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  • Jun 16, 2009, 06:50 PM
    13y.o. cat having seizures, stroke?
    My 13y.o. cat, Murgatroyd, just starting having "episodes." She is normally healthy and has been surprisingly spry since we introduced a new kitty into the house. In the last week, though, we have witnessed two incidents when she threw up (somewhat mucousy, but mostly clear) followed by what looked like a visit from death, itself. The first time, she seemed to lose consciousness and fell from the couch. She was still breathing, but just stared off. I sat there petting her, sure that I was watching her drift off. Shortly after, she got up slowly and went to lay in her favorite spot. I quickly called the vet and arranged to take her in. In the following several minutes, she seemed to "come back" and even ate a little bit before going to the vet.
    The tests came back negative for Leukemia and Diabetes. They did diagnose her with Anaemia and high blood pressure. They said that cancer and liver problems could not be ruled out. They also quoted a couple of prices for a lot of follow-up tests they would need to conduct, which are a bit pricey for my budget.
    While pondering options, I watched her have another episode today. She threw up and then ran under the bed. I laid there and watched as she lost balance and fell over. She then took some very heavy breaths while her heart seemed to be racing. She was not moving. Again, as I pet her, she began to slowly recover. She's on my lap as I type this, but she is pretty lethargic and is making some noises like she might throw up again.
    Also, the vet felt that it was not related, but I'm inclined to mention that she also has some small scabs (sores) on her back and neck. I chalked them up to battle scars from the new kitty, but they might be something more.
    Please- how can I help my cat?
  • Jun 17, 2009, 10:38 AM
    My guess is brain tumor. Seizures don't just appear out of nowhere, usually. I do wish you'd work out a payment plan with the vet and get to the bottom of things.

    Good luck...
  • Jun 17, 2009, 12:04 PM

    Murgatroyd, I'm sorry you and kitty are going through this. Have you had the cat's blood pressure checked? My 17 year old went through horrid seizures, his eyes were always dilated, severe weight loss, etc. It turned out to be his BP and a thyroid issue.

    Have kitty checked and best of luck to you both.
  • Jun 17, 2009, 12:13 PM
    Thanks, SoloMe. I actually called around a couple of other local vets this morning and that's what one of them said. With that, I'm going to follow that lead and do a lot of hoping. Thanks.
    How is your cat now?
  • Jun 17, 2009, 12:26 PM

    He's doing much better. He's on 2 types of BP meds, phenobarbital for the seizures and a thyroid med. We have out morning and evening ritual of getting them down his throat, but he's getting quite used to it. ;o)

    I honestly wish you both all the best and that it turns out to be something controllable. Please keep us updated and kiss that little fur baby for me!
  • Jun 17, 2009, 02:19 PM
    I have a friend who's cat is on high blood pressure meds... still, you should rule some things out. What does your vet recommend?
  • Jun 17, 2009, 05:05 PM
    I'm taking her to a new vet. I just didn't like the vibe of the current place I've been going. They merged with another vet and my usual doctor is gone.
    The place I called today had a clear outline and game plan. That's what I need, I think. Starting with a general check up and blood work. We'll see...
  • Jun 17, 2009, 06:02 PM

    Originally Posted by murgatroyd View Post
    I'm taking her to a new vet. I just didn't like the vibe of the current place I've been going. They merged with another vet and my usual doctor is gone.
    The place I called today had a clear outline and game plan. That's what I need, I think. Starting with a general check up and blood work. We'll see...

    I hope all goes well for you and your kitty! It was good for you to find a vet you're comfy with.
  • Jun 19, 2009, 03:05 PM

    Murg, any word yet? Just checking in on kitty. Hope you're both doing better.

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