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  • Sep 24, 2006, 04:03 PM
    Flea Infestation!
    Hi Everyone

    OK my house is infested with fleas. It is nasty and gross. Help how do I get this under control. Oh yes opps forgot to tell you. We have five 8 week old kittens which we are about to give away soon. But they are infested with fleas. We also have 3 cats that are infested with fleas. One cat is 2 or 3, other cat is 1 and the other will be 1 soon. Just not to sure what we can do with the kittens. And the are just all over us also. So if you can tell me a safe way to remove the fleas from the house and the kittens and cats that would be great. Thank you so much.:eek:
  • Sep 24, 2006, 04:40 PM

    First buy frontline for your adult cats, it works very well. Second get flea collars for good measure, as for the kittens You can bath the kittens in warm anti-bacterial dish soap, all you need to do is drown the fleas and as you wash the little guy the fleas will make their way to his head simply pick off the few that make it there. Do not use anything to kill the fleas on the kittens as the kittens is to young, Make sure you pick up where the kitten was to try and remove the fleas from his bedding.
    Once the kittens is old enough you can buy flea control, I think eight week you could place flea collars on them. Now that you have the cats under control, you can buy Raid Flea Killer Plus Carpet & Room Spray this is a spray not a fogger, Let me tell you it works, I run a guinea pig rescue, I can have in my home at any given time any where from 7 to 50 piggies. To top it off I have 2 cats one Pit-bull and all kinds of other random animals in and out all the time, there are no fleas in my home. It is safe around animals and I have used this for about 10 years, I could not survive with out it. Last with out beging rude, because I am not trying to be may I suggest spay and or neuter,

    I have posted the picture so it will be easier to find in the store, (O:
  • Sep 24, 2006, 05:10 PM
    There's a couple things you can do...
    1) go to your vet (or any vet office) and buy each cat and kitten Frountline Plus. They make it for cats and kittens (6 weeks and older)and it will cost about 5$ each. All fleas will be dead in 18 to 24 hours. You'll want to vacuum to get any eggs out of your carpet, if not... no worry, as soon as they hatch and get on your cats to feed, they will paralyze before they have a chance to bite and then soon die. This is the easiest and surest way to rid them - it will last 4 to 5 weeks and you don't have to do anything at all.
    Or... you can just get the Frountline for your adult cats, wash the kittens in a flea soap (dawn dish soap kills fleas), vacuum real good, treat house w/ flea spray (can get at walmart), then vacuum again and keep kittens inside.
    With this method, you may have to wash the kittens and treat the house several times before you get them all.
    I had a big flea problem several years ago and bought Frountline plus from my vet, by the next day, I never saw another flea. Where I live I have to buy it April through August, but I never see a flea or tick and it's cheaper than spending all the money on flea killing products to treat the house and pet that don't work well or have to repeat every couple of days.
    Good luck.
  • Sep 24, 2006, 06:48 PM
    I have a flea issue right now ( and I don't even have a indoor animal)

    But I have gotten some of the flea spray today myself and hope it will work.
  • Sep 25, 2006, 08:05 AM
    Just to add a bit, if possible, drop parts or a whole flea collar in the vacume bag before you vacume to kill whatever you suck up.
  • Sep 26, 2006, 08:26 AM

    Originally Posted by Fr_Chuck
    I have a flea issue right now ( and I don't even have a indoor animal)

    But I have gotten some of the flea spray today myself and hope it will work.

    Fleas They come in on your pants, socks, shoe, I hate them, try the spray I listed it really, really works well
  • Sep 26, 2006, 01:09 PM
    Tried the spray the same day you posted, it worked great, have not seen hide or hair of them all day yesterday.
  • Jun 13, 2007, 10:09 AM

    Originally Posted by srh33
    Hi Everyone

    OK my house is infested with fleas. It is nasty and gross. Help how do I get this under control. Oh yes opps forgot to tell you. We have five 8 week old kittens which we are about to give away soon. But they are infested with fleas. We also have 3 cats that are infested with fleas. One cat is 2 or 3, other cat is 1 and the other will be 1 soon. Just not to sure what we can do with the kittens. And the are just all over us also. So if you can tell me a safe way to remove the fleas from the house and the kittens and cats that would be great. Thank you so much.:eek:

