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  • Sep 19, 2009, 08:50 AM
    sherlock holmes
    Lubricant condom
    Hai Friends,

    There is someone who made teror in our office. He/she put a new lubricant condom on our female staff desk. Our security people could not handle this case, so we called a police to help us. The Police forensic could not find a fingerprint on the condom, because it was lubricated.

    My question :

    1.Any other approach to find a fingerprint on the condom?.
    2. I think DNA test is not a good idea, since the sample could be degraded/contaminated because the lubricant, false handling and time ( it happened a week ago). Any idea from you that I should consider to solve the case by identifying the suspect?.
    3.The police wants to make a public investigation, for my opinion this is not a good idea.

    Please help... and thanks so much
  • Sep 19, 2009, 09:11 AM

    Sherlock, that is a pretty good story. Why would the police want to initiate, via time and money, an investigation into a condom being left on the desk (which you didn't say look like it had been used) therefore, why DNA. Then every male in the office would have to give samples. Give me a break.

  • Sep 19, 2009, 09:25 AM
    sherlock holmes

    Originally Posted by tickle View Post
    Sherlock, that is a pretty good story. Why would the police want to initiate, via time and money, an investigation into a condom being left on the desk (which you didnt say look like it had been used) therefore, why DNA. Then every male in the office would have to give samples. Give me a break.


    Thanks TICKLE, the condom look like as an used one... but there was not any sperm or cement... only lubricant. Our security people send the condom to the forensic lab... hope it would be a fingerprint there, but it did not work.. as I explained before.

    Anyway.. thanks for your attention and prompt reply
  • Sep 19, 2009, 09:40 AM

    1. yes it could be fingerprinted, it would take a special crime lab with equipment but the lube on it, would work similar to oil and should have a fingerprint.

    2. sorry story not believable, no police department would do anything but take notes, and I doubt would even file a report, since it was not a crime, work harassment maybe.

    Even if fingerprinted, no way to match it to people working in the building, you can not force people to be printed to match

    The company if they wanted to spend 1000' of dollars could send it to a lab at their cost, but no police lab would even bother with this, and if for some reason they did, waiting time in most crime labs is 3 to 5 months for testing.

    Anyone even close to real police would not believe this
  • Sep 19, 2009, 05:01 PM

    I think we've been pranked. What company in their right mind would spend more than 5 seconds on this "crime"? None that I know of.
  • Sep 19, 2009, 05:07 PM

    Originally Posted by twinkiedooter View Post
    I think we've been pranked. What company in their right mind would spend more than 5 seconds on this "crime"? None that I know of.

    Sherlock Holmes would scoff at this case :rolleyes:
  • Sep 19, 2009, 05:11 PM

    It seems that someone is bored today and thought they'd make
    Up a story for us.

    Sadly, it's not only not believable but a waste of our time.

    OP, we do this for free, in our spare time, and thanks to you, someone that actually has a problem is being overlooked as we spend time on the bull you're dishing.


    If you're going to lie then at least make it believable.
  • Sep 19, 2009, 07:25 PM
    Hey guys, be on the lookout for my lucky condom.

    I was walking through the office , and it slipped out of my hand. It must have been the lubricant.

    The police came out with the bloodhounds, but no luck.

    I've made posters of it like Scotland Yard suggested.
  • Sep 19, 2009, 07:30 PM

    Originally Posted by jmjoseph View Post
    Hey guys, be on the lookout for my lucky condom.

    I was walking through the office , and it slipped out of my hand. It must have been the lubricant.

    The police came out with the bloodhounds, but no luck.

    I've made posters of it like Scotland Yard suggested.

    Number 777 and funny to boot ! :D
  • Sep 20, 2009, 01:45 AM
    sherlock holmes

    Originally Posted by Fr_Chuck View Post
    1. yes it could be fingerprinted, it would take a special crime lab with equipment but the lube on it, would work simular to oil and should have a fingerprint.

    2. sorry story not believable, no police department would do anything but take notes, and I doubt would even file a report, since it was not a crime, work harrassment maybe.

    even if fingerprinted, no way to match it to people working in the building, you can not force people to be printed to match

    The company if they wanted to spend 1000' of dollars could send it to a lab at thier cost, but no police lab would even bother with this, and if for some reason they did, waiting time in most crime labs is 3 to 5 months for testing.

    Anyone even close to real police would not beleive this

    Thanks FR-Chuck, I appreciate your info. I would also thank to all of you who has submited the comment for the case. Just be honest, it s true. A 'maniac' put the condom and my boss lost his self control... and he very confidence to catch him/her. I understood that he angry.. because this case is for the second time.

    I would like to tell my boss... we just wasting money and time, but it is not a right time. Why we treat a work harassment like a big crime... without any evidence we can not force people to confess. My boss is not stupid.. but he lost his control... and someone should to tell him.

