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  • Apr 27, 2009, 09:45 PM
    What can I do for my mom's foot?
    My moms foot is screwed. It's been over a year since she messed it up. April 17th 2008 to be exact.

    From what I gather, she stepped off a stair, and twisted her right ankle, it popped loudly, and in less than 20 minutes it was swollen to more than twice it's normal size.

    She has no insurance, but she went to the doctor, and they say she tore 2 ligaments in her ankle. The 2 that look like this /0\ where 0 is the ankle bone. They said they could do surgery, but it'd be costly, might as well let it heal itself. They gave her a cast, and sent her on her way.

    Once that cast came off, they put another on. Once that cast came off, it got a little better. She doesn't want to stay off it, so she got to walking some. But the pain became too much to bear, so she went back to the doctor, and they put A THIRD cast on her foot. This time they put it on differently, put her foot up like an "L" where as they just let her foot hang on the previous 2 casts. The doctors don't give her anything for pain, and she cries nearly every day while my dad works all day to get money to pay for pills from junkies, so she doesn't hurt as bad. She's depressed and has gained weight in the year of inactivity.

    Her toes aren't right, they twitch, and lift. She can't move her foot, and now her left foot hurts more then the right. She can't walk, and spends all her time sitting. It's now to the point that she almost can't make it to the bathroom, can't shower, can't do much.

    I feel helpless and need some help or advice. Anything would help, I've run out of ideas.

    Thank you.
  • Apr 27, 2009, 09:57 PM

    What is your muther's body wieght and hight, if you don't mind my asking?

    Also body type, and can you telll if her ancle is inflammed?

    Where dose it hurt on her left foot? And can she move it not standing on it with out pain?
  • Apr 27, 2009, 09:59 PM

    Does her right foot have a tingling feeling along with the pain??
  • Apr 27, 2009, 10:02 PM
    She says no, just pain
  • Apr 27, 2009, 10:05 PM

    Err... 180 something? 5'6" or so
    She's not thin these days, since she's been off her feet.
    Her foot's usually inflammed
    Left foot hurts in the ankle bones, hurts usually, and she can move it some, but usually it hurts too bad

    Thank you
  • Apr 27, 2009, 10:16 PM

    Ok, so I can't really research this but things you may think of looking into.

    Moderate or sever sprains can cause problems even after the ligament has healed. It can even cause permenate damage if not looked after. But do more research, don't take my word for it.

    You may try looking up, Peroneal tenosynovitis. Something to do with people who sprain their ankle walk oddly and over use a tendon on the side and it gets inflammed and cases issue. Could be what is happening to your mothers left foot, having to shift boy wieght?

    I doubt your mother needs to considder this, but, reflex sympathetic dystrophy, or Sudeck's atrophy. The shock of the sprain causes the blood vessels to spasme and then the foot doesn't get enough blood. Chronic pain, and the pain moves to different areas of the foot.

    Not sure what else to tell you, need more info.

    Peace and kindness be with you.
  • Apr 27, 2009, 10:23 PM
    Thank you incredibly, I think she's asleep, but I'll talk to her tomorrow about it all... again... thanks
  • Apr 27, 2009, 10:25 PM

    Originally Posted by mikeypizzle View Post
    err... 180 something? 5'6" or so
    she's not thin these days, since she's been off her feet.
    her foot's usually inflammed
    left foot hurts in the ankle bones, hurts usually, and she can move it some, but usually it hurts too bad

    thank you

    Sorry about the wieght thing, just wanted to rule out unlikely possibilities. No sense getting you to look up something compleately unimportant.

    Try looking up sinus tarsi syndrome.

    Remember I'm not a doctor and I took my info from a book called The Merck Manual of Mediacal Information. I tried to give you an Idea of where you may find some kind of a lead and maybe able to aske the doctors if they know about them. They may have mad a mistake, and it may be wise to take her in else where. Shots of cortisone seem to be used in many treatments, however, I advise you don't ask for those. If a doc suggest it, then say OK, but I don't think it will help in your mothers case. In fact it may hinder. But once again don't take my work for it. DO your research.

    Cortisone Injection - Steriod Shot

    Peace and kindness.
  • Apr 27, 2009, 10:29 PM

    Why not try fundraising money for any medical supplies or needs you have? Or maybe look around for any kind of commumity out reach programs. I'm from Canada and they do have such things, where some one who is disabled form working can get help to find a job, but they even help the person with medical costs (key word, help, they can't pay for it all.), finding accomidations at a job, getting better doctor care, etc.

    Good luck. And no worries.

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