    Another way to get fleas out of your home is put low pans of water on floor with floating lighted candles, the fleas will jump to the flame and burn or drown
  • Jun 13, 2007, 11:17 AM
    When the Pets forum was split, I think this one should have gone to cats, so I moved it.
    With severe infestations, it may be necessary to insect bomb the house. I am not sure if the Raid kills flea eggs too. If not, with in 2 weeks, they are back. If the cats go outside, you will have to treat the yard too.
  • Sep 10, 2007, 08:13 PM
    I was going to ask how to get fleas out of my house. My son came to stay with me for a while and brought his kitten. Now my house and my cat is infested with fleas and they are driving me mad!! I was going to get flea bombs but they are a pain with a flea infested cat I would not ask anyone to keep in their house so they can have fleas too. I also have a fish tank that will be a pain to get out of the house. I had no idea Raid had a flea spray. I think I'll try that first. Thanks for that information lilfyre!
  • Sep 12, 2007, 07:11 PM
    I really have no useful information. Just that I hate flea bites. They stink big time. :[
  • Sep 13, 2007, 04:54 PM
    It looks as though you have gotten many answers already but I will put in response as well.
    You definitely want to get on top of it for the kittens sake. As gross as fleas are, they are also very dangerous to the pet, particularly kittens. I have seen kittens die from anemia from the flea infestation.
    I personally feel that Advantage is the best stuff out there and you can apply it to your kittens but I would suggest you take them to the vet. They would need vaccinations at this point anyway.

    I would not use a flea collar, especially for the kittens. Many of them just are not safe and not so effective, except for in the vacuum cleaner bag as someone previously mentioned.
    You can start with a simple bath for the kittens with no special shampoo and get a flea comb to comb as many fleas out as possible. If you have a papertowel with alcohol on it next to you, then you can put the fleas right on to that.

    Another thing is you will need to treat your carpets. Larvae can stay in the carpet just waiting to hatch on an animal. You could kill the fleas on the cat but then later when the advantage has wore off, the pet lays on the carpet and gets reinfected.
    The best and safest thing for carpets is FleaBusters. You just sprinkle it on the carpet and use a broom to work it in.
    Then you don't have to cover everything and leave the house for hours like a spray or bomb.

    I hope you get it worked out soon.
  • Oct 3, 2007, 03:05 PM
    Instead of bombs u can treat carpets with salt.after vacuuming pure salt on carpet rub it in with brush and tray to live it for three days.if u can't do this after vacuuming cupel of times per week for about a months.salt will dehadrated fleas and eggs and u don't have to move your cats.
  • Oct 7, 2008, 09:32 PM

    I so want to thank you all so much. I took in a stray and about a month later she had five kittens.. who for the past month have had fleas and I had no idea what to do because of their age. The Raid worked so well.. along with Revolution (for 4 of the kittens, they ran out) and the Advantage.. with in hours all the fleas on the animals (2 dogs too) and in my home were gone.. lol and call me crazy.. but the raid leaves a nice smell behind. I was feeling helpless with the fleas.. thank you so much for your very good advice!!
  • Jan 24, 2009, 04:27 PM

    Guinea girl, welcome to AMHD.

    Please note the date that this thread was started, Setpember 2006 and the Original poster hasn't been back since then.

    Older threads are left active in order for others to read the info on them, but posting on an old thread is against the rules. By posting here you have bumped this thread to the top of the list, other people will think that it's a new thread and that urgent attention is needed, even though this thread died a long time ago.

    It's wonderful that you are reading the older threads, but please do not post on them.

    Thank you.
  • Jan 25, 2009, 08:49 PM

    Wash kittens with dawn dish washing liquid and bomb your house with a flea killer.I used one every month and it really works.
  • Mar 9, 2009, 07:22 PM

    To keep fleas away after you have gotten rid of them, try using Lavendar oil or plants around the house I have foud that fleas don't like Lavendar at all. Plus it makes your house smell good.
  • Mar 10, 2009, 11:55 AM

    My 1 week kittens have got fleas please tell me how to get rid of them
  • Mar 10, 2009, 12:40 PM

    Originally Posted by anisah View Post
    my 1 week kittens have got fleas please tell me how to get rid of them

    At only a week old they are too young for flea medication. Once they're older this is what you'll need, as it is the only way to eliminate fleas. They'll also need to have their stool checked because they can get tapeworms from the fleas.

    I hope at this early age they haven't been removed from their mother. Kittens should never be weaned from their mother at a week old. If they are still with her, then don't remove them to take them to the vet unless there is a serious problem. Take them to the vet at eight weeks to be examined and ask then about flea medication.

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