07:51 AM
    I am in a similar situation. I have now missed 2 periods. I have many many symptoms of pregnancy: Nausea, Bloat, Discharge, Back Pain, Cramps, Fatigue, VERY moody, hungry, I've gained weight, heartburn, slightly sore nipples - not all the time, Hot flashes, headaches...
    I have taken about 4 pregnancy tests spanned over the past month and all have come out negative. My boyfriend and I used condoms, and about 3 months ago I went off the Birth Control Pill. I had a regular period following that, but none since.
    Do you think I am pregnant, or are these side effects of going off the pill?
    I have never felt so sick in my life -- just a combination of sooo many things. I have a doctor's appointment in a week, so I will ask for a blood test. Perhaps even an ultrasound.
    I have been pregnant before, and miscarried early. I also did not test positive until I was 2 months along. This time I would be around 8-9 weeks.
    Please give encouraging stories and insight!! Thanks.
  • Apr 4, 2012, 11:41 AM
    I have missed 2 periods as well. My last period was January 31st. I have tested negative on 6 tests if I counted right. 2 were blood tests the last one was taken yesterday, and 2 were urine tests done by the doctor. I feel tired all the time, my nipples are crazy sore and have been for the past week and half, I had a little bit of nausea around my first missed period but not a lot since. I have been urinating more often and gained two pounds since I first went to the doctor in the beginning of February. I never felt any cramps like my period was coming like I did the past periods I had since getting off birth control in November. I have also been picking up smells a lot easier than normal. I have no idea what is going on. I have been trying to tell myself I am not pregnant so I don't get my hopes up and so my mind doesn't psychologically make me have these symptoms. Would like other opinions or advice. I have been on prenatal vitamins since I was off birth control just in case.
  • Apr 7, 2012, 12:20 AM
    Hi, I haven't come on for three weeks, and getting sore nipples, and headaches with dizziness, done two home pregnant kits which were negative, went to the doctors and had one done which again was negative, really getting me worried that something could be wrond, can anyone help?
  • Apr 13, 2012, 09:11 AM
    Okay, this is really scary for me. I'm 18 years old I've been with my boyfriend for over a year now. We have a lot of unprotected sex, he would pull out most of the time (yes I know that hardly works, but we really don't like condoms and the pill makes me feel controlled and unnatural). But we have been so in love its kind of really intimate when he doesn't. SO... in that case he has ejaculated inside me tons of times, but I never got pregnant so I never have really worried about it, until now. In December my period was delayed and actually didn't come until the beginning of January, and it was really really lite. Then in February I got my period on the 17th and I cant't remember how normal that period was. But since then I have not gotten my period in March, and I haven't gotten it this Month either and its supposed to be starting by now I just have no symptoms of a period except for sore breast and really tender nipples. Usually I have really bad cramps that make me not want to do anything, but I haven't gotten cramps like those. I have been sleeping SO much in fact 2 days in a row I was probably sleeping most of the day! I am kind of moody, mostly y, sad and extremely happy. Ive had minor back aches and head aches, but really haven't paid any attention. Another sign I have is Im peeing so much, normally I can wait until I wake up but my body actually wakes me up really early to pee, its getting a little annoying! Ive taken many pregnancy tests and they all are negative. I haven't taken one since last month, but I feel like I need to again. I honestly don't know if I could believe that fact that I'm pregnant... but I'm young and not sure why I'm experiencing missed periods like this.
  • Jul 9, 2012, 11:45 AM
    Lovely ladi
    I have missed 2 periods, sore nipples,hot, moody,horny. Took pregnancy test,negative. I always have unprotected sex.atleast three times a week. What's the problem? No Job,no money,no insurance, so I can't go to the docs yet!
  • Jul 13, 2012, 05:13 AM

    Originally Posted by Lovely ladi View Post
    I have missed 2 periods, sore nipples,hot, moody,horny. Took preg test,neg. I always have unprotected sex.atleast three times a week. What's the problem? No Job,no money,no insurance, so I can't go to the docs yet!

    Your having a laugh! You shouldn't be having unprotected sex with no job and no money. If you going to create a child you need to be able to support it. Although this comment is clearly a joke. If it's not, you really need to think about what your doing.

    Rant over, I'm experiencing something similar. Me and my partner have taken the not trying, not preventing method. When we feel the time is right we don't use contraception.. We want to know our child has been made when we make love... Not during one of the perhaps more erotic, adventurous sessions if that's the right way to describe it.. Hehe! Im sure you know what I mean!

    We've perhaps had unprotected sex about 4-5 times in the last month-six weeks. I've suddenly felt really strange in myself generally.. I just don't feel right if you know what I mean. I feel a bit dizzy every now and again, I don't really want to do much, within the last couple of days I can't stop eating and sleeping! It's all I seem to do! Ive missed a period, my breasts are so sore that my bra comes off as soon as I walk through my front door (such a relief!) my nipples are the worst bit... even slightly brushing on my top/bra/duvet etc. is agony...
    All tests have been negative so far.. But it might be because it's early.. However I am 8days after my period was due.. Surely it should show by now!!
  • Oct 19, 2012, 11:36 PM
    I have been going though the same thing two months with out my period and my nipples hurt... Im also sleepy all the time... my belly have been getting bigger in a month I don't know if I'm eat too much or what... I took one test it came out negative...
  • Sep 5, 2013, 06:59 PM
    Hey girls I am in the same boat here it goes
    Okay first I am 20 years old in good health me and my boyfriend have been trying to conceive for a year
    My last period was 7/12/13 that's( July 12 -2013 )
    We had sex on the days we are suppose to prior to ovulation and my fertile window I was suppose to start my period on Aug. 12 well now here I sat almost 2 months late
    Also I have been filling very tired moody and having to pee a lot and sometime like a little sick to my stomach I also got what look like a positive on a dollar tree test then a negative on a different one help thanks and also my nipples are a little sore it also my stomach has gotten a little harder (: so help thanks girls

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