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  • Jul 20, 2009, 11:40 AM
    Second hand exposure to Crack cocaine
    Someone smoked crack upstairs in my house before I came home. When I woke up this morning my throat feels like I constantly have to cough. I have 2 children should they be in the house? How long does the second hand smoke stay around?
  • Jul 20, 2009, 11:58 AM

    You have someone smoking crack in your house and you wonder if there should be children there?

    Lets put it this way... if Child Protective Services knew about this you would lose the kids.

    That answer your question?
  • Jul 20, 2009, 12:00 PM

    I personally don't know about crack but I do know second hand smoke from smoking can linger for days sticking in clothes, on walls... have you ever looked in a smokers house after they have lived there for a few years.. when they move out and the pictures are down you can see the color the wall used to be... You have two children and I am guessing this is your home since you said MY house... why did you let someone smoke crack in your home.. I hope the children were not home. Personally if it were me I wouldn't let, condone or ever allow *i'm not saying you let them. Nor that you knew* someone to smoke crack in my home. If they did it when I was not around I wouldn't let them back into my house.
  • Jul 20, 2009, 07:04 PM
    Just Dahlia
    :( I really hope you had 'no clue' and that they are never allowed into your home again, but I'm wondering how you knew they smoked it? :confused:
    Don't EVER let them back, if you plan on keeping your children.
  • Jul 20, 2009, 08:03 PM
    Obviuossly I had no clue that there was being crack smoked in my house. I was not home, and come home to someone that I have been having problems with. He is no longer aloud in my house since I have become aware of it. My children were not here when I stumbled upon him, I was just nervous that the smoke sticks to things for my children's sake.
  • Jul 20, 2009, 08:08 PM
    I would never have my children in that sort of situation. Ireally worded my question wrong. It made me sound like a crack head myself AND I AM THE OPPOSITE OF THAT!! Just what you get by trusting my brother.
  • Jul 20, 2009, 08:30 PM

    Good. No the kids shouldn't be around it at all. Even second hand exposure could cause an addiction and serious health problems.

    I would watch your children, and if you see any issues, take them to the doctor.

    If it was only once, and they show no signs of illness or distress, I would say they should be all right as long as it doesn't happen again.
  • Jul 21, 2009, 03:29 AM

    We were not implying you were a crackhead hun but I could see some people taking the wording wrong. I think its sad that your brother did that in your home but some people are like that... has he thought about seaking help for his addiction
    Yes the smoke does stick. Personally if it was me I would have opened all the windows in the house just to air it out the day you came across him smoking it. I'm glad you and the kids were not home when it happened... if he had done it with the kids home and iwas their mother I would have freaked out
  • Aug 9, 2009, 06:37 PM

    As a former addict(NOT A TRAINED PROFESSIONAL)#1,crack is a dead end street. I have more dead friends than live ones. There are a lot of places that can help. Don't be afraid to talk confidentially. As for the second hand smoke, all the small critters (animals) that were in the house at the time died.No more needs be said , God bless.

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