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  • Aug 4, 2009, 09:51 PM
    Does stretching make you grow taller?
    hey guys I've been trying to grow taller these days. I'm 19, guy, and I'm not sure if I can anymore. I'm 5"10 and I've been stretching, hanging, bicycling a lot these days in hopes of finding an inch or two somewhere. I was just wondering, can these things really help you grow taller? If so, what are some other things I can do? If not, can I still grow taller? Thanks in advance =P
  • Aug 5, 2009, 08:33 AM

    You are 19 and not likely done growing. You might grow an inch or two more. The other things you mentioned, while not going to make you taller, will certainly help make you healthier.

    5'10 is not short and actually above average.
  • Aug 5, 2009, 08:38 AM

    Have you tried 'bar fix'? You know, pulling yourself up from a horizontal bar? I hear that that does make people become taller.

    Also, swimming does help to grow taller. Only thing, I'm not sure if that works at that age... I've been swimming for four years, and stopped two years ago, and I'm 1m73, that makes about 5"77
  • Aug 5, 2009, 08:55 AM

    Originally Posted by Unknown008 View Post
    Have you tried 'bar fix'? You know, pulling yourself up from a horizontal bar? I hear that that does make people become taller.

    Also, swimming does help to grow taller. Only thing, I'm not sure if that works at that age... I've been swimming for four years, and stopped two years ago, and I'm 1m73, that makes about 5"77

    Can you please cite a credible source that proves that swimming helps you grow taller?

    Hanging will "stretch" the cartledge in your spine and will help make you seem taller for a short period but gravity will compress it back to its original size (and as you age, smaller, which is why older folk seem to get shorter).

    Nothing but age and genetics will help you grow taller. Healthy bones certainly helps as well as posture, but that's not height either.
  • Aug 5, 2009, 09:03 AM

    Well, I don't have a 'specific source' for that, but that's only a rumour, that I have experienced to be quite true. I have many friends who were shorter than me, then grew taller after they were swimming in a club.

    By swimming, I mean, at least twice weekly for a good two hours, and that's training swimming programs for competitions.
  • Aug 5, 2009, 09:04 AM

    Originally Posted by Unknown008 View Post
    Well, I don't have a 'specific source' for that, but that's only a rumour, that I have experienced to be quite true. I have many friends who were shorter than me, then grew taller after they were swimming in a club.

    By swimming, I mean, at least twice weekly for a good two hours, and that's training swimming programs for competitions.

    How old were they?
  • Aug 5, 2009, 09:08 AM

    There's a range, some 12, others 17. Also, the friends I met in my swimming club were all tall... they were in the twenties.

    I'm not saying that it works for everybody, for this is only an experience I have, but it can work. Ah, I remember one that was not that tall, and he was 18, now must be in his 20s. That person was also 'body building'.

    That's the opposite here, lifting generally makes people shorter.
  • Aug 5, 2009, 09:16 AM

    So your growing teenaged friends got taller? Swimming had nothing to do with it other than they were likely healthy.

    Incidentally, lifting making people shorter is also circumstantial evidence.

    Taller people could be more inclined towards sports that benefit height (long legs help swimming) and stockier guys could be more inclined to compensate for smaller height with bigger muscles.

    Either way, none of it affects height.
  • Aug 5, 2009, 09:25 AM

    Lifting weight does not make people shorter unky. Shaquille oneal started lifting weights when he was in his teens and now he's 7 foot
  • Aug 5, 2009, 09:32 AM

    Ok, I was just saying that it does generally. Anyway, I know also most of it are genetics. If your parents were tall, then you'll more likely be too.

    Oh, another thing. There was a documentary I watched long ago, saying that stress makes people taller. However, you won't put your health at risk, would you?

    Well, good luck Noney :)
  • Aug 5, 2009, 09:35 AM

    From a scientific (genetic) point, the height of your mother's father can be a good indicator of your potential height.
  • Aug 5, 2009, 09:40 AM

    My father is 5"7 and my mom i 5"1 and I'm 5"10 wanting to be 6" my grandpa is 6"2
  • Aug 5, 2009, 09:43 AM

    Wow! Seems that you'll be like your mom though... I mean, you'll perhaps inherit the height of your mom, which is probably already the case. :/
  • Aug 5, 2009, 09:44 AM

    Originally Posted by none12345 View Post
    my father is 5"7 and my mom i 5"1 and im 5"10 wanting to be 6" my grandpa is 6"2

    You might make it, you might not. Eat well, get plenty of calcium and stand up straight. You should be close enough. And if not... don't worry about it. :)
  • Aug 5, 2009, 09:57 AM

    Originally Posted by Unknown008 View Post
    Wow! Seems that you'll be like your mom though... I mean, you'll perhaps inherit the height of your mom, which is probably already the case. :/

    What do you mean unky?
  • Aug 5, 2009, 09:58 AM

    Originally Posted by stevetcg View Post
    You might make it, you might not. Eat well, get plenty of calcium and stand up straight. You should be close enough. And if not... dont worry about it. :)

    Lol I hope I do, if not ill just wear an inch boots to make me 5"11 and ill be happy lols
  • Aug 5, 2009, 10:18 AM

    Originally Posted by none12345 View Post
    I was just wondering, can these things really help you grow taller?

    Hello none:

    I don't know... But, I have an opinion...

    It seems to me that when bones are growing, and stress is put upon them, they grow... It also seems to me that when you're stretching, you're pulling on your ligaments that are attached to the bone, thereby pulling on the bone...

    I think I saw a documentary about some little person who had his leg bones stretched through some surgery with pins and an adjustable device on the outside to keep the pressure on the bones, and stretch them...

    I'm not suggesting you do THAT. I'm just saying that I wouldn't be so quick to discount stretching from making you grow taller. Besides, it doesn't hurt, and can only help.

  • Aug 6, 2009, 01:27 PM

    So can we all agree that stretching can make one taller an inch or two? I got an ebook online and it says it does. So I don't know if I should put the effort into stretching if it doesn't have any results.
  • Aug 7, 2009, 04:08 PM

    I have heard if you run with ankle weights and than tangle your leg off an edge with weights it can make your legs longer. Do you guys think its true? =P
  • Aug 7, 2009, 04:13 PM
    Stretching does two things, it makes you sore, and makes you look like a nut .

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