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  • Apr 23, 2009, 10:59 AM
    I think I really messed up! Not giving space.
    So I have been with my girlfriend for about 6 years. But in the last year I lost my job and went back to school. Im 27 and my ex-gf is 24. She has always expected to be married by 24 but I still don't have my career and she already has hers. At the end of last year she started to get pressure from her family to get married, and then last month she got pressure again. And about two weeks ago, she asked to go on a break and give her space to think about things. Because our relationship has not been like she had pictured it and that it doesn't look like we are getting married anytime soon. And she doesn't know if she still loves me as a boyfriend anymore. The future she saw isn't too clear anymore. Everyone hurt her so much that she doesn't care about anything. That she is sad all the time. (I want to make her happy). She is moving out on her own next month.

    I took it really hard and upset that someone that I loved so much could tell me she doesn't love me. Over the course of the next few days I texted, and left her messages. I expressed how sad and disappointed I was in how this all turned out. And she told me she still loves me, but not as a boyfriend. That got me more upset and told her not to say if she didn't mean it.

    After I realized how selfish I was, I kept trying to call and contact her. I texted her when I was drunk and made this worst. We finally met up because I needed my stuff. We talked and she told me to look for a new girlfriend and forget about her, she wants me to start dating other girls. And we probably won't be getting back together and just let her be alone for the next few months. After we fell asleep watching TV. So I thought it would be nice to hold her. She let me hold her, but then she started to cry and said... "its over and you need to let go now." I told her "I know, but I love you and I will wait for you." I told her I know you still have feelings for me, otherwise you wouldn't be crying... she said "too litle too late." So don't ask me to marry you now, the answer would be "NO"

    We left and I texted her, "I know you still love me deep down inside, and I will be here when you figure it out." and "Its not over."She responded with, "Yes it, don't txt or call me anymore."

    I got really desperate and I messaged her friends to let her know that I love her and that I will marry her if she is ready...

    I think I totally messed everything up... I should have given her space when she asked for it but its so hard to do. She is moving next month, and I offered to help her move but I don't know if I still should... Is it really over? 6 years gone because I didn't give her space? I turned a break to a break up... How can I be so stupid?

    What can I do now to fix everything? Or is it too little too late?:(
  • Apr 23, 2009, 11:07 AM

    You can't fix it. Had you listened to her request for space, things may have turned out differently. Her feelings have changed and there is nothing you can do now. Just move on, go no contact and rebuild your life, without her.
  • Apr 23, 2009, 11:10 AM

    That's what I was afraid of... +sigh... I just thought if I didn't showed I care then the would be over. But too little too late... I wish I read these forums before all of this... 6 years... just sad... but I think she is depressed inside for some reason and she needs help..
  • Apr 23, 2009, 11:11 AM
    Here is the thing too.. she is not telling her family that we are broken up.. just in case, we do get back together. She doesn't want to explain to them what happen... but she followed that statement with, don't get your hopes up.
  • Apr 23, 2009, 11:12 AM

    Then LISTEN to her, "don't get your hopes up" Go no contact and realize that you can live a happy life without her.
  • Apr 23, 2009, 11:21 AM
    I wish

    6 years... not giving her space... then breaking up?

    I tend to think that even if you had done things differently, you guys would still break up. I highly doubt that giving her space would have made a difference. A 6 year relationship doesn't end just because of not giving little space.

    It sounds like you guys had a lot of problems already and you just dragged out the inevitable. She's made it clear that she no longers wants to be with you.

    This doesn't sound llke a case of "saying one thing and thinking another". I'm sure she knows what she's saying when she tells you not to contact her anymore.

    You gave it your best shot, it's time to move on. Don't contact her anymore and start the recovery process. You've suffered enough, it's time to heal.
  • Apr 23, 2009, 11:53 AM

    Ya.. I have been kicking myself over this.. She had been talking about moving into together again like when we are in college. But I told her I wanted to take care of my family for as long as possible.

    She said that it doesn't look like your relationship was moving any direction.

    I just don't get why she keeps telling.. that she is so sad inside, and she just wants to be alone... And just be her age, her friends are party animals, but she never really liked clubbing.

    She is having a doctors appt. tomorrow and I don't know if I should ask her how it goes.

    It just so hard to let a 6 years relationship down the hole. We were so happy about a month or two ago... then after so got pressure from her family.. it was over... even if I told her I wanted to marry her now, it would be too late..

    So I don't know.. just so depressed right now. And its been two weeks...
  • Apr 23, 2009, 12:27 PM

    Yeah, you messed up in a couple of ways. Learn from it because a moment like this could occur again in your life and you don't need a repeat of what happened here.

    Originally Posted by ldanny View Post
    ... our relationship has not been like she had pictured it and that it doesn't look like we are getting married anytime soon... The future she saw isn't too clear anymore...

