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  • Aug 5, 2009, 09:16 AM
    Child Support
    My ex was ordered to pay monthly support and 1/2 of the out of pocket medical expenses over $250 per child per year. It was also ordered to the CPS because of his lack of paying the monthly support, now they draft his pay.

    My question is what do I do about collecting his part of the medical? I contacted CPS about it but haven't heard back yet. I have already paid $352.98 for one child just since January 2009. In October the same child will have to have braces and that comes to and additional $222 a month. My ex requested the support be looked at 4 months ago stating a decrease in his pay. The support was reviewed and the result was an increase in the monthly support and he got mad, no one has heard from him since (that is why they started to draft his check) It’s my understanding that it can't be redone but once a year for a material change and every three years - just because. Do I take the medical to CPS and have them try to collect it or do I send it to him? I don't believe that he will pay it, then I would have to back to court for contempt, right? Do I wait until the end of the year or do I start requesting him to pay his part now?
  • Aug 5, 2009, 10:08 AM

    Start requesting it now. That way if you have to go back to court the judge won't have to ask you why you didn't send him his part of the bill when it came.
  • Aug 5, 2009, 01:30 PM

    You may have a fight on your hands depending on how you have approached things in the first place. Do you have joint legal custody with him ? Did you decide on the braces without talking to him ? Its possible that the courts may consider braces an " option " because no medical insurance covers them.. it would be a dental policy that covers them. So you may be stuck with the bill.

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