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  • Sep 17, 2009, 12:44 PM
    Save time, Use the Patch
    Something I received in an e-mail. It describes a really good way to save time in the Emergency Room at most hospitals in the USA.


    The other day, I needed to go to the emergency room.

    Not wanting to sit there for 4 hours, I put on my old Army fatigues and stuck a patch onto the front of my shirt that I had downloaded off the Internet.

    When I went into the E.R. I noticed that 3/4 of the people got up and left. I guess they decided that they weren't that sick after all. Cut at least 3 hours off my waiting time.

    Here's the patch. Feel free to use it the next time you're in need of quicker emergency service.

    It also works at DMV and the Laundromat.

    Don't try it at McDonald's, the whole crew will exit and you'll never get your order.
  • Sep 17, 2009, 03:13 PM
    Pic didn't work, you got a link?
  • Sep 18, 2009, 07:42 AM

    Cats, just for you...

    File:USA - Border Patrol.png - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

  • Sep 18, 2009, 08:25 AM
    Hello El:

    I'll STOP asking you to notice the racism that's all around you... It would be an impossible task since you can't even see it in yourself...

    Does it bother you when people make jokes about Jews being tight or having big noses? Would you complain to a moderator if someone did it here?? I'll bet you would... You, who fight for Jewish causes, should be the FIRST to understand the vileness you spew... But, you don't...

  • Sep 18, 2009, 09:14 AM

    Originally Posted by ETWolverine View Post


    Ex makes note that you follow Abraham, if you're Orthodox let me say Happy New Year. I don't have the Hebrew to say it.
  • Sep 18, 2009, 09:37 AM

    Ex--is it REALLY racism?

    He never MENTIONS a race.

    There are a LOT of people in this country that are here illegally--and not all of them are from the place you think is being referenced. Here in MN, Border Patrol deals with CANADIANS (those sneaky Canucks!) and people from OTHER countries in the world that try to sneak in across the border.

    While we all know that the MAJORITY of illegal aliens are here from a specific country---I'm of the opinion that I shouldn't have to pay the hospital bill they can't afford from my taxes when they aren't even making an EFFORT to become legalized in most cases, REGARDLESS which country they're coming from.
  • Sep 18, 2009, 09:56 AM

    Originally Posted by Synnen View Post
    Ex--is it REALLY racism?

    He never MENTIONS a race.

    Hello Synn:

    Of course, its racism, Synn... The worst kind, because it's subtle, it's nuanced, and it's defensible - just like you're defending it.

    It's like the lady who posted a picture of the White House with watermelons growing in the front yard. After all, they're ONLY watermelons. She doesn't SAY anything racist. She could just not know about stuff like that. She COULD be completely innocent of racism, couldn't she??

    In a PIGS EYE!!

  • Sep 18, 2009, 10:07 AM

    Spectral evidence is great isn't it ?
  • Sep 18, 2009, 10:43 AM

    Originally Posted by tomder55 View Post
    spectral evidence is great aint it ?

    Hello tom:

    So, if someone, for example, wore a white sheet to an Obama town hall, my suggestion that he too might be a racist, would be met with the same comment?

    I don't know. I'm still getting the feeling that you righty's deny that there's racism within our ranks... You SAY you don't do that, but apparently the term racist is reserved for those who use the N word.

    Is that right, or is there any OTHER form of communication, short of the spoken or written word, that could exhibit racism?

    Is Pat Buchanan a racist? I've never heard him use a racial slur, yet he's the most racist guy around.

  • Sep 18, 2009, 10:45 AM

    Originally Posted by excon View Post
    Hello Synn:

    Of course, its racism, Synn... The worst kind, because it's subtle, it's nuanced, and it's defensible - just like you're defending it.

    It's like the lady who posted a picture of the White House with watermelons growing in the front yard. After all, they're ONLY watermelons. She doesn't SAY anything racist. She could just not know about stuff like that. She COULD be completely innocent of racism, couldn't she???

    In a PIGS EYE!!!


    Honest to goodness, Exy---it took me a full minute to figure out your example---because I was trying to figure out how liking big melons (though I have no idea whether our new president likes big melons or not) had to do with racism.
  • Sep 18, 2009, 10:56 AM

    Originally Posted by Synnen View Post
    Honest to goodness, Exy---it took me a full minute to figure out your example---because I was trying to figure out how liking big melons (though I have no idea whether or not our new president likes big melons or not) had to do with racism.

    Hello again, Synn:

    There's lots of people who don't know stuff like that. I don't know how you missed it, and I don't know where the fault lies for that lapse.

    Nonetheless, in our recent history black people have been characterised as especially liking watermelons and fried chicken. They've been characterized as monkeys too.

    So, when you see references to Obama that include fried chicken, watermelons or having to do with monkeys, they're either RACIST, or they're from people like you who actually have no idea of those connections...

    But, you MUST admit, given those characterizations, it would be a NATURAL response to think they're racist... I mean, how many people are there who really don't know that stuff?? It IS American history, for crying out loud.. So, some of these people who claim ignorance, aren't telling the truth now, are they?

  • Sep 18, 2009, 10:59 AM

    Speaking about Buchanan... what does he and Jimmy C have in common ?

    Wearing white sheets would be overt in your face racism.

    Whereas what I see in Elliot's "joke " is a parody that uses stereotyping . Now is all stereotyping racism ? If it is then all stereotypes dealing with gender, religion, age, weight, ethnicity, socio-economic class, disability, occupation, among many other things are also racist.