    She (with some pushing by her family) wants to be married to a guy who is further along on the material development path than you are. Career, money, stability, readiness to make a family,etc.


    Is it really over? 6 years gone because I didn't give her space?
    It's probably over, but not because you didn't give her space. That was a mistake, but it was over before then. Your texting just validated her decision.


    Everyone hurt her so much that she doesn't care about anything. That she is sad all the time. (I want to make her happy).
    She's got an issue with following her heart. Expressing apathy and sadness indicates that she is trying to do practical things (like marrying some rich guy) without knowing what is in her heart. Her head is leading her heart, so she can't love you any more like she did before.

    I took it really hard and upset that someone that I loved so much could tell me she doesn't love me. Over the course of the next few days I texted, and left her messages. I expressed how sad and disappointed I was in how this all turned out. And she told me she still loves me, but not as a boyfriend. That got me more upset and told her not to say if she didn't mean it.
    Sounds pretty normal. But this is a good time for you to examine your emotional maturity (Emotional intelligence) (See Emotional Intelligence: 10th Anniversary Edition; Why It Can Matter More Than IQ: Daniel Goleman: Books)

    After I realized how selfish I was, I kept trying to call and contact her. I texted her when I was drunk and made this worst. (No kidding!) We finally met up because I needed my stuff. We talked and she told me to look for a new girlfriend and forget about her, she wants me to start dating other girls. And we probably won't be getting back together and just let her be alone for the next few months. After we fell asleep watching TV. So I thought it would be nice to hold her. She let me hold her, but then she started to cry and said... "its over and you need to let go now." I told her "I know, but I love you and I will wait for you." I told her I know you still have feelings for me, otherwise you wouldnt be crying... she said "too litle too late." So don't ask me to marry you now, the answer would be "NO"

    We left and I texted her, "I know you still love me deep down inside, and I will be here when you figure it out." and "Its not over."She responded with, "Yes it, don't text or call me anymore."
    Pretty clear... Don't delude yourself.

    I got really desperate and I messaged her friends to let her know that I love her and that I will marry her if she is ready...
    She's ready to move on.

    I think I totally messed everything up... I should have given her space when she asked for it but its so hard to do. She is moving next month, and I offered to help her move but I don't know if I still should... Is it really over? 6 years gone because I didn't give her space? I turned a break to a break up... How can I be so stupid?
    Everybody makes this sort of mistake. The six-year run ended for more reasons than just one mistake, though. Take care of your emotions by acknowledging them and letting yourself grieve. It's over, and the best thing you can do is to handle it graciously. Let go, heal, get on with your life.
  • Apr 23, 2009, 12:40 PM

    All I really got from that was that she desperately wants to be married, her parents and pressuring her to do it and it doesn't matter who the guy is as long as he pops the question...

    Time to move on and find a girl who cares about your feeling and needs and not just her own...
  • Apr 23, 2009, 01:11 PM

    You.. it was weird.. because when I was holding her for the last time we made out for a bit... then she was like "what are we doing..." "its over, time to let go.." and she was crying... I asked her why she was crying if she didn't care or love me anymore.. and she said "because I am sad all the time.."

    Just somewhere in my heart I want to believe that she will come back when she starts to think with her heart too.. but reality is.. she is probably done... sad but I need to start facing the truth... so hard to do...
  • Apr 23, 2009, 01:50 PM

    Her feelings changed. The same thing happened between me and my ex. The spark and connection just wasn't there for her anymore. After a while, after the lust wears off, it's the love and respect we have for each other that keeps us together. When this happens, many people think that the relationship just goes stale and gets boring and assume that this change means its over. However, people who are really committed to being together, transition to this mature stage and stay together. Some people make this transition, some don't. In order for the relationship to work, both people have to be committed. You are more committed to making it work than she is.

    She is looking for a fresh start, while you just want her. She wants to spread her wings, while you want to be there for her and help her with everything. At some point, people need to experience life for themselves and do things for themselves. Its time for you to allow her to do that and let her grow.

    Her saying she is sad all the time, is her telling you that she feels the pain and guilt of breaking up with you. Trust me it hurts her almost as much as it hurts you.

    You need to separate yourself from her (as hard as that maybe) and get your life back. Any further contact with her right now will not do anything but make matters worse for the both of you.

    Deep down you may thin that she will come back, but you cannot fall into that trap of false hope. You will just keep feeding in to these false expectations and end up hurting yourself more.

    You must move on and take what she has said literally, that your relationship with her is over. She is telling you she does not want you around, so you have to respect her wishes, no matter how hard it may be.

    Take the next few months one day at a time and work on rebuilding your life with friends and family. It's is very difficult, but with time you WILL feel better. You will feel like crap for weeks or months, but if you give your mind the opportunity to separate itself from your feelings for her, you will get out of the funk eventually.

