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  • May 20, 2009, 07:19 PM
    When is the age of understanding?
    At what age does a child become old enough to lose automatic enterance into heaven?
  • May 20, 2009, 11:45 PM
    Maggie 3
    When a child, becomes old enough to understand the difference between right
    and wrong and good and evil. We have to be careful with childern not to cause them to build up an unnatural sense of guilt and make them feel guilty for things that are
    not really sin at all. If we teach them the major rules, that God Himself has set forth, then they will learn properly and naturally. They do reach an age where they are old enough to be held responsible for what they do. When that time comes, they will be
    judged by the same standards as everone else. God will know when.

    Maggie 3
  • May 21, 2009, 02:10 PM
    Based on OT bible example, I would say 20. Here is the reason. When God told the Hebrews to enter the promised land,they didn't want to for fear of losing in battle. God sentenced them to wander in the desert for 40 years. Why? Because all the people 20 years and older were to die without seeing the promised land(representative of heaven) Those less than 20 years old were able to enter the promised land.
  • Mar 3, 2010, 04:00 AM
    Dondi even though your question has been posted for some months I am going to take the time to answer it. This is very hard to accept, BUT... the doctrine of THE AGE OF ACOUNTABILITY is entirely NOT from the Bible. It is a myth that the church has invented to soothe worried parents. Another false teaching that the churches promote is that unbelievers will be tormented FOREVER in a place called the INFERNO (Hell). The doctrine of eternal punishment is the reason that they had to tell parents that their children would be spared until they got old enough to know right from wrong.

    The Bible teaches that the unbelieving dead are TOTALLY UNCONSCIOUS of any suffering. Please read Ecclesiastes chapter 9, verses 5 and 6. Also Isaiah 26:14. Also the word MERCIFUL describing God occurs 40 times in 36 verses in the King James Bible. So torturing souls for eternity is not at all in character for a God that describes Himself as merciful. And there is more Bible evidence that God has put a specific LIMIT on HOW MUCH the SINNER may be punished. Please look at Deuteronomy 25:3. Having said all that we can now turn our attention to the truth about children.

    Let's look at Psalm 51:5_BEHOLD I WAS SHAPEN IN INIQUITY AND IN SIN DID MY MOTHER CONCEIVE ME. Psalm 58:3_THE WICKED ARE ESTRANGED FROM THE WOMB. THEY GO ASTRAY AS SOON AS THEY BE BORN SPEAKING LIES. These look like very harsh words. But they are right from the pages of YOUR BIBLE. Now who are you going to believe ? The Bible or some priest or pastor?? If you have children, may God grant you the wisdom to discipline them with love.

  • Mar 3, 2010, 07:24 AM

    I really don't think that was an answer to the OP's question, and is a rabbit trail deserving of another thread.
    By all teachings I have read Maggie has the correct answer. It is different for each person and is at the point that person understands.
  • Mar 5, 2010, 07:44 PM

    I think that Maggie was basically correct.
    But there are a great many, including me, that BELIEVE that even a child so young as to be aborted from the womb will go to heaven.
    I also think that such a child will testify before the Lord as to what was done to him/her and all those involved who did it.
    Other than that considered of the age of reason and responsibility generally speaking is age 5 or 6 but again that depends on the person.
    Peace and kindness,
  • Mar 24, 2010, 12:45 PM

    The moment we first experience shame for what we have done unjustly,we then have become accountable. This happened for me at the age of 3 years old. Even at 33 I vividly remember my dad driving a school bus, and when a boy on that bus smarted off at my dad I walked up to him and punched him in a very inappropriate portion of his person. I felt very bad for hurting him,even though I justified it in my mind. We all have cute stories behind our first accountability,even though some may not remember them. Point being the age don't matter,the realization does.
  • Mar 24, 2010, 04:07 PM
    Even though the anecdotes supplied by some other members are interesting and perhaps even accurate, they do not address the original question. Dondi asked about " LOSING AUTOMATIC ENTERANCE INTO HEAVEN." It seems to me that there is a TREMENDOUS difference between being accountable to OURSELVES and to EACH OTHER... and being accountable to ALMIGHTY GOD. If I were God I would not leave the decision about WHO GETS INTO HEAVEN AND WHO DOES NOT to ANYONE EXCEPT MYSELF. Go ahead call me an EGOTIST. Make my day PUNKS!!
  • Mar 24, 2010, 09:07 PM

    I don't know what the age is... or even IF there is a specific age. My father always told me even as a young child... If I understood what I had done was sin, I understood I couldn't get to heaven with one sin on me... then I was at that age. I was VERY young. I actually think the Lord is much more merciful... but I do think when someone is old enough to understand the truth and rejected it for a better way... that person is old enough.
  • Mar 30, 2010, 10:49 PM

