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  • Sep 21, 2006, 03:12 PM
    Teenage sexual orientation issues.
    I'm a 15 year old female.

    I know that every teen these days questions their sexuality. Every one of them. Even if a male says "Wow, I am sooo straight. But what if I WAS gay? EW."

    Ya know?

    I've always liked girls, even since I was little. I was always a tomboy, too. This was because I knew that boys married girls and girls married boys. I knew that I liked girls, so I figured I'd be a boy. But heck, I was little. What did I know?

    I also know that I'm mildly attracted to guys, but more so attracted to girls. Therefore, I'm bisexual-leaning more on girls. It's hard in a small town to have a relationship with a girl. My friends know I'm not perfectly straight. They don't descriminate, so it was easier to tell my friends, esspecially since you can find a million bisexual females everywhere you go--except here, where boys are holding hands with girls and girls are holding hands with boys. They don't want to make it public... So I can't "get any". And I consider being bi as gay.

    What I'm trying to do here, is make a point and express my teen angst. Haha. Maybe you got a glimpse of how I feel and your mind opened up a bit. What if your son/daughter was gay? Have a sense of empathy, would you?

    Any comments/suggestions for me would be great. :o
  • Sep 21, 2006, 04:48 PM
    Time Apart
    Its Ok. Try actually being a boy and dealing with a girls "space" it sucks lol. Read my post u'll see
  • Sep 21, 2006, 04:58 PM
    I think both of you will be just fine! :)

    Night alone... You are who you are and you should not be ashamed and you should definitely not try and hide who you are! Who cares what people think let them worry about there own lives! As years pass by people are trying to make more comfortable for bi's/gays/lez. So they don't feel like you do all the time... my opinion is let people be who they are! Stop judging.. only judge yourself :) power to you for being different!
  • Sep 21, 2006, 05:10 PM

    Originally Posted by Presleygall85
    I think both of you will be just fine!! :)

    Night alone...You are who you are and you should not be ashamed and you should definatly not try and hide who you are! Who cares what people think let them worry about there own lives! As years pass by people are trying to make more comfortable for bi's/gays/lez. so they don't feel like you do all the time... my opinion is let people be who they are! Stop judging.. only judge yourself :) power to you for being different!

    In no way am I ashamed, don't get me wrong. I just don't advertize what I am in school or anywhere else for that matter. I just want to get through high school and go where I can to please my wants/needs/goals.

    Thanks for the imput.
  • Sep 22, 2006, 05:55 AM
    If my kids where gay, so what, there still my kids and would be afforded all the love I got.
  • Sep 22, 2006, 08:31 AM
    Hi NightAlone!

    I agree with the other posts here! I live in a small town of around 400+ people (I know... really small)! Gays are criticized and ridiculed! My parents and friends are against it!

    I am heterosexual but I have not problems with people who are gay! I am also Catholic so it goes against my religion to think it is okay but the way I look at it... God wouldn't turn his back on gays!

    I know you are not ashamed of "who you are" and I wish more gays would feel this way!

    Do your parents or relatives know you are "Bi"? How do they feel about it?
  • Sep 22, 2006, 01:11 PM
    None of my parents of relatives know that I'm bi. Sometimes, though, I think that my mom and sister pick up on how I talk about girls. Like, I'm not afraid to say someone is pretty or cute or something. That's not neccisarily talking "gay" or anything, but they look at me with an idea sometimes.
    My dad and everyone else in the family, on the other hand are completely against it. My dad is the type of guy to kick a kid out, and he has. I don't want to go down like that. I'll wait till after college to tell my dad, cause I'll still need support from them along the way. That seems selfish, but it's true.
    Thanks for the comments, you guys. Keep it up. =)
  • Sep 23, 2006, 02:05 AM
    First, there is no law or rule that says you have to pick an orientation, put a label on yourself, or stick to one category. You can be whatever and whoever you want, call it whatever you want, and change it anytime you want!

    You can like mostly girls today, and fall head-over-heels for a particular boy tomorrow, and if that doesn't work out, you can go with a girl, or decide to dig boys for a while. Whatever you feel like at a particular moment is fine.

    And while it is natural at your age to want to know "who you are" and "where you fit in", you have NO OBLIGATION to inform anyone of how you feel about sex and romantic issues, or even to be honest with anyone who presumes to ask, EXCEPT (1) you got to be honest with yourself, and (2) you got to be honest with any other person you are involved with romantically.

    Other than that, you are free to do whatever you want, feel however you want, change either one from moment to moment, and not tell anybody else anything, unless YOU CHOOSE to.

    I have always loved the poem "Song of Myself", by Walt Whitman"

    Do I contradict myself?

    Very well then, I contradict myself!

    I am large; I contain multitudes.

    Also rememebr what a very wise man (J. Vernon McGee) said: "God made the country; man made the city... But the devil made small towns".
  • Sep 23, 2006, 04:49 AM
    Nice quote. Thanks for letting me know what you think. I appreciate the support. :)
  • Sep 23, 2006, 08:38 AM
    Is there an actual question here? Personally I believe that anything besides exclusive heterosexuality is wrong. Now if one of my kids were gay or bi I wouldn't love them any less. I'd still believe it's wrong and I'd tell them in no uncertain terms that I feel that what they're doing is wrong but I wouldn't not love them or disown them.
  • Sep 24, 2006, 05:14 AM
    Your up against a brick wall of attitudes and narrow thinking so watch yourself and just be who you are, its nobody's business but yours anyway.
  • Sep 24, 2006, 12:19 PM
    Yeah, I know what you all mean... And I agree completely.
    I've always thought that what goes on in other people's bedrooms is their business, and we shouldn't necessarily know what they are or what they do.
    But once in a while, esspecially being a teen, you need some encouragement and assurance.
    Man, this Oreo Mcflurry is goooooood...
  • Sep 24, 2006, 04:00 PM
    Consider yourself encouraged and reassured!! Anything else a porshe maybe?

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