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  • May 5, 2009, 10:35 AM
    8 days late with menstral cycle
    Istarted the mini pill for the first time on Apr1. When I realized that I didn't need the pill just yet I stopped taking the pill Apr2. My last normal menses was Apr1 through Apr7. I restarted the same pack of pills on Apri11, I had unprotected sex from Apr14 all the way to Apr17, which is where I had very light bleeding which turned to brown spotting. This lasted about 8 days. On the final day of spotting we had unprotected sex. I took a hpt and result was negative, I feel pregnant, as I know how it feels bcause I have two children already. Could I be pregnant or could the light bleeding been my period. My period was due Apr 28 and we are now on May5 with no period
  • May 5, 2009, 10:39 AM

    Starting/stopping the pill can cause irregularity in your cycles and breakthrough bleeding. If you had 8 days of light bleeding it was most likely a period. Most women have enough hcg levels in the urine by 4-5 weeks pregnant to test positive. You could pregnant, or may not be. Wait awhile and take another test, or make an appointment with your OBGYN. No sense in playing a guessing game.
  • May 5, 2009, 11:15 AM

    Originally Posted by tammy1029 View Post
    Istarted the mini pill for the first time on Apr1. When I realized that I didn't need the pill just yet I stopped taking the pill Apr2. My last normal menses was Apr1 through Apr7. I restarted the same pack of pills on Apri11, I had unprotected sex from Apr14 all the way to Apr17, which is where I had very light bleeding which turned to brown spotting. This lasted about 8 days. On the final day of spotting we had unprotected sex. I took a hpt and result was negative, I feel preggers, as I know how it feels bcause I have two children already. Could I be preggers or could the light bleeding been my period. My period was due Apr 28 and we are now on May5 with no period

    So it is possible to have a light period or spotting ten days before your scheduled menstration. I was told that I was not protected because I should have thrown the pills away and started a new pack because you cannot start/stop/start birthcontrol pills in the same month. I feel nausea all the time, and I am a nursing mom so the sore nipples are normal for me.
  • May 5, 2009, 11:21 AM
    So is it possible to have light bleeding ten days before your menses is due. I was told that I had no protectio because I should have discarded the rest of the pack and started a new pack the following month. I feel nauseated most of the day, and I am still nursing my daughter, so the sore nipples is nothing new.
  • May 5, 2009, 11:25 AM

    So you did begin a pack, then stopped, then restarted? I'm sorry, just trying to make sure I read it right. In my experience, anytime you start taking pills, then don't finish out the pack as directed I've had a change in my cycles and the bleeding. I'm assuming since you are nursing that you recently gave birth or within the past few months? That could possibly have some effect on the changes too I would think. If you had unprotected sex while you were not taking the BC pills, then it is possible you could be pregnant again... but if you are a truly a week late then you should be able to get a positive hpt. I'd see your doctor and possibly get a test with them.
  • May 5, 2009, 11:29 AM
    Bleeding in early pregnancy only happens in 20-30% of women, so if you bled lightly for 8 days I would think this is more of a period than you being pregnant. It sounds more like instead of a week late, you're just a week into a new cycle. Which would mean you are going to be ovulating (most likely, though some women don't ovulate normally when nursing) soon so your most fertile time will be coming up and you should be using protection if you aren't back on the pill
  • May 5, 2009, 11:32 AM
    My daughter is 21 months, I started the pack at the beginning of my cycle for one day stopped. Threw away the pills I missed and resumed the rest of the pack. My periods are usually every 28 days like clock work
  • May 5, 2009, 11:33 AM

    So then you only missed one day of pills?
  • May 5, 2009, 11:40 AM
    I missed 10 pills before I resumed taking the pills
  • May 5, 2009, 11:44 AM

    Ok, so you missed 10 pills. Had the 8 days of bleeding. Then started a new pack? It is entirely possible that this just triggered a light period of sorts since the hormones changed when he pills were stopped. It is also possible that you could have conceived when you stopped taking the pills. Either way, at this point, you should be able to take a pregnancy test. I would do it right away, as it is not good to take BC pills while pregnant, I am a living testament to that. (heart defects because my mother got pregnant while on the pill)
  • May 5, 2009, 11:46 AM
    On another note, just worrying that you may be pregnant can cause the nausea or pregnancy-like symptoms. But shifts in the hormones from your BC could also do it... So my safe bet would be to consult your doctor and get the test done. Good luck!
  • May 5, 2009, 06:55 PM
    Ispoke with a nurse at my ob/gyn office, and she said that I didn't have to throw the pack of pills away bcause they are lopw dose I could resume. But you must use backup protection during the first week. I didn't use a backup the first week whuch happened to be when I was ovulating. In turn I have to wait until Monday which will be a month from when I started the pill to take a hpt. I will let you know what happens, thanks for all your help

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