    Point well made.
  • Dec 28, 2010, 05:11 PM
    Upon reflection f this question and upon the many times I have put into researching this, there is NO specific age that falls into a secular category of an actual age. Though some might point to bible verses that demonstrate certain times where God did something (ie the 40 years of wondering in the desert), the bible actually does not say HOW OLD exactly that you come into the age of understanding. While it would be wonderful to think that we would gain automatic entry into heaven before we turned 16, or 18, or 20, or 21, or whatever other number we would like to think it could be, the actual age of understanding is one where once we know the difference between good and bad, sinning and the obedience of God, then we become accountable. I do not claim that I have the definite answer but only the answer in which I have found for this subject to be as close to accurate as possible. What we are told by the Lord God to do is to accept Jesus into our hearts, believe that Jesus died for our sins, that Jesus rose from the grave after 3 days, to follow the commandments and to watch for the seasons that Jesus will return to take those who do these things up into the rapture. When God speaks of time, it is never a definite number unless he states so, like for example the 7 years of the Tribulation period... Hence why I believe that it is not a specific 'Age' of Understanding, but more a 'Time' of Understanding.

    Finally, to HeadStrongBoy let me say that I agree with your point that it is entirely a personal choice. Not I, nor God, nor anyone else can force you to believe in something that goes against your freewill. The decision is entirely yours. What I have to say is that as parents, we have to guide our children onto the right path. I have not always been Christian, but I have had many great and awesome things happen in my life and that of my children since I have become one. But there's also the fact that prophecies that were made thousands of years ago are becoming a reality. What is better? For me to take the chance that this might be true and believe or for me to find out it is true after I lose my chance to believe? If you are of Aithiest belief, let me ask you this. Aithiests believe in that you are born, you live, you die, then that's it. That there is nothing after you die, that there is nothing before you are conceived? Only nothing can come from nothing. Therefore, how can something exist if it is nothing in the first place? Try it... create something from nothing. It is impossible! Firstly, to create something, you have to use your mind to think, to come up with the idea of what you wish to make... even imagination is making the use of your mind. Then to create something, you have to utilize something actual or physical to create it. So throughout, you are using something and therefore creating from something. Is it not better to take the chance? What if those who follow Jesus are right? And if we are wrong? Is it really that bad to have trust and faith in something that in some people's ideas are false and laughable if not more so to live a happier life, a more fulfilling life than thinking that we have nothing afterwards? What is the point to learning and seeing the wonder of the planet, the beautiful creatures and plant life it holds if there is nothing afterwards??
  • Dec 28, 2010, 05:55 PM

    This question is a bit like asking "how long is a piece of string?" There's no one answer. A person with sufficient mental retardation might live to 70 and never attain the ability to understand right and wrong, sin, and all the rest. An Artemis Fowl type might attain such understanding by the age of 3. I would suggest abandoning the term "age of" and replace it with "point of" understanding, or accountability, or whatever term one prefers, because in a very real sense, age has nothing to do with it.
  • Apr 30, 2012, 11:19 PM
    The bible does not talk about any age of discernment or understanding we are all sinners before we are even born and we are judged for our sin no matter what age we are. God is merciful yes, but God is also just. I would not want an unjust judge. And we are all sinners, but we will be judged for what we know. Even the tribal man in Africa that has never heard of the gospel will be judged when he dies same fir unknowing children. It won't be as severe a judgement as those who know the truth and choose not to believe. But it will be eternal because we will continue to sin for eternity so our judgement must be eternal.
  • May 1, 2012, 07:37 AM

    Originally Posted by Rprather347 View Post
    The bible does not talk about any age of discernment or understanding we are all sinners before we are even born and we are judged for our sin no matter what age we are. God is merciful yes, but God is also just. I would not want an unjust judge. And we are all sinners, but we will be judged for what we know. Even the tribal man in Africa that has never heard of the gospel will be judged when he dies same fir unknowing children. It wont be as severe a judgement as those who know the truth and choose not to believe. But it will be eternal because we will continue to sin for eternity so our judgement must be eternal.

    You need to back up you words with scripture. How do you know how severe a tribal man in Africa who never heard the gospel will be judged?

    The scripture says this and I believe it is appropriate and good to respond to anyone who has questins about people who have never heard the gospel and have died. Or unsure of the age of understanding. The Bible says... Shall not the Judge of the earth do right?Genesis 18:25.

    I personally believe the Father is so much more loving than we ever have given him credit for. Yes he is HOLY, HOLY, HOLY. But He is also LOVE. I believe the reason he wipes the tears from our eyes in heaven is because when we finally meet Jesus face to face... we will be so sad that we didn't understand on earth just how GOOD and LOVING and MERCIFUL he really is. Just my thoughts.

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