    But you know they are not. You are reading into Elliot's mind and heart and divining what he meant.
    Yes spectral evidence covers it.
  • Sep 18, 2009, 11:02 AM

    Oh, I know it's history.

    I just try, honestly, to live in a color free society, and therefore try to treat people according to their ACTIONS, not by stereotypes.

    However--if you're in the US illegally, then the FIRST thing you did when you came to this country was break the law. Why SHOULD lawbreakers get privileges? There's actually TRUTH behind the fact that many ER waiting rooms have people in them that are not TRULY emergencies---but the ER is the ONLY place that HAS to treat a person regardless their legal status. So... if people get up and walk out because they see a US Border Patrol member and slink out because of it---that just tells me that they're guilty of being in this country illegally, not what color they are.

    I realize that not as many people out there are as enlightened as I am, though.

    EVERYONE should have thought of the sexual side of your example before the racist side of your example, in my opinion.
  • Sep 18, 2009, 11:04 AM

    I think it's deplorable.

    Glad Ex is here to try and explain why.
  • Sep 18, 2009, 11:14 AM

    Originally Posted by excon View Post
    Hello El:

    I'll STOP asking you to notice the racism that's all around you... It would be an impossible task since you can't even see it in yourself...

    So... I'm a racist... because I point out when foreigners are breaking our laws.

    To you pointing out illegal behavior is racism.

    Now I understand why you see racism where there is none...


    Does it bother you when people make jokes about Jews being tight or having big noses? Would you complain to a moderator if someone did it here?? I'll bet you would... You, who fight for Jewish causes, should be the FIRST to understand the vileness you spew... But, you don't...

    First of all, does this joke mention any specific race? Does it describe anyone in specific? Nope. So if anyone is jumping to conclusions about race, it would be YOU, not me. MY point was one about illegal behavior, not race.

    But of course, YOU are a liberal racist, you see race where none is intended, none is mentioned, and none is justified.

    I think you need to check the mirror, excon. Because calling someone a racist when it isn't justified is itself an act of racism.

    As for people making Jewish jokes... I hate to tell you this, but I tell some of the best of them. And no, they don't upset me. Not even a little. They don't upset most of the Jews I know either. Perhaps you're a little overly sensitive...

  • Sep 18, 2009, 11:14 AM

    Originally Posted by tomder55 View Post
    If it is then all stereotypes dealing with gender, religion, age, weight, ethnicity, socio-economic class, disability, occupation, among many other things are also racist.

    Hello again, tom:

    Not at all, tom. It would be called gender bias, religious discrimination, age discrimination, fat content, discrimination against broke people, job discrimination...

    The one you hit right was ETHNICITY. Discrimination against someone because of their ethnicity IS racism. The rest is just plain old discrimination.

    RACISM, because of our past behavior in enslaving black people, is especially offensive... I've never known us to enslave fat people. If we did, then putting down fat people would be MUCH worse than it already is.

    I don't know why you folks don't understand these things. So no, tom. I'm not convinced. Racists are especially ugly.

  • Sep 18, 2009, 11:15 AM

    Originally Posted by Catsmine View Post

    Ex makes note that you follow Abraham, if you're Orthodox let me say Happy New Year. I don't have the Hebrew to say it.

    The Hebrew is Shanah Tovah (Good Year). And the same to you, Cats.

  • Sep 18, 2009, 11:24 AM


    So based on your logic, if anyone were to actually walk into an ER with such a patch on their shoulder, they would be racist, because it clearly is meant as a racial descrimination act.

    What if he really was a border patrol agent?

    What if he was a border patrol agent with a Mexican background?

    What if he was an American civilian with a Mexican background who just happened to be sick of other people coming to his country illegally... even if it's from his family's country of origin?

    Are all such people racists too?

    Sorry, but this joke wasn't racist at all. It didn't mention Mexicans or Hispanics of any sort. YOU jumped to that conclusion. Perhaps that's because of stereotypes that YOU have created regarding Mexicans being the only ones who cross the border illegally. They're not, you know. My joke was about illegal aliens, not Mexicans or Hispanics. If you feel that it was a 'subtle suggestion' about Hispanics of any sort, perhaps you need to look at yourself and wonder why you are jumping to that conclusion when others do not. What is it about YOURSELF that makes you think that way. Because it wasn't anything I did.

  • Sep 18, 2009, 11:27 AM

    Originally Posted by ETWolverine View Post
    First of all, does this joke mention any specific race? Does it describe anyone in specific? Nope. So if anyone is jumping to conclusions about race, it would be YOU, not me.


    Originally Posted by ETWolverine View Post
    My joke was about illegal aliens, not Mexicans or Hispanics. If you feel that it was a 'subtle suggestion' about Hispanics of any sort, perhaps you need to look at yourself and wonder why you are jumping to that conclusion when others do not. What is it about YOURSELF that makes you think that way.

    Hello again, El:


    Originally Posted by Synnen View Post
    while we all know that the MAJORITY of illegal aliens are here from a specific country---

  • Sep 18, 2009, 11:38 AM

    I haven't denied where A MAJORITY come from.

    But "majority" ain't all. And you skipped part of Syn's post:


    There are a LOT of people in this country that are here illegally--and not all of them are from the place you think is being referenced. Here in MN, Border Patrol deals with CANADIANS (those sneaky Canucks!) and people from OTHER countries in the world that try to sneak in across the border.

    Did you think we'd miss that?


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