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  • Jul 15, 2009, 11:06 PM
    Why does he ask me do I love him?
    There is this guy that I've been knowing for a little over a year. He just recently broke up with his ex about two months ago. He has shown interest in me while he was with her but it has not gone too far because I knew he was with her. Now that he isn't with her he shows more interest in me than before. Everything going good but my question is why does he ask me if I love him? Then he says he knows I love him but I just haven't admitted it yet. I said to him that I don't love him but I do care for him. Is he just trying to see where my head is with this question?
  • Jul 16, 2009, 12:53 AM
    Sounds like he's playing games to me.

    He was flirting with you when he was with someone else and now 2 months down the track he's now trying it on you - claiming to know what you feel and think!

    He's trying to manipulate you and control you. Don't fall for it. He sounds like a sleaze.
  • Jul 16, 2009, 02:05 AM

    Originally Posted by Gemini54 View Post
    Sounds like he's playing games to me.

    He was flirting with you when he was with someone else and now 2 months down the track he's now trying it on you - claiming to know what you feel and think!

    He's trying to manipulate you and control you. Don't fall for it. He sounds like a sleaze.

    I kind of see why you saying that because he did flirt with me while he was with the other girl. However we did not go far with it. He did want to be with me before he went with the other girl. He has been knowing her just a few more months before me. But at that time I was with my ex. Is this really the only reason why he asked me do I love him? Situations probably got him wondering I'm guessing. I asked him why. He said he just wants to know the truth. He not a bad guy. Not perfect. But not bad.
  • Jul 16, 2009, 02:29 AM

    Originally Posted by keyalicious View Post
    I kind of see why you saying that because he did flirt with me while he was with the other girl. However we did not go far with it. He did want to be with me before he went with the other girl. He has been knowing her just a few more months before me. But at that time I was with my ex. Is this really the only reason why he asked me do I love him? Situations probably got him wondering im guessing. I asked him why. He said he just wants to know the truth. He not a bad guy. Not perfect. But not bad.

    Not saying that he's bad - just sounds like he's playing with you.
  • Jul 16, 2009, 02:43 AM

    Originally Posted by Gemini54 View Post
    Not saying that he's bad - just sounds like he's playing with you.

    Oh OK. I really thought he was just asking that because he wants to know where I'm at to see what I'm about. Like is there more to me or something. It seems he was impressed by my answer that I don't love him. Other girls chases him. I'm a witness to seeing that. I remember he said in the beginning before he got with the other girl that it was something special he see in me. Well thanks for your honesty.
  • Jul 16, 2009, 02:59 AM

    He also could have attachment issues, and wants to know it could become a commitment before asking you out...
    It's possible, xD

    Has he made any other moves towards a more intimate relationship?
  • Jul 16, 2009, 03:09 AM

    Originally Posted by HelpinHere View Post
    He also could have attachment issues, and wants to know it could become a commitment befor asking you out...
    It's possible, xD

    Has he made any other moves towards a more intimate relationship?

    Yes he has. He will say stuff like "you want me to make you my baby..." or we will spend time together but not too much. I'm usually the one that say no. Even though I'm not so busy all of the time but I don't want to be so available. You know what I mean? He talks about the future involving me in it. I asked him what was his true and clear intentions with me. He said he wants to wife me (not literally. That's just a term we use for being in a relationship) but sometimes I be acting crazy. I think he said that because I won't admit I miss him after I ignored him for 7 days after he made me mad about a situation.
  • Jul 16, 2009, 03:31 AM
    Doesn't sound like head games to me. I've asked a woman this before. My direction with the question was simply this... I wanted to know if she still loved her ex and if she could seriously let him go out of her head before I spent my time on her because I had been in a previous relationship where we were together for about a year and she still loved her ex, and found out he still loved her, so she ended up cheating on me with him... then left me for him... then admitted to cheating... then left him and wanted me back because she realized he didn't love her and just wanted sex again! Which of course I didn't take her back, but when I get with a woman, I need to make sure where her head is... me or her ex?
  • Jul 16, 2009, 03:32 AM

    He was not serious with the other girl and no hope for seriousness with you. He is trying to find out how much you love him so he can determine how much he can manipulate you. This is only my opinion, take it or leave it. You sound very young... take your time with relationships and learn from the past. Even if he truly wants a relationship, how do you know he will be faithful to you since he wasn't with the other girl.
  • Jul 16, 2009, 03:49 AM
    Well that I don't know of if he cheated on her or not. But it wasn't with me. But thanks for your opinion.
  • Jul 16, 2009, 03:52 AM

    Overly flirtacious with you... needless to say if you were willing he would have! Since that possibility was there in HIS mind I would consider him one.

    I would be very careful with him. Be aware that he is manipulative. Don't say or do anything you don't want to do.
  • Jul 16, 2009, 04:00 AM

    Originally Posted by danielnoahsmommy View Post
    overly flirtacious with you...needless to say if you were willing he would have! Since that possibility was there in HIS mind I would consider him one.

    I would be very careful with him. be aware that he is manipulative. Don't say or do anything you dont want to do.

    Right. But what do you think his intentions are? I know what it is to manipulate but in what way do you think
  • Jul 16, 2009, 04:08 AM

    He wants his way with you, whatever that entails is up to you!

    If you wish to still date him go for it. Always know that he is manipulative. And only do and say what you believe is what you want to do or say.

    Boys/men like this like to prey on girls with low self esteem(not that you have low self esteem) because they tend to be more willing with manipulation.
  • Jul 16, 2009, 04:11 AM

    Originally Posted by danielnoahsmommy View Post
    He wants his way with you, whatever that entails is up to you!

    if you wish to still date him go for it. always know that he is manipulative. and only do and say what you believe is what you want to do or say.

    boys/men like this like to prey on girls with low self esteem(not that you have low self esteem) because they tend to be more willing with manipulation.

    Ok. Thank you for your opinion

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