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  • Aug 13, 2009, 12:40 AM
    Can I talk about work on my blog
    HI there,

    I have a strange request. I want to start a blog about my life. Loads of people that I know think I should write a book about my childhood, but since I suck at writing, I thought I'd start a blog about my life and crafting and such. Well, I'm a caregiver for developmentally disabled adults. I come to their home five days a week and take them on outtings, clean their house, and do for them what they can't do for themselves. Well, my question is this: Would I get fired if I discussed my day at work on my blog if I changed the client's names?

    Thank you in advance for any and all advice.

    I'm wondering if this is breaking any HIPAA laws.
  • Aug 13, 2009, 12:48 AM

    As far as I know, as long as your protect their identities, then you shouldn't.

    I mean, what's the harm if you say Daisy Roache is Jane Doe and her address, 321 Melrose Place, is 123 abc street.

    Just what I think, not sure, don't know the laws. It sounds like a good idea though. It's a good thing to do for the world, and if more people are enlightened to it, then maybe there would be more interest for it.

    Anyway, I HOPE you can, but not sure.
    Good Luck! :)
  • Aug 17, 2009, 07:59 AM

    I would personally advise against it.

    Even if you change names and fine details, if your employeer can trace you back to the comments you make (positive or negative) they could take action.

    If a patient's family member finds your blog and recognizes their loved one you could have a problem - even if you change names.

    If you choose to do it, do not post any personal pictures or information, certainly not your name. Hide your own identity as well as your patients and coworkers.

    These days, many employeers are creating policies and procedures regarding social networking sites, blogs included. If you're found to be discussing work (especially in negative terms) you could risk termination. Its not just about HIPAA but other companies are concerned about their reputations and policies being shared on the world wide web.

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