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  • Apr 29, 2009, 10:32 AM
    Harassing calls to my son from ex-girlfriend & her mother.
    Hi.. my son has been receiving harassing calls from ex-girlfriend & her mother at all hours of the night and day.. My son lived w/his ex & her mother for about 2 months when she decided she needed space and asked him to move out. So he moved back in with us.. now, she continues to call his cell phone at all hours of the night to stress him out with all of her problems & if he doesn't answer she begins texting him.. her mother also calls and leaves vulgar messages, calling him all sorts of names.. My son is epeleptic and all of these stressful situations trigger seizures.. They have a son together & last night her cousin dropped him off here and said she couldn't get a hold of his mom, is that considered abandonment?we still haven't heard from her.. We are extremely stressed out with this whole situation.. This girl is very manipulating & thinks she is going to do to us what she does to everyone else.. She has also been calling my house like some kind of lunatic 10-15 times back to back looking for my son, when she knows he is working.. She is doing everything to get under our skin.. We are thinking of pursuing an injunction, but aren't sure because of our grandson.. what should we do? Thank you so much for your time.. Have a blessed day!
  • Apr 29, 2009, 10:46 AM

    Is it possible to block their numbers or get his phone number changed?
    It is not abandonment for them to drop the kid off with you. Although you can keep records of the harassing phone calls, times and durations that he is dropped off and any neglectful or abusive things they do and take it to court.
    Does your son have a visitations and custody order through the court? If not it might do him good if he goes for one.
    Also if you feel they need to have the number to communicate about their son then the court order can stipulate that she is only to call for important things and not harassment. The court order can also specify when and where she can drop off their son.
  • Apr 29, 2009, 10:54 AM
    Keep track of the harassment, don't erase anything. Get phone records to show that they have been relentlessly disturbing you.

    Get a restraining order. This is your house after all, with a mess your son has to deal with, but it does not mean that you need to be upside down emotionally because of it.

    Then your son should talk to a lawyer, and arrange visitation/custody issues.

    He needs to help solve his own problems, and failing that, I would ask him to leave and stay with a friend until he gets his life/girlfriend/child matters under control.

    This is not behaviour that has anything to do with you, and you should put your foot down, and take your life back.

    Set some expectations, and stick to them. It is not okay to run back to mom's house, and expect that you will take care of his problems, or be subjected to abusive behaviour from his g/f and her mother.
  • Apr 29, 2009, 11:01 AM

    I was on the receiving end of this kind of treatment.

    The only way to take action is to do as Jake says, document ALL contact, take it down to the police station, and file a report. Take out a restraining order if necessary. Change your son's phone number and see if you can block their numbers.

    Do not answer emails, texts, voice mails, any type of contact.

    You can file a police report without taking a restraining order.

    Best of luck - this is an awful way to live.
  • Feb 16, 2012, 08:30 AM
    I have also involved in such kind of a situation but I clearly stated my girl friend that I have involved in someone else and not interested in you any more. Initially it was a shock for her but now she has cooled down.

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