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  • Jul 7, 2009, 03:03 PM
    Fathers rights in the United Kingdom
    I live in the United Kingdom. Can you tell me what rights to a paternal father have to a newborn child. The mother was abandoned at 16 weeks pregnant and the father wants to have access every day. He also wants to take the 4 day old newborn away for an hour every day. The mother is breast feeding. Do you have any answers?
  • Jul 7, 2009, 04:31 PM

    By abandoned do you mean basically that the father broke off the relationship with her at 16 weeks?
    He can ask to have his name on the birth certificate if it isn't already on it. He would most likely have to take a paternity test since the baby is already born. Once the fathers name is on the birth certificate he can go to family court and ask for joint custody.

    I doubt he would be allowed to take the baby everyday but he might be allowed to visit everyday. Also when he is granted visits to take the baby she can use a breast pump for the baby's bottles.

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