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  • Jul 23, 2009, 09:51 PM
    Can't have my nose pierced
    OK so I want my nose pierced and last year my mom said it was OK but I just moved back in with my dad and he thinks that body piercing on 13 years old is some kind of sin... and I keep telling him that it's my body and not his... so what am I going do?? :(
  • Jul 23, 2009, 09:57 PM

    Young lady, until you are no longer a minor you must adhere to what your parents tell you. On a 13 year old girl I would definitely not recommend a nose piercing. Your parents could be arrested for child abuse (no, I am not kidding about this as it has happened recently to parents of a minor for piercing and tattooing). After you are over 18 you can have all the piercings and tattoos you wish, but right now NO.
  • Jul 23, 2009, 09:59 PM

    Why do you want this piercing? I'd really like to know your reasons.

  • Jul 24, 2009, 07:12 AM

    Some people can be really patronising and judgemental when it comes to piercings on younger people, I'm 14 and I got my nose pierced when I was 13 and my monroe pierced a few months later, luckily my dad said he thought they looked nice beuase I only have tiny studs in so they don't look too big for my face. Tell your dad the reasons you'd like it done and if he thinks of a con then you should find a way around it.. for example:

    "what about your school?"
    .. after a few weeks you can put in a retainer and the school should be perfectly fine with it

    "when youre older youll have holes in your face"
    .. after a while they will heal over and scar, but just think how big that scar would be.. TINY! Even then you can cover it up with make up and they're not very noticeable at all

    "what if it gets infected"
    .. then explain it'd be your fault for letting it get infected and that you'll have no more piercings until you're 18

    I think for now you should go with your dads decision but let him know you're responsible enough to get it done and face and consequences that may pop up along the way.. most of the consequenses can be fixed by something simple!

    And don't get it done behind his back!!
  • Jul 24, 2009, 12:10 PM

    Well I want it done because I just think it's cool
  • Jul 24, 2009, 12:29 PM

    I didn't even get my ears pierced until I was 13!! I don't understand why all these kids want to rush life and grow up so quickly. You need to enjoy your life as a teenager, because when you get older you will want to go back to being a teenager and not having any responsibilities except for going to school and doing your homework.

    Plain and simple though, as twinkie stated, you live under your parents household and you live by their rules. Suck it up and wait until you either get your father's permission, or you turn the legal age to get it done.

    They have age limits set up for a reason!
  • Jul 24, 2009, 01:10 PM

    It's not the end of the world. Wait until you're 18 and can get it pierced yourself. Until then, get over it!
  • Jul 24, 2009, 01:28 PM

    Think of it this way your dad doesn't think it is a sin for you to be having all these bf's before you even turn 14 so which would you prefer he does allow? Piercings or bfs?

    You can't always have everything you want.
  • Jul 24, 2009, 01:32 PM

    Originally Posted by rosanna-hope View Post
    some people can be really patronising and judgemental when it comes to piercings on younger people, im 14 and i got my nose pierced when i was 13 and my monroe pierced a few months later, luckily my dad said he thought they looked nice beuase i only have tiny studs in so they dont look too big for my face. tell your dad the reasons you'd like it done and if he thinks of a con then you should find a way around it.. for example:

    "what about your school?"
    .. after a few weeks you can put in a retainer and the school should be perfectly fine with it

    "when youre older youll have holes in your face"
    .. after a while they will heal over and scar, but just think how big that scar would be.. TINY! even then you can cover it up with make up and theyre not very noticeable at all

    "what if it gets infected"
    .. then explain it'd be your fault for letting it get infected and that youll have no more piercings until youre 18

    i think for now you should go with your dads decision but let him know youre responsible enough to get it done and face and consequences that may pop up along the way.. most of the consequenses can be fixed by something simple!

    and dont get it done behind his back!!!

    I'm not sure what a monroe is or how to peirce it...