    Now as far as the future... nothing is written in stone. Things may happen between you both, and things may not. No one will be able to tell you with 100% certainty that you will be a part forever, but just know that thousands of people have gone through the same situation you have and hardly any of them EVER get back with the person that they left or left them behind.

    Be strong and good luck!
  • Apr 23, 2009, 03:05 PM

    Thanks you so much for all of this advice.. I appreciate the help. I am sure you all know how hard it is.. at first I was really upset and started to talk to all the old girls in my life...

    And then there was my ex from before this one... She started to text me and calling me... she even text me "sometime love comes around..." ? That was a 2 yr relationship. But I have no feelings or ever want to go back to her... At first I wanted to just get out there and have a girl for support like the past. But I have no motivation or desire to do that anymore. I was just going to get her as a FTF but I know this will not be health for anyone..

    I am just afraid that if I let go of my 6 yr ex then I will become like the way I am with my 2yr ex... and I don't want that. Because I have never in my life ever pictured myself getting married to anyone except for my 6yr ex. I know its probably just the attachment talking, but I hold on to things I guess..

    My 6yr ex said that she doesn't plan on getting with anyone she just wants to be alone, and that even though she wants me to move on she will be sad at first but she will get over it. She says that I am a wonderful guy that needs a girl that can treat me the same way, and she is not that girl.. "Not now."

    Before the make out session for the last time, I jokingly said... she should be a FTF... She said maybe in the future, but not now... I asked her why.. "because you still love me too much.." So I guess she knows that I love her and that this is for her... I just wonder, what would have happened if I did proposed to her.. would we still be going through this?

    I need to let go but this is still so fresh in my head... Here is a upper, my friends asked if I were going to hang out tonight. I told them sure I need to get out.. But then I found out she is actually going to be there to hook up her friend with my friend... Dude, I would have cried like a little fat kid on a diet. LOL...

    I know,I know... let go, let go... so hard, so hard...
  • Apr 23, 2009, 03:20 PM

    I don't think she will ask anymore.. but should I help her move? (no would probably be the answer) And I still have her stuff at my house.. should I drop it off? I also boxed up all the pictures and presents (anything to do with her) should I give those items back to her?

    Weird thing.. she wanted the shirt that I wore on our first date... So I gave it to her. She smiled when she saw it. I asked her why do you want my shirt anyway? "Cause I like it."

    So to keep rambling but this is in a way helping me.. I am sure in a few months, I will be OK...
  • Apr 23, 2009, 04:05 PM

    I'll make this short

    1. No don't help her move
    2. Yes, return her things to her
    3. Don't give her anything else, only delaying your recovery.
  • Apr 23, 2009, 04:46 PM

    Originally Posted by ldanny View Post
    I don't think she will ask anymore.. but should I help her move? (no would probably be the answer) And I still have her stuff at my house.. should I drop it off? I also boxed up all the pictures and presents (anything to do with her) should I give those items back to her?

    Yes, be gracious, generous, considerate, kind and all the other things you would like to be to be at your best. Separating is an art, and few people can do it well. I've done it badly and well. Well is better; you heal faster. So does everyone else.

    So to keep rambling but this is in a way helping me.. I am sure in a few months, I will be OK...
    Hey, we've all had our hearts broken. Ramble on.
  • Apr 23, 2009, 06:22 PM

    Thanks.. guys.. I really need to restructure my life.. show her it was a mistake... but we have so much that is still wrapped up together.. its going to he hard separating everything... but it guess it all has to go back..
  • Apr 23, 2009, 06:54 PM

    She still has my house key too.. but I guess when she returns it... its final, not like its not right now... I just wish things were different...
  • Apr 24, 2009, 05:56 AM

    Just return her things and be done. Do ask questions. Any questions you have will answer themselves in time. There is no point going over the choices you made in the past concerning her and this relationship. Those decisions were made in the PAST and cannot be changed. Just deal with the situation you have at hand and work on getting over this bump in the road.

    It will take a while for you to get over this. Just live the single life for a while until you get to the point where you can start seeing other women.
  • Apr 26, 2009, 06:42 PM

    I left for vegas on Friday, and didn't contact her all weekend. Saturday was the 2 week mark of our break up.. I am not taking this well at all.. Even when I was at the clubs or dancing with other girls all I can think of is her...

    I swear, I am on the verge of tears each time I think of her. And EVERYTHING makes me think of her. I really want her back but I just don't know what to do.. I want to call her sooo bad, and hold her again.

    I know I need to move on and just close this chapter in my book. But I just can't seem to do it. Its getting so hard to the point that, I just don't care about life anymore. I don't know why I am taking this so hard. This sounds girlish, but on some nights I sweep as if she had died. But that is what it feels like, I can't see her, talk to her... all I can do is think about her...

    I try to keep busy but it just isn't working.
  • Apr 26, 2009, 08:06 PM

    How do I give back her stuff without breaking the NC?

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