    Once again, thanks for all of you and the case is closed now.
  • Sep 20, 2009, 05:45 AM

    Originally Posted by sherlock holmes View Post
    Thanks FR-Chuck, I appreciate your info. I would also thank to all of you who has submited the comment for the case. Just be honest, it s true. A 'maniac' put the condom and my boss lost his self control...and he very confidence to catch him/her. I understood that he angry..because this case is for the second time.

    I would like to tell my boss....we just wasting money and time, but it is not a right time. Why we treat a work harrassment like a big crime....without any evidence we can not force people to confess. My boss is not stupid..but he lost his control...and someone should to tell him.

    Once again, thanks for all of you and the case is closed now.

    How can this case be closed when the culprit is still at Magnum... large?
  • Sep 20, 2009, 06:20 AM
    sherlock holmes

    Originally Posted by jmjoseph View Post
    How can this case be closed when the culprit is still at Magnum..... large?

    I mean... closed for discussion. Thanks.
  • Sep 20, 2009, 06:42 AM

    Originally Posted by sherlock holmes View Post
    I mean....closed for discussion. Thanks.

    With 4 posts under your belt, you don't have the authority to close a discussion. You have the right to not respond. When you throw something like this out there, be ready for people to pounce on it.
  • Sep 20, 2009, 08:36 AM

    Originally Posted by jmjoseph View Post
    With 4 posts under your belt, you don't have the authority to close a discussion. You have the right to not respond. When you throw something like this out there, be ready for people to pounce on it.

    Yes, a total waste of time, and no, he can't close it, just not respond, but we did have some fun with it, eh, jm :D

  • Sep 20, 2009, 09:43 AM
    Yes we are living life at a really "large" level now.

    Of course you could go to every store in the local area and ask who has bought them.

    I do wonder, at least locally, they lock all of the condoms up at the drug store, if you want one you have to ask someone to come out and open the case.

    I guess you do do it like the "shoe" in that nursery story, check out who it fits on properly
  • Sep 20, 2009, 10:59 AM

    Originally Posted by sherlock holmes View Post
    I mean....closed for discussion. Thanks.

    That's funny.

    You posted on a public forum, this thread is now public property and you don't have
    The right to close it.

    Any member of this site can comment, and trust me, they will.
  • Sep 20, 2009, 04:09 PM

    Sherlock - If your company has a suggestion box may I suggest that you suggest to your boss to hire only female employees.

    Any man who used a condom obviously having sex in the office needs his head examined.

    Or tell the boss to install cameras throughout the office at an enormous cost to him just to catch the culprit.

    I'm certain that the cops had a good laugh over their donuts that night for sure over this stupid call.

    And yes, we are all volunteers on here and spend a lot of time helping folks. I have no idea why the cops showed up and wasted their time. Maybe the guys were bored with nothing to do and decided to show up and see what the rumpus was all about.
  • Sep 20, 2009, 05:38 PM
    Years ago, I had some property stolen. It was at a empty house of ours that we used for storage. Some things including a couple of guns were stolen. I had taken them out of my truck for the day while surveying in a bad neighborhood. I thought that I was keeping them safe, but apparently not so. Well, the local police dept. wasn't even going to dust for prints until I mentioned it. So around here, I can guarantee that a used condom wouldn't even be responded to. With violent crime being commonplace, I can't imagine thie issue being investigated at all. Unless someone left it at the Whitehouse, or the Pentagon.

    Oh, that must be it. You work for the government. I get it now. Well, the FBI will surely get their man. They'll have this case "wrapped" up in no time. They'll work like "Trojans", and "erect" a statue of the agent who solves this. "Willie" get a raise? It might be "hard", but probably so. No "bones" about it.

    OK, I'm done. Sorry folks. I just had time in the "intercourse" of my night.
  • Sep 20, 2009, 05:47 PM

    Since when did putting condom on a desk is a crime? LOL

    It is disgusting! But certainly not a crime.
  • Sep 20, 2009, 06:02 PM

    Originally Posted by jmjoseph View Post
    Years ago, I had some property stolen. It was at a empty house of ours that we used for storage. Some things including a couple of guns were stolen. I had taken them out of my truck for the day while surveying in a bad neighborhood. I thought that I was keeping them safe, but apparently not so. Well, the locale police dept. wasn't even going to dust for prints until I mentioned it. So around here, I can guarantee that a used condom wouldn't even be responded to. With violent crime being commonplace, I can't imagine thie issue being investigated at all. Unless someone left it at the Whitehouse, or the Pentagon.

    Oh, that must be it. You work for the government. I get it now. Well, the FBI will surely get their man. They'll have this case "wrapped" up in no time. They'll work like "Trojans", and "erect" a statue of the agent who solves this. "Willie" get a raise? It might be "hard", but probably so. No "bones" about it.

    OK, I'm done. Sorry folks. I just had time in the "intercourse" of my night.

    I can't rep you! I can't rep you!

    I am sad.

    Still laughing. Thanks, I needed that. :)

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