    But in my opinion, looking at the other posts we have suffered through with this girl, I don't think she is responsible or old enough for much of ANYTHING outside of lipgloss and stuffed unicorns. But that's just my opinion. :D
  • Jul 24, 2009, 01:35 PM

    Originally Posted by jenniepepsi View Post
    im not sure what a monroe is or how to peirce it...

    but in my opinion, looking at the other posts we have suffered thru with this girl, i dont think she is responsible or old enough for much of ANYTHING outside of lipgloss and stuffed unicorns. but thats just my opinion. :D

    Here you go:

  • Jul 24, 2009, 01:38 PM

    Ahh I get it. Why is it called a monroe?
  • Jul 24, 2009, 01:40 PM

    Originally Posted by jenniepepsi View Post
    ahh i get it. why is it called a monroe?

    Hitting head on desk:rolleyes:...

    Because of Marilyn Monroe's mole.
  • Jul 24, 2009, 01:42 PM

    Originally Posted by jenniepepsi View Post
    im not sure what a monroe is or how to pierce it...

    I Googled "monroe body part" -- where a beauty spot or mark would be, above the corner of the mouth, like Marilyn Monroe had.
  • Jul 24, 2009, 01:44 PM

    Yeah but her mole isn't there, its up on her cheek on the other side lol. That's nifty. Thanks for the clarification guys :)

    EDIT sorry muddy :P I'm not really all that 'hip' on stuff :P
  • Jul 24, 2009, 01:51 PM
    Haha go mud! Piercing is SOO my thing. I just can't bring myself to give this girl any advice any longer though. Even the scar when you take that one out can be cute. :rolleyes:
  • Jul 24, 2009, 02:12 PM
    Since your dad is taking care of you, you have to abide by his rules. He isn't saying no to make you miserable, he really has your best interest at heart. When you start taking care of yourself, you make your own rules, but I hope you'll still listen to your parents, they really aren't stupid!
  • Jul 24, 2009, 02:14 PM

    First, I will address this thread. Then I will address this user.

    Since you live with your father you have to live by his rules. If he says you can't get your nose pierced, then you can't get your nose pierced. Trying to force him to change his mind or going behind his back will only make matters worse for you. I would suggest letting the subject die for the time being. Think about it and bring it up again when you're 15-16. If he still won't let you then wait until you're 18 and get it pierced then, if you even still want it pierced. Don't make body-altering decisions when you're not even out of puberty yet.

    OK, now, has anyone else noticed that this girl has been flagged as a troll? I've been reading her other posts and I'm surprised it took so long for it to happen.

    It's been almost a decade since I was 13, but I don't remember being anything like this girl. Either I was a lot more mature at that age or she is extremely immature for her age. Either way, she needs to stop giving advice on topics she has no knowledge and/or experience in.

    13 year olds do not need pierced. 13 year olds do not need to date. 13 year olds definitely should not be giving adults dating advice. She needs to get off the adult forum and go post on the teen forum where the subjects will be more fitting and congruent with her age and maturity level.
  • Jul 24, 2009, 02:37 PM

    Originally Posted by shelbybelle13 View Post
    well i want it done b/c i just think it's cool

    Let me guess... and I suppose you'll want a baby because babies are cool, too??
  • Jul 24, 2009, 03:56 PM

    Originally Posted by shelbybelle13 View Post
    well i want it done b/c i just think it's cool

    I wanted a rocket ship when I was 13, they're cool too. Right now, and for the next 5 years or so, you need to obey your parents' rules. One day you may have children of your own. You will have YOUR rules that you are going to expect THEM to follow. Kids are their own persons, parents don't want to break their spirit and individuality, BUT they must draw the line somewhere. Unnecessary cosmetic "enhancements" like tattoos and piercings are over the line. Go hug your father and thank him for housing, feeding, and clothing you, keeping you safe, and loving you enough to care. Don't try to grow up too soon. Study hard and be successful with your life.

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