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  • Jun 5, 2009, 10:55 PM
    Acts of kindness.
    I'm looking for suggestions of random acts of kindness, the more anonymous, the better. I'm not looking for thanks, recognition, or attention. It's for personal growth, spirituality, and to help my two young sons learn that a helping hand is needed by many, especially the less fortunate.
  • Jun 5, 2009, 11:15 PM

    For 1 year I mowed our elderly neighbors lawn in the summer and shoveled her driveway in the winter because I knew she couldn't do it. Eventually she caught me, but I managed to do it without her knowing for 1 year. She moved away, so of course I stopped. ;)

    My husband and I once went to the local coffee shop and gave the waitress $20, asked her to give free coffee to the next 10 people that came. Then we sat outside and watched. It was great to see the smiles on their faces.

    That's all I've got.

    I love your plan. We do little things throughout the year but sadly most of them aren't as anonymous as we'd like.
  • Jun 7, 2009, 02:45 AM

    I was driving in Nigeria which is situated in west Africa I saw a little girl begging for money I gave her 1000 naira which is the equivalent to 10 usd, she was so happy, I told her she is beautiful and she should go to school and not be on the streets begging for money, she ran excitedly to her mother and I saw through my side mirrors the moms joy as she gave her the money. One of the best feelings I've ever had.
  • Jun 7, 2009, 05:09 AM
    I wish

    Pick a group of people that you want to help and do some volunteering!

    I used to volunteer at a hospital, mostly for elderly care. My brother volunteered at a children's hospital and we compared notes. Elderly care is more for people who are too old to live at home and do not have a family member watching them 24/7. In the children's hospital, it's mostly handicapped children.

    Because you have two children and want to set a good example, then maybe consider volunteering at a children's hopsital. To show your children how fortunate they are and how they should treat people their own age.

    As they get older, then shift your volunteer focus on something more age appropriate so that they can relate.
  • Jun 7, 2009, 05:02 PM

    voluntering and the elderly is a great combination.
    I use to go out of my way to help people and the younger ones just take you for granted and get to the point of using you. Then they act like you owe it to them.
    Random and anonymous is the best way to go if it is not helping the elderly at an old age home or recreation center or a hospital.
  • Jun 7, 2009, 05:07 PM
    My family has had a tradition for the past 5 or 6 years. At Christmas time we all (about 20 of us) contribute money to the pot - whatever we can afford - and use it to have oil delivered to needy families in our community.
  • Jun 7, 2009, 05:09 PM

    Originally Posted by I wish View Post
    Pick a group of people that you want to help and do some volunteering!

    I used to volunteer at a hospital, mostly for elderly care. My brother volunteered at a children's hospital and we compared notes. Elderly care is more for people who are too old to live at home and do not have a family member watching them 24/7. In the children's hospital, it's mostly handicapped children.

    Because you have two children and want to set a good example, then maybe consider volunteering at a children's hopsital. To show your children how fortunate they are and how they should treat people their own age.

    As they get older, then shift your volunteer focus on something more age appropriate so that they can relate.

    Hey Wish, I have to spread the rep, but your ideas would be great life lessons for kids!
  • Jun 7, 2009, 05:10 PM

    Hi, jmjoseph!

    How old are your sons, please?

  • Jun 7, 2009, 05:11 PM

    Yeah at Christmas it is so easy to find things.
    At least where I live K Mart and many places have a tree that you pick a needy family to help and the food banks are looking for Christmas donations. The Marine Corp collects toys.
    Also some bike clubs will do runs to raise help for some cause or another.
  • Jun 7, 2009, 06:36 PM
    Clough, My sons are 4 and 7. The oldest is in cub scouts and will be doing community volunteering, but I want them to want to do things individually also. I'm really trying to teach them manners also.
  • Jun 7, 2009, 09:31 PM
    I think that being kind is the best 'random act of kindness' we can possibly learn.

    It means treating everyone we meet with generosity of spirit.
    It means not judging others by their looks, race, religion or wealth.
    It means not finding fault with others, but genuinely trying to think the best of people.
    It means considering others, listening to others and liberating ourselves from our constant self focus.

    If you can teach this to your sons, real kindness will permeate their lives as they grow and mature, and their lives and the lives of others will be spiritually and emotionally enriched.

    What more could you ask for?

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