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  • Sep 22, 2009, 12:51 PM
    All we do is fight
    OK my name is rob I have a year old daughter and my and my girlfriend just fight all the time she is not happy and I am not either but we do want it too work if any one has any in put please I need help with this one and this is the only way I know how without talking to any one I know just feel too embarrass about all this we have been together for 3 years now and we both love each other just fight all the time.
  • Sep 22, 2009, 12:54 PM
    I wish

    I suggest you try counselling. A neutral third party can really help keep the peace in the middle of a heated argument.
  • Sep 22, 2009, 12:56 PM

    If you really want it to work, compromise. Try to talk about your problems without letting it escalate into a fight. Listen to what your partner has to say. Take a step back and think to yourself. When you say you want it to work, and she does too, what exactly do you do? Do you both argue your points about what you want to change? Compromise!! If your not willing to listen and understand how your partner feels you will just continue fighting.

    Worse comes to worse... go seek counseling.

    Best of luck
  • Sep 22, 2009, 01:01 PM
    I am going to vote for counseling, as well.
    If you want to save your relationship, counseling is your best option for new ways to motivate communication instead of fighting.
    Until you have the tools, you can't build the foundation.
  • Sep 22, 2009, 01:45 PM
    Go to a counselor. But before you do, make sure you and your girlfriend make some kind of ground rules.

    That you both will promise to be open to all suggestions and input. If you go into it with a closed mind, you'll get nothing out of it.

    Don't go in there and attack one another with insults and accusations. All that will do is make matters worse.

    Try to be respectful of each other, and most importantly be open and honest.

    If you truly want to make this relationship work, you both are going to have to work at it.

    Nothing worth having is easy.

    You both should read books on relationships. Dr. Kevin Leman has some good ones.

    I wish you both luck and patience.
  • Sep 24, 2009, 04:08 PM

    You do need some guidance, but what are you fighting all the time about? How old are you both? School?/ Working??
  • Sep 24, 2009, 06:27 PM

    Send the baby to the babysitters or grandparents one day. Be alone with your girlfriend and start the conversation with how you do not want to fight, this is not the intention.

    After both of you get your own piece of paper to write down the problems you guys see in the relationship and how you think they can be fixed. After you are done share what you have both written down. Hopefully it goes well. Maybe play calming music through it. Also after maybe have a nice dinner together and get that old flame back!

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