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  • May 8, 2009, 08:48 PM
    A couple of months ago I caught a lady shoplifting in walmart. She opened up a pair of new stockings and put them on. SHe had two sons and they looked poor, also her boys were sad and crying. I know it's WAYY to late to turn her in, and I really can't remember much about her looks. She looked average, but I randomly think about it and wonder if I'm a bad person and did the wrong thing.
  • May 9, 2009, 05:45 AM

    Originally Posted by Pokerface5 View Post
    i randomly think about it and wonder if im a bad person adn did the wrong thing.

    Hello P:

    Yes, that lady should have gone to jail and her kids turned over to CPS. You should be punished too, for letting her get away with it.

  • May 9, 2009, 05:51 AM

    You aren't a bad person for showing compassion. But you did not do your job.
  • May 9, 2009, 05:56 AM
    Yes, you are a very evil person for not jumping on her and taking those back.

    Such seroius criminals need to be thrown into prison
    But serously, yes she was a theft and yes you were suppose to report her, but a couple issues,
    1. they can not act on merely your report if they did not see it happen. ** you could be lying
    2. If she is a repeat person she will be caught anyway

    We can not know why she did what she did, stealing is never right and what I would have done is tell her stealing is not right and to please put them back or pay for them.

    In the end of the day, if you are feeling very bad, go and pay for them for her
  • May 9, 2009, 06:56 PM

    Originally Posted by Pokerface5 View Post
    A couple of months ago i caught a lady shoplifting in walmart. She opened up a pair of new stockings and put them on. SHe had two sons and they looked poor, also her boys were sad and crying. I know it's WAYY to late to turn her in, and i really can't remeber much about her looks. She looked average, but i randomly think about it and wonder if im a bad person adn did the wrong thing.

    No. You're a bad person for posting something like this on a criminal law thread when you are 14. Very few people open up a pair of new stockings (does anyone actually wear stockings any more) and put them on in the aisle of the store.

    Aside from having some need to post to get attention I don't know what your problem is.

    I'm calling you out on this one - I've held my tongue on some of your others but this one... no way. This (and your post about the Police assisting in finding missing persons when there is no criminal activity, based on what your Police Officer parents told you) should begin with "Once Upon a Time."
  • May 9, 2009, 07:03 PM

    What ever made you not report her is the feeling you need to understand.
    Compassion is never wrong.Being a snitch is rarely good.
  • May 9, 2009, 07:25 PM

    I'm going with Judy on this one. Something about this doesn't make sense.

    If someone is that poor why steal stockings? There's food in Walmart, why not steal that? Stockings? I don't have stockings!

    Also, someone putting on stockings in the middle of one of the isles? Have you ever worn stockings, they're not at all easy to get on, it's not like you just jump into them.

    If it doesn't make sense then it's usually not true. This doesn't make sense.
  • May 10, 2009, 04:23 PM

    Well considering the fact that I am FAR from 14yrs old and I have better things to do than post random lies on a blog post. I posted this question to basically ask people if I should beat myself up about it. IDK her situation or why she decided to steal stockings but I think that if I really was 14 it would be inapproprieate for a bunch of older people gaining up on me. But luckly I'm not 14 and far from it so its no big deal I forgive you.
  • May 10, 2009, 04:30 PM

    Originally Posted by JudyKayTee View Post
    No. You're a bad person for posting something like this on a criminal law thread when you are 14. Very few people open up a pair of new stockings (does anyone actually wear stockings any more) and put them on in the aisle of the store.

    Aside from having some need to post to get attention I don't know what your problem is.

    I'm calling you out on this one - I've held my tongue on some of your others but this one ... no way. This (and your post about the Police assisting in finding missing persons when there is no criminal activity, based on what your Police Officer parents told you) should begin with "Once Upon a Time."

    First of all I'm not fourteen secondly I have only Personally posted two blogs. Some of my blogs my friends posted because of the fact that they had no account.

    {Personal attacks edited out.-<>}
  • May 10, 2009, 04:47 PM

    Fr. Chuck, Excon and Scotgem already answered your question. But as Alty said stockings is difficult to put on and she could have stole food if she's really really poor.

    3 things: you could be wrong that she stole it, she wants to be fancy but doesn't have money for it or she's just some klepto.

    So learn your lesson. When you see something wrong, just don't shut your eyes off.
  • May 10, 2009, 04:50 PM

    Originally Posted by Pokerface5 View Post
    First of all im not fourteen secondly i have only Personally posted two blogs. Some of my blogs my friends posted becasue of the fact that they had no account.

    {Personal attacks edited out.-<>}

    First it is against the rules of this site to share an account. It's free to sign up so tell your friends to do so if they wish to participate here. Often times we look at previous posts to get more info on the OP, if you are sharing your account then we do not get accurate info.

    Second, this is not a blog site, this is a question and answer site.

    Third, Judy is a respected member of this site, but like many of his, she doesn't have time for bull and silly questions. We volunteer here, in our free time, and posting a question such as the one you posted was a waste of that time.

    It sounds like you want a bit of attention, but I guess you didn't get the kind you were hoping for.

    Good luck in your future.
  • May 10, 2009, 05:47 PM


    Originally Posted by Pokerface5 View Post
    First of all im not fourteen secondly i have only Personally posted two blogs. Some of my blogs my friends posted becasue of the fact that they had no account.

    First to clarify, its not specifically against the rules to share an account. But since accoutns are free, its unnecessary and can cause confusion. If you do allow someone to use your account, then you are responsible for what they post. Since a previous post identified this account as a teen it was assumed there was only one poster.

    We do not allow personal attacks here. You have now been warned. I suggest you change your password and not share it with anyone.
  • May 10, 2009, 07:39 PM

    Originally Posted by Altenweg View Post
    First it is against the rules of this site to share an account. It's free to sign up so tell your friends to do so if they wish to participate here. Often times we look at previous posts to get more info on the OP, if you are sharing your account then we do not get accurate info.

    Second, this is not a blog site, this is a question and answer site.

    Third, Judy is a respected member of this site, but like many of his, she doesn't have time for bull and silly questions. We volunteer here, in our free time, and posting a question such as the one you posted was a waste of that time.

    It sounds like you want a bit of attention, but I guess you didn't get the kind you were hoping for.

    Good luck in your future.

    My only question to this would be... If this question was a waste of time why did you answer? No one forced anyone to answer. When I read post I look at it and see if it's worth my time, if not I keep going. If it's such a waste of time then technically I didn't waste anyone's time because I didn't force them to answer it. With all do respect
  • May 10, 2009, 09:27 PM

    My courtesy motto is criticize in private, praise in public. We have private emailing here. But I don't expect anyone to behave the same.

    Also, respect is not based on seniority. Anybody should have it. When you respect a person, you should and be treated with the same.

    We are not perfect. Anybody can have a bad hair day, just some people have it most of a time. Anybody be out of line anytime that's why "sorry" was created to at least make up.
  • May 10, 2009, 09:33 PM

    You have a right to your motto Ylaira, it's great that you feel that way.

    I have a different way of doing things, that's also my right.

    As for respect. To me respect is earned, not a given. If I get disrespect I give it right back, sadly that's the case with many people who post here, they don't have any respect.

    I value your opinion Ylaira but it won't change how I post.

    See you on the boards.
  • May 11, 2009, 06:48 AM

    Originally Posted by ylaira View Post
    My courtesy motto is criticize in private, praise in public. We have private emailing here. But I don't expect anyone to behave the same.

    Also, respect is not based on seniority. Anybody should have it. When you respect a person, you should and be treated with the same.

    We are not perfect. Anybody can have a bad hair day, just some people have it most of a time. Anybody be out of line anytime that's why "sorry" was created to at least make up.

    And I respectfully disagree in several aspects.

    First, you complain that others criticize for no reason, are stalking you, and you go out of your way to agree with everyone who disagrees with me. This started when you posted it was all right to hit your dog and I disagreed - as did several other people.

    Second, you use the agree/disagree feature to high five your friends and "punish" your enemies. Your agree/disagree lines are all about your feelings, nothing about whether the advice given is correct.

    Third, you are once again on the legal boards and, quite candidly, have no idea what you are talking about (your thread on whether adultery is illegal is a perfect example of this - even when corrected you go on and on to defend yourself and we're talking LAW, not FEELINGS) - you turn the legal question into some sort of discussion and chance to air your personal feelings on life, get on your soapbox.

    Fourth, this is not a discussion board. If you want to have a discussion, post on some other board.

    Fifth - again, this is a legal advice board. People who don't agree with the OP do no one a service if they don't post in disagreement when the legal advice is bad.

    In this particular case whether the OP is using two names, two identities, whatever is going on - I find it impossible to believe that a woman stood in the aisle of Walmart with two children, trying on stockings (not pantyhose), stockings which involve SOMETHING to hold them up, children crying (for whatever reason) and then walked out of the store wearing the stockings.

    I've been in the investigative business a long time. I have good instincts and good knee-jerk reactions. This post is a fraud.
  • May 11, 2009, 06:50 AM
    [QUOTE=Comments on this post
    ylaira agrees: exactly. If you can't be of help or say anything nice, just don't bother to answer.[/QUOTE]

    My thoughts exactly - if you can't be of any help, if you don't have a clue what you are talking about, if you don't know the law, work in the law, research the law, stay off the law boards.

    As far as being of help - help is in the eyes of the beholder.
  • May 11, 2009, 07:29 AM

    I'm going to make a couple of points here and then close this thread.

    1) On multiple people using the same screen name. Again its not specifically prohibited, but it is frowned on. It just makes no sense since accounts are free. If multiple people use the same account it creates confusion.

    There is a rule against one person using multiple accounts when those accounts are used inappropriately (like returning after a ban, or using a second account to support another account, or pretending to be a different person).

    2) The use of PMs and personal e-mail for other than personal correspondence is also frowned on. Since one's e-mail or PMs are private, it may be an invasion of privacy to use them without permission.

    3) If someone posts a nonsensical or phony post, it wastes time for people to read it. If a reader wants to criticize the poster for such time wasting, that is their right, even though it may mean an additional waste